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Posts posted by GipperGirl

  1. We drive 30 miles to our church(I grew up there) but I know that West Ridge is great-lots of friends go there.My son has been to their VBS and loved it.There were hundreds of kids there!

    Whatever you decide,there is no perfect church.They all have people or things you'd like to change.But,get those sweet kids there as often as you can-especially before they're teens-then basically LIVE there! There is nothing better than a teenager who wants to go to church.Even if it's only for the social scene,what they pick up while they're there is priceless.

    The world is a scary place.Our kids need a strong church family and a Pastor or leader they can confide in and trust and parents who can,too.

  2. Maybe a history lesson is in order.


    Baptists were the ones who pleaded for the 1st Amendment to have separation of church & state. Before it was in the Bill of Rights, these same Baptists convinced Madison & Jefferson that there needed to be separation of church & state. Baptists like John Leland & Isaac Backus preached, wrote, pleaded & begged all over VA & NE that the gov't & state union was a bad idea. Why? Because we use to not have separation of church & state & Baptists were on the persecuted end.


    Roger Williams was the 1st Baptist in America & he was kicked out of Boston because he dared question the church & the state. He then founded Rhode Island on complete religious liberty for all faiths without the gov't favoring any of 'em.


    Another Baptist, Obadiah Holmes, was beaten & killed for questioning the wisdom of church doctrine that controlled the gov't.


    The Baptists wrote about "separation of church & state" until it was added to the Bill of Rights.


    It is in the Baptist Faith & Message it is very clear that Baptists do NOT believe the church & state should be joined together . . .

    A similar statement about separation of church & state is in every denomination in the US. Sadly, many ignore it.


    It is not Biblical to support a melding of church & state. In the Garde, God gave us choice & did not force or coerce anyone. Jesus did not either. In fact, X said that He would build His =church= to make disciples & that His Kingdom is not here but elsewhere. We don't rely on the gov't to make disciples but the church. No where in the text does it say to win the =power= of the gov't; intead it says to pray for the gov't leaders that they leave us alone (1TIM 2:2). No where does X say to coerce of force a false piousity with laws but make disciples with the church teaching.


    For 200 years Baptists were known as the people who fought tooth & nail to keep religion out of the gov't & the gov't out of religion. We recognized that throughout history, in =every= =single= nation that ever melded religion & gov't, the result was disasterous. The church became ineffective & the state became ubearable, while both became corrupt. Jefferson said the same thing. Madison did too. And so did every Baptist --- until about 30 years ago.


    Something happened about 30 years ago & now the church is more committed to wining the voting booth. It wants to put religious law into civil law to =make= people live right.


    We have to realize that if Baptists can make the rules today to our benefit, another group will come along tomorrow & do it to us. The only way to protect our religious freedom is to make sure everyone is protected & the gov't is neutral on matters of faith.


    That is what historical Baptists have always held. Those who would say we should legislate our dogma or coerce faith simply don't know their history . . . or Bible.

    Okay.Thanks for the history. I'm pretty well versed on church history and political history and I could'nt disagree with you more. Safe to guess not Southern Baptist?

  3. :huh: DEATH DOES NOT BOTHER ME. Where'd you get that?


    I said doing some things would get you killed

    that has nothing to do with me being bothered and offended.


    I would be more than happy to die, at this very moment.

    But to be killed by not using my noggin...no


    and this was about what you, not Jesus, thinks is acceptable.... as a Christian

    I know that Christians are to do their best to act like Jesus, but how good are you at it.

    stay on track if you can

    What part did you read?

    Your questions are pointless.They are only there for you to fire back and tell everyone your opinion and tell them HOW to answer the question. Sometimes the best answer is'nt the most obvious.

  4. Here's a news flash: the faith-based groups have already used their religious exemption to hire/fire based on any # of criteria we find objectionable.


    Evangelism should concern you: do you want other religons using tax money to do that? The Congress debated that when they were constructing the Establishment Clause & were adamant that it NOT happen. Same in VA for which the 1st Amendment was modeled after.


    I assure you, there is no indoctrination of liberalism. That is an emotional land mine that is thrown out there but is simply not true.

    What? I have read alot of your posts and I cannot figure you out. Whose side are you on,anyway. Did you say that there is no indoctrination of liberalism? I know you're not referring to government schools? Am I confused or are you about the strangest Baptist I've ever heard of.

  5. you know what here's my opinion

    I was given this by God

    You talk in such circles. It seems your afraid to be yourself.


    I didn't ask the question WWJD?

    I said



    come on, you like starting crap too. I have noticed that. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out either.


    We should try our best to do what Jesus did,. yes, but it is not humanly possible.

    So hop back down here with the rest of us sinners and speak as if you actually walk this Earth.


    Also, doing evertything like Jesus will get you butt killed,

    And we aren't promised to be woke up in 3 day!!!

    No,but we are promised that to die is gain. If we did everything like Jesus we would be following his commands and if that means death then we gain from that. We are not supposed to value our own earthly life over following His commands. This seems to bother and offend you. But,as long as wer'e talking about what Jesus said,He also said that He was and is offensive to those who do not understand.

  6. Welcome to Georgia!!!


    My favorite is when the play the headline breaking news music and come on the screen saying "Winter Storm Watch 2007" (said in my best news announcer voice) :)

    Me too!!! And,notice that EVERY holiday is the most "heavily traveled day of the year"! If pay close attention it is really funny. I wonder if they're that stupid or do they think that WE are too stupid to notice?

  7. My heart goes out to you. I've been there,too. A few years ago our dog became paralyzed over the course of only a few hours. I took her,in tears,to Dr.Bowen who took one look at her and told me where she needed to go next and in a hurry.

    In my early research,most people said they had to euthanize their dog with the same problem and even the surgeon mentioned that as our first option. But,we just did'nt feel like that is what we should do. We felt like if she could be happy,maybe not totally healthy,for even a little while then it was worth the risk,the money and the extensive care we would have to give her at home for the rest of her life.

    Many tears and prayers later,she has done so much better than expected and she is happy again. We just had to try even if it didnt work. It 's not the right choice for everyone but it was for us-although I did question that choice more than a few times along the way.

    I know your sweet dog has a different problem but I encourage you to try it if you can and if you feel like it's the right thing to do. It taught me alot about little miracles and made me so appreciative of each little one.

    And,Dr.Bowen is the BEST.He is not only our vet but he is our friend and our church elder.He is as trustworty,honest and capable as they come.

    Good luck.

  8. Do you trust our government with your money? Why do we trust them with our children? The government makes a mess of almost everything it touches! We've become used to the downward spiral of our public school system that we just sit around and point fingers. You have to vote with your feet-get them out of there! It did not "just" happen-it has been going on for many years. I never spent one day in public school and my child hasnt either(all 9 years so far). You don't have to be rich-you have to sacrifice and make good choices. You have a choice here! Forget the new car-get them out of the goverments "care".

  9. This is crazy. I have 2 children, my daughter is 10 and my son is 13 (14 in 4 months). My kids go to Bartow County schools because they live with their mom.


    When I went to school at Lassiter from 1982-1986 we didnt have this crap.


    My wife is a teacher in Paulding County and came home today and told me about the Gang War at EPHS. She said go to Paulding.com and read for yourself.


    I fear for my kids, I have asked my ex to put them in private school (Christian Private School). That is sad we cant use our county resources in fear of violence against our children, I want my kids to get an education and go to college and make a good living for themselves, not be bullied to quit or do bad or going a gang.


    Gang Bangers Suck....

  10. Oh yeah. Lets go tell the girl about this. I'm sure thats senstive to her feelings.


    You all think its insensitive because you cant go oohh and awwww and cry about someone you dont know and somehow turn this into your very own little theray session. Somehow everybody turns these tragedies into poor me and it has nothing to do with me cause this one time at band canp thread.




    There's my nickels worth and I have more to spend

  11. I feel like Zell Miller when he said he didnt leave the ideals of the Democratic party,they left him. Except,I am a life-long,die-hard Republican and I just voted completely different(absentee ballot) than I ever have before. My husband and I have had it with our government getting bigger and bigger and more intrusive everyday! We both love the President and voted for him twice-but he spends our money EVERY single chance he gets! We have to stop putting a band-aid on the problems of our government and change the way we vote. You are not wasting your vote if you vote Libertarian. Yes,it probably is a vote for the Dems but you have to start somewhere and that time is this election for us.

    The Republicans have been sitting ducks for the last few years and after we gave them such a huge victory! Too much power and arrogance. Our Forefathers would have HATED career politicians. They have had the pulpit for quite a while now and they have squandered most of their time. They are afraid to make people mad by actually doing something. They should be more concerned about pleasing the people who put them into their offices. They have offended me and my family and it may hurt for awhile but change usually does.

    The Republican party has thrown morality out the window! It is a MORAL issue to spend MY money that I earn and received and education to perform on things and people that I have no control over whatsoever.

    I hope they are shocked at the results and may God have mercy on us all if the Dems do get control.

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