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About CaliforniaBlue42

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Place of Residence
    Hiram City

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  1. Just called the water dept. Re: no/low water pressure off Hiram Sudie... No idea as to when it'll be repaired. Any one know what happened?
  2. Any news about the gaggle of police on Davis Mill this afternoon around 3:00pm?
  3. just curious, has anyone participated, or checked out the Hiram Library teen activities as of late? It's great to see an effort for the teens in the county. Thanks-
  4. Just read The Paulding Neighbor and was wondering....Is anyone concerned about the Quarry expanding?
  5. Thanks for all the input! It really helped! (I now think I may want to start sitting) !!
  6. neither...just curious what the rate is these days..... when I was a kid $5 hr was a lot...now I hear it's about $10 hour and I was surprised.
  7. Thanks, what about the going hourly rates for evenings or week-ends?
  8. Just curious what the going rate is for babysitting these days......
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