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the real sage

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Posts posted by the real sage

  1. Your girls were so cute this afternoon and the little boy was nice to go to sleep both times we were in the camera room.---- Both times you ask? I was not excited with the results and went back to take a few more--this was the last image and I knew I had the image we were looking for.


    Yay, there they are! :D My cowgirl, police officer, and banana! Thank you again for a wonderul experience, Nicholas!

  2. I just got home from having pictures of the kids taken. Nicholas spent so much time with them and made sure we got an amazing shot of them before we left. He was really awesome with the kids!!


    If he doesn't post a pic of the kids before I do, I will scan in a print when I pick them up next week. :yahoo:


    He'll be at his studio until 6 pm tonight!! Go enjoy his special :D

  3. Groups are OK for the same price.


    I can't gouge people for extra kids.


    My daughter would be $32 to get in the door.


    Come on down. I' be in starting at 2 in Dallas today.


    I will be doing this by myself today so I hope I don't have anyone waiting in a long line.


    We will be quick and still get the best image of your children.


    Wonderful, thanks so much :D

  4. PLEASE tell me that her house didn't flood, again!?! She just got it all finished from the first "flood" -_-


    No, thank goodness ... that has been a nightmare to say the very least. The problem is that the recent flood has interfered with the already ongoing construction at her house. I just got off the phone with her, and everything seems to be back on track with the contractors to resume tomorrow so she should be back to work then. ;)

  5. Keep up the great work, Nicholas!


    I think it is great that you get creative with your topic headers! These are hard times for people and you must do what it takes to keep your business going. Your topic headers definitely pertain to what services you offer so it's no big deal. We all know that some folks need to whine about something daily or else :lol:


    I need some updated pictures of my little ones so I'll be by soon. The baby is 3 weeks old already, he needs some photos taken!

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