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the real sage

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Posts posted by the real sage

  1. 1st child - lots of fruit, cheese and cooked squash

    2nd child - had a sweet tooth! (ironically, I gained less weight with her)


    I am currently pregnant with my 3rd and I have to say, I am craving home cooked meals with meat! I went over two years without eating meat and all I want now is meatloaf, homemade tacos, slow cooker pot roast, chili, ha! And I could drink juice all of the time but I try to drink just as much water ;)


    I can't stand fast food right now (which is fine with me, it is horrible for you anyways) and nothing too sweet ... homemade cookies usually fill any sweet tooth cravings that I have every now and then!




  2. Won't be long until we have a thread about you. In a few more months. I love babies, I loved being pregnant. ;)



    I know! I just started getting clothes yesterday because I keep putting it off ... but 3 months will be here before I know it! I am going to start working on his room next month ... it's really surreal & exciting!

  3. I would love to see a crafter commerce membership! I would buy one for sure!


    I very recently had to let my commerce membership go because I just can't invest that amount of money into something I do on the side. Candlemaking, sewing, etc are things I really love to do but they aren't my full time job and I don't make a ton of product.


    It would be wonderful to continue to be able to have my soy candles, aprons, etc available on Pcom for those who would be interested in ordering them :pardon:

  4. OMG! I can't believe it's been that long already! When is your due date?



    Well my initial due date was August 19th but it changed a smidge when I went for my last ultrasound so I may be about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks farther along than I imagined ... which is fine with me, ha! It is going to be no fun at all being 7 months along, 8 months along, etc. in the summer heat :wacko:


    The bonus is I get a baby during my favorite time of year and I can drink my coffee again in the cool weather :pardon:

  5. Yes, we are....and praying for a boy! :p



    Hubby keeps calling my belly Caleb James. :wub:


    I told him he's going to be disappointed if it ends up being an Ava Mackenzie! :lol:



    Yep, I am pretty excited about having a boy! We went for our 6 month check-up today ... time flies!

  6. sage where you been? and how are you feeling?


    I have not seen you in a while...


    I am doing good! Cutting back on my work hours because I am getting drained ... I can't believe I am 6 months along already :o ... I've been trying to pop in every now and then :wub:


    PS: Thanks deewee and GoBama for your sweet words!

  7. BLUE JEAN BEAR STUFF!!!! (see? i knew there was a reason i got all that stuff down out of the attic last week!....other than you needing the obvous big things...I almost left all the blue jean bearblankets and homemade quilts and linens then decided to drag it on down too...they are here waiting in plastic inside the bassinette for ya whenever we can hook up!)



    Awesome! I'll be at work all day today but I will defintiely send over a PM to see when we can get together, thanks so much again :D

  8. YAY, I knew it! Lol I told Kel after you left here the other week that you were gonna have a boy :wub: We have some baby boy clothes if you need them?



    You are a sweetheart. I will gladly take any baby boy clothes you all are ready to pass on! I've been putting aside some things for Peanut so we'll have to swap :D


    Congrats! The girls will LOVE to dress him up. :ninja:



    :lol: That cracked me up when I read it because I totally see this happening to him ...


    Awe Congrats! WOW you are 20 weeks already!! Boy time flies when you aren't the one Pregnant :D





    Congratulations!!! What do the girls think of becoming big sisters to a little brother? I love his name! Miss reading your posts.


    Thank you! They are both super excited to help out and especially pick out his clothes for him :lol:

  9. congrats lady ! ... how exciting .... i love the name ... we have a ton of stuffs for lil boys to wear ... just let us know n we will send it up with michael !



    Yay! Thank you! I miss you :D

  10. That is so awesome. I seriously thought about you yesterday because I was going to see if you knew what you were having yet? I have a bunch of moon and stars pottery barn bedding and other stuff for a baby boy if you want it. It is in great shape.



    Oh yay! That would be awesome, thanks so much!


    PM when you are ready for me to take it off your hands :D

  11. :D Thanks everyone!


    AJ - I have no idea what to do with a boy but I know I am stoked to find out :lol: He will be loved for sure. The four of us are so excited, we were all rooting for a boy (but would have been happy with a girl too)!


    deewee - You can rub the belly any time!


    His name *as of now* is going to be Heath Phoenix Adderley :wub:



  12. I know I have been MIA from Pcom land but I thought I would swing by today and post for those who have asked me over the few weeks about what we are having: IT'S A BOY! :yahoo:


    Alright, I am going back to work now :wub:

  13. I am really not surprised at all.


    He is so nice and she is so hateful to him. I just read in People that he doesn't enjoy the lime light as much as she does. He did go to his mother's and went out for a beer and got crazy. Didn't screw around though... They say they love each other and are devoted to each other. We shall see. I love all the kids but one... If you watch- you know who I am talking about.



    Exactly. That one child that you speak of is a mini version of Kate :lol:

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