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Posts posted by dsfortune

  1. Mine drove herself to school today for the 1st time - this stinks!!!



    Was she scared??? ;)


    We had one start his Junior year, and our baby started her sophomore year.

    Enjoy every minute - our older son started his 2nd year at Tech this morning!

  2. We used Jerry Worthy in a custody/child support modification. Glen Stinson was opposing counsel. We won, but were very impressed with Mr. Stinson. Not entirely sure if the opposing side hadn't dropped Stinson for financial reasons that the outcome would have been in our favor. :) He is a bulldog, and fights hard for his clients. He would definitely get my vote!

  3. We got our son a laptop - perfect for college.

    We also had a party for him. Just family and very close friends. Most of the other kids were having parties of their own, so it worked out just fine. We have a large family, so there were still close to 75 people there.

  4. All 4 of our children had to have braces. Our youngest got them when she was 8 or 9, wore them for 1 year and then had a "permanent" retainer for 2 years. She then went back into braces for another 2 years. If we had not done the first phase, she would have worn braces for 3 + years, with extensive oral surgery. Dr. McLendon in Powder Springs is phenomenal! He saw one of our son's 3 times before deciding that he did indeed need braces. I would recommend that you take your child to him for a consultation.

  5. As a step-mom myself, I have been shocked at some of the things that the step-parent in this case has said and done to these 2 great kids. I pray that this will open their father's eyes and he will do what he should have done years ago - save his children from this wretched woman!!!

  6. We have been married for 7 years, and my husband is still the most considerate man I have ever met. He has taught our 3 boys to be the same. He opens the car door for me, holds doors open for me or any other woman, makes sure I order first (and our daughter!), carries in groceries, etc. Oh, and in 7 years I have never cleaned a bathroom - that alone makes him a keeper!


    Our boys do the same. In fact, I haven't carried groceries out of the store or into the house in several years! They are very quick to notice if another man is NOT being courteous to a woman. The nicest compliment I can receive is for someone to say how polite my children are. I owe a lot of that to my husband.

  7. you're right- people to react differntly to all situations. Did you know meredith as well?





    No, we did not know Meredith. And while I don't necessarily agree with the boyfriend calling Q100, I appreciate his stated motive - to humanize Meredith. Too many times in cases like this all the public knows of the victim is just that: they were a victim. The media usually doesn't spend a lot of time discussing the deceased's life. But they are quick to let the public know every ugly detail about the death.

  8. He is not an EX-boyfriend. He was however married when they began seeing each other, so they kept the relationship very private. That is why no one knew about him - including her family and closest friends. I will give you that he may seem a little off, but I don't think anyone can say how they would behave under these circumstances unless you have been in his exact situation. He is grieving, and I'm sure in time even he will look back and think he could have handled this differently.

  9. Ours is not on private, but my two youngest teenagers' are.

    I've never really seen the point in making it private. If you are putting enough information on it that you need to worry, you probably don't need to put that much information on there.

  10. Whomever the child/children live with primarily get to claim them. If the non-custodial parent wants to claim them, there are forms that have to be filled out by both parents. The IRS makes it very difficult for non-custodial parents to claim dependents. We have 3 children in a blended family. My 15 year old son lives with us primarily, so we get to claim him. Our 18 and 14 year old children live with their mother so she claims them, and has since she and my husband divorced. Oh, and child support is not counted as income for the parent that receives it. Hope this helps.

  11. Ah, the beauty of having a 14 year old daughter whose biggest concern is where her softball glove is! She doesn't wear make-up and only started being concerned about her hair last year. When my husband and I got married and I was blessed with this wonderful girl I was so excited about gettingto do the girlie things. Now I really appreciate the fact that she is comfortable in her own skin, and could care less about the latest trends!

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