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About Piclady

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member
  • Birthday 09/09/1956

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  • Place of Residence
    East Paulding
  1. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/source-multiple-people-shot-in-paulding-county-neighborhood/386830476
  2. All of that definition of murder is true enough but she has a trial before her and it's not happened. That's where she will be tried and a decision will be made as to whether or nut she DID murder her husband. Until then, it would seem to be the responsible thing to do to call her the suspect. That's what she is in America. of course , that is up to you regarding how YOU handle it. Every article I have read other than this one does indeed not determine her guilt.
  3. She has been CHARGED with murder. She has not been CONVICTED of murder. In my opinion, calling her a murderer should be reserved for a jury. Of course the Prosecutor may call her that. But that's not what a News source IS. I realize that she is suspected , and a logical choice. I also know it's not right to be stated as such by anyone in responsibility for reporting facts. I hope this is the general consensus. When you know the people and are experiencing shock and sadness, it should not be clouded with outside unfairness.
  4. I have known these two for more than 20 years and , while I haven't seen them hardly at all for several yearsI am in shock.I saw them a few weeks ago in Ingle's and talked to them for several minutes and all seemed as usual. I know that Billy has been sick and I know that they have been together for 40 years or so(?) and always seemed like a "team". It is certainly different when you Know who the people involved. My prayers are for all that know them and love them and for Jeanie . I don't have CLUE WHat happened but I know this is not something the Jeanie I knew would consider- so somethin
  5. Excellent!!! Put a smile on my face- Thanks!!!
  6. Thank you- I appreciate your KIND words. I realize that I took the one statement and was offended by it- I was very close to my Dad- and I was asking for pointers on catching a Thief- and I DO realize that I overreacted to the suggestion that I should be making scrapbooks. I DID privately try to apologize to that person. I explained why I was upset and that I hoped to mend the fence and told that person I appreciated the obviously misunderstood intentions- That didn't turn out well. I can't care about that right now lol. I do appreciate the decency of most people . I have a lot of thing
  7. I am making posters right now to put out in the neighborhood- The police or myself have spoken to a whole bunch of these folks. The sheriff's office has been AWESOME with me- I know they want this solved as much as I want it (Well NEARLY lol.) I guess I have mis spoken about the STuff being all I have left of Daddy- I KNOW you know that I have Plenty of wonderful memories of our time together, BUT- he would be laughing his butt off talking about the BUCKSHOT that had to be picked out of this idiot if he (they) had stolen it from HIM..wouldn't he? lol- I sure miss him. AND his stuff. I lov
  8. Snotty little A**???? thanks- you are just the BEST THANK YOU. I went and bought some poster board and markers.I will do just that. I talked to a fine detective sargaent today - he's opening up some new doors in the search. I feel a little hopeful again You are exactly right- I feel threatened and hurt and a lot of things - and I had not thought of google- excellent idea- thank you so much. Apparantly I haven't quite learned the Paulding .com ropes so I appreciate your considerate words.
  9. For the time being- yeah. It's bothering me lol.
  10. You assume too Much . I have memories , more photos than most, and I did not plan to sit around looking At a generator. You may not realize that if you walked outside and your motorcycle Or you car or anything else you own was missing, you would probably try to Get those things back . If you or anyone you love or like or whatever worked to earn the money for those things My motorcycle was to take me on a ride to the mountains this weeks so I could go stare at some fall colors and a deer or two. The reward still stands I still want my belongings and I bet you would too. They Belong
  11. Any Ideas on how to flush out the thieves? As many of you know- my red Kawasaki Ninja and many of my Father's Things were taken last weekend. The thief( one of them) placed an ad on Craigslist Including his phone number. While the sheriff's office is doing all they can to Arrest him and recover my things , my worries are Non stop. I am imagining my things being sold for very little , enough to find a weekend for a drug head, Knowing how hard my dad worked for them. He had hernia surgery in June and died in July as a result of Pathetic medical care. I miss him so very muc
  12. You are absolutely right. The police can't tell me specifics- plus I'm sure they dont want me to hinder their Hard work. I told her I'm at the tipping point now. I at first thought to be kind and to consider thT people make mistakes. Kind of "go and sin no more" Soon I think it will be best that they find him before I do
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