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Everything posted by fire911

  1. Anybody tried having your yard sprayed for mosquitoes?Any Luck? Recommend anybody?They are really bad at my house this year.I have noticed a lot of companies offering this service and did not know if it was a waste of money or not.
  2. I have dealt with Judge Beavers several times over the last 32 years.Sometimes it had to do with my own personal legal matter and sometimes it involved someone else.I have been on jury duty several times and on the Grand Jury twice.I have always seen him act in my opinion in a fair manner.I'am not saying he always gets it right,but he has always seemed fair and very professional to me.Please don't bash me.Just stating what I have seen personally.
  3. Yes everything is a effort..I did not realize I had any symptoms until I started reading up on the subject.I just went in for a routine check up because someone suggested it because I was over the age of 50 and should start keeping a eye on things.They did the bloodwork and this showed up.I was feeling tired all the time,no energy,weightgain,trouble focusing,etc.I just thought it was normal because I was getting older.Maybe not.
  4. I was not having any symptom,I just went in for a routine check up and they did bloodwork and this came up.Cholestrol was a little high,thyroid was a little low.Everything else was fine.
  5. Doctor ran bloodwork and said I have low thyroid.Not bad enough at this time for meds,but does want to keep a check on it.Does anyone else have this problem?Any suggestions on foods that help or hurt?Vitiamins?Anything?
  6. Thanks guys.Great experience.Two thumbs up.
  7. Need a ride from Gwinnett Place Mall to Eagel Rock Studios
  8. I may be in a situation in the morning wher I may need to use uber.Where do I get info???
  9. My neighbor recently got divorced and decided to rent out a room in his basement to help with his bills.Guy moved in with a 30 day lease and then he was to go month to month.30 days was up and he had no rent money.Next month same thing.Neighbor finally told him to get his stuff and GET OUT .H e said no,he had as much right to be there as the neighbor.Cops said as long an he had personal belongings he had rights to be there.This is gonna be a long drawn out mess.I HATE FREELOADERS....
  10. Tornado reported on Ridge Rd.
  11. News just reports a tornado touched down at 92 and Due West Rd.
  12. We are now under a TORNADO WARNING!!!
  13. OMG.I can't believe he is gone.
  14. The New Hope community has lost two very wonderful ladies all in the same week.R.I.P. ladies.
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