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Posts posted by dsfortune

  1. Think about what you are saying. Five white guys robbing one black guy in HIRAM. Where they trying to steal his afro pick? If I was a Vegas odds maker; I would put racial crime as 1-1 and non-racial robbery as 1,000-1. Deep South. Jews and Blacks not welcome. The parents of those five white people were no doubt around during Deep South Segragation. Don't think racism isnt handed down from generation to generation among Southerners.



    Prejudice much???


    Amazing how any minority - be it black, Jewish, hispanic - can scream out against whites and everyone pats them on the back and says "that's right", but don't ever let a white person say the first derogatory thing about someone of another race! Even if it is a comment on personal character, it always gets turned around to race.


    I am in no way condoning (spelling) 5 people of any color jumping 1 person of any color. But just for arguments sake, what if he was jumped for attacking someone else and not because he was black? Or what if he was waving a gun in the parking lot? He could have been white and gotten jumped for the same reasons. It isn't always "hey there's a black guy. let's take our redneck asses over there and jump him."

  2. I physically pay the bills, but we discuss everything. We don't fight about money because we never have any! With one child at Georgia Tech and 2 more in high school, it doesn't leave much!

  3. I understand about the carnage. We have 4 kids, so we set a price limit each year. The same amount is spent on each one, but the number of gifts that they have can vary depending on what they ask for. One might want lots of smaller things while another one asks for something that takes all of their alotted amount. In the 7 years that we have been married, this has worked wonders! My mom on the other hand, goes all out for our kids. She over does every year - but that's what grandmother's are for, right?

  4. My husband is one of 8 kids, so we get together with that side of the family the Saturday before Christmas. All of the kids draw names for each other and the limit is $25. Once you graduate high school, you are out! Everyone cooks and everyone helps clean-up. We have changed the location a couple of times, but always end up back at the same sister's house the next year.


    We are a blended family so Christmas morning is either on Christmas Eve or on actual Christmas Day. This is celebrated with our children, my brother and my mother (she comes from out of town every year). This year is going to be great because my grandmother (85 years old) is coming with my mom! She will meet 2 of my children for the first time! I can't wait!

  5. Good luck with this. When my son turned 15 he applied at Kroger, Publix, and several other places. None of them would hire him because of the strict laws about the number of hours that a person under 16 can work. We were basically told that it was too much of a hassle for the employer. He is going to be applying again in April when he turns 16. Gotta pay for that car insurance...

  6. IF we have any money left after getting them through college(3 of them could be in school at the same time!), we will probably travel. The likelihood of them all ending up close to home once they have degrees and careers is slim. The oldest has already spread his wings and moved to San Diego 2 1/2 weeks ago. We want to be able to spend lots of time with grandchildren - when the time is right!

  7. Saying goodbye to one son who is headed to San Diego for a new job :( , and sending another son to South Bend for the Tech vs. Notre Dame game - hopefully! He has the ticket, now just working on the transportation to get there!

  8. Our son used the proactiv for more than a year. It helped, but it didn't clear his skin completely. He tried Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash for a couple of weeks and it made a huge difference! We have since cancelled the proactiv and now he only uses the Neutrogena. He has fewer flare-ups, and even when he does they aren't nearly as bad as the were.


    Good luck finding something that works. Everyone is so different...

  9. We ate there on Saturday night on the recommendation of our 15 year old son (he had eaten there with his dad). It was excellent! More food than any of us could eat - including the 15 year old! Definitely home cooked! Highly recommend.

    1-75 North, Exit 290, turn right, they are directly on the right just behind Wendy's

  10. There is a course offered by Paulding County Community Schools. There is a link to it on the BOE website. The cost is $400, but that is for 30 hours classroom (which is held at East Paulding HS), and also 6 hours behind the wheel. Our 18 year old took it, and our 15 year old completed the classroom portion earlier this summer. He will do the driving part the 1st week of school. 2 - 3 hour sessions. I highly recommend it!

  11. GET A LAWYER!!!

    Do not go through DFACS or Family & Children Services - it will take longer, and there is really no one acting on your behalf.


    Child support of $300 sounds reasonable, depending on your husband's income. The laws in Georgia have changed, but if you serve her with papers to challenge custody, you have to file in the county & state in which she lives.


    Good luck!

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