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Posts posted by Nitro

  1. Again, I wouldn't bet too high on that. However the initial contact may be made (Nextel, LL, smoke signals, native dance), further communications generally do take place via the main communication form of the dept./agency.


    ...and how many circumstances require the contact of the Sheriff?


    Doesn't matter if they communicate over the radio after the initial contact or not or how much they communicate on the radio once contact is made.


    The point was that the Sheriff doesn't use the radio. Primarily the reason is because he isn't involved in the minute by minute details that the require the use of the radio.


    For things he's contacted about that need to be documented, I'm sure he'd use the radio.


    But as his primary job is an administrative job, he doesn't need to be on the radio that much.


    You must know something I don't... so why do you think the Sheriff's talk on the radio more in other counties? (this isn't sarcasm, I'm truly interested).

  2. Whatever his number is, it doesn't get called. It's been so long since I've heard anything about him on the scanner, no wonder I forgot his number.



    My point was that if/when they need him, they don't use the radio.


    The Sheriff and anyone that would need to get in touch with him have county Nextel's.


    The last place the Sheriff should be contacted is the radio.

    He would have to be listening to it 24hrs a day and paying attention for his call.


    With the Nextel, he carries it and answers it when someone chirps him.


    I'd be willing to bet that no matter what county you go to, you'd rarely, if ever, hear the Sheriff on the radio.


    You'll rarely hear Col. Hick or Lt. Col. Walker on the radio either, but that doesn't mean they aren't accessible.

  3. I met Gary last week. I have lived in Paulding for 15 years and this is the first time that I have ever heard of him. He seemed very nice, but if he is the right hand man at the department, right now, why has he not taken steps to change the things that needed changed? Why has he tolerated the lack of work ethic that Bruce has taken in the last couple of years?



    Uh... What exactly would you expect Gary to do?

    He is an employee of the Sheriff's office, which is run by Bruce Harris.

    Bruce is his BOSS. He does what Bruce asks or else he doesn't have a job.

    Why has he tolerated it? Probably because he likes his job and likes bringing a paycheck

    home for his family. Gary is very active in trying to make positive changes in the community,

    but he only has the authority to go so far.


    It is time for a change and we have several very good candidates to lead us in that positive direction that are NOT associated with the current sheriff's administration.



    That just doesn't make sense.

    Just because a person works for someone you don't like doesn't mean they will have the same work ethic.

    I've worked for people in the past who's work ethic I didn't agree. That doesn't make my work ethic flawed.


    The rumor is that Bruce will step down when it gets closer to the election and that would make Gary the acting sheriff. That would immediately make him the incumbent on the ticket.



    No, it wouldn't make Gary the acting Sheriff.

    Gary is Captain of the K-9 division. Next in line for acting Sheriff would be Col. Mike Hicks, then Lt. Col Jim Walker.


    I have a scanner that is on 24/7/365. It has been YEARS since I have heard BH on the radio and only rarely will a dispatcher refer to "100" which is BH's radio number. If he's getting called out in the middle of the night, it must be on a different radio system and he's communicating with the deputies via megaphone on site, then.


    Bruce's radio number is 1, not 100.


    100 is the one of the Crime Scene Technicians.


    Bruce communicates with deputies mostly, on county Nextels.... he rarely uses the radio.

  4. My response to you individually was because of your attempt to knit pick my original post. I said cycle and posted a picture of a cycle that is indeed legal to be ridden by anyone as young as 15, with as little as a learner's permit and no insurance or tag is required. You attempted to basically call me a liar by responding that I was wrong.


    And your post about the 50cc moped has exactly WHAT to with a wheelchair?

    My first response in this thread was pointing out there is no 50cc limit that applies to wheelchairs.

    That's when you posted the 50cc max on a moped... There's no relevance, so why post it?


    Oh, and BTW, you want me to point out WRONG?


    That picture of the scooter that you posted CANNOT be legally ridden by someone as young as 15 with a learners permit.

    You can't get a motorcycle learners permit until you are 16 and aren't eligible for a full Class M until 17. Look it up.



    Saying that the cycle I posted was a scooter & it was in the same class as a motorcycle and shared the same requirements. Even quoting Ga Code. Everything that you stated about my posting being wrong was incorrect in its entirety


    Umm.. No, it wasn't. The picture you posted as a scooter and falls under the motorcycle regulations, not moped regulations.


    You should not go around trying to interpret every sentence of every post and try to call out every single thing that you think is incorrect. Because basically you suck at it! You appear to be very misinformed, yet think you know much about every topic.


    Oh really? When did I ever say that I know something about every topic?

    You can't handle having someone question what you say so you get your panties in a wad?

    Grow up dude.


    You then proceed to post information that is wrong and this inherently ruins the entire online board experience for all involved. Everyone can post here but you shouldn't just post to be disruptive. Perhaps you would be better served by going back to your Star Wars comic books and rewriting the words so that they fit into your ideals & life plan. There once was another poster in PCOMland who did the same "freckin" thing that your doing and he was banished for his behavior. Good Luck StarTrooper!!!!!


    Yeah, and the name calling and belittlement that you're throwing out doesn't do that, huh?

    At least I'm a little above the name calling....

    Don't like what I have to say, ignore the post... but I bet you can't do that.... I'm sure you'll come back with more name calling

    and belittlement to this post as well.

  5. Let that wacko chavez run his mouth, also let him embargo his oil to the US. Fact is The US is the only country that can and will refine the grade of OIL that his country produces. He is driving his country's economy into the tank. The best way to get gas cost down is: Quit using Ethanol which uses a 1 to 1 ratio of fossil fuel to ethonal to produce. Also gets worse mileage and cost more to ship. Second Stop all the different blends and have only one national standard. Third open the green river basin to oil exploration.


    So true!


    But let's not forget the environmental crowd... Ethanol burns cleaner in your vehicle :rolleyes:


    All the pollutants that are from making it don't count as long as it comes out cleaner from the tail pipe, right? :rolleyes:


    The Green River Basin and ANWAR as well.

    There's plenty of oil in this country, if it extremist environmentalist would allow the exploration and tapping of the resource.

  6. Do you need a passport if you are driving to and from Canada.


    Boyfriend's is wanting to drive to Toronto because his mother is having surgery. He don't have time to get a passport because the surgery is the first week in April.


    I have read so many conflicting websites...some say you can...some say you can't.





    Call the Paulding County Superior Court Clerks office @ 770.443.7527


    They do the applications for passports. They should be able to definitively

    answer any questions regarding the process and where it is or isn't needed.


    Last time I was in Canada, 3 years ago, you didn't need one.

    Drivers license and birth certificate was suffice.


    I know the regs were supposed to change, but not sure if they have yet.

  7. Ever womder why its still going around? couldit be the people that know its true keep it going I got it to way before 2005 I posted it then and will keep posting it every time it gets passed around.


    Yeah, just like the virus hoaxes that come out ever two or three months.


    Just like there's a house bill that's going to make it where the government starts charging us for every email we send.


    Just like adding an aaaaaaa@aaaa.com dummy entry in your address book will prevent viruses from spreading.


    Just like Microsoft is going to give you a free computer if you send an email to 15 people in the next 20 minutes.


    Just like the man who insured his cigars against fire and won the insurance claim when he smoked them.



    These very same emails circulate OVER and OVER and OVER.... that doesn't mean they have any validity or are real.

  8. Like I said belive what You want I sent you the email address to check it out. Yes I have.


    Actually, it's quite apparent, you haven't.


    You want the facts, ok, here, let me pull them for you, since you obviously haven't bothered to check them for yourself.


    Sunoco............... 0 barrels

    Conoco................ 0 barrels

    Sinclair................ 0 barrels

    BP/Phillips........... 0 barrels

    Hess.................... 0 barrels

    ARC0. ................... 0 barrels

    Also: Pilot, Flying J, Love's, RaceTrac, Valero


    Conoco DOES import from the middle east.

    They used to be a primarily import from Mexico, Canada, and Venezuela, but they merged with BP/Phillips, which does in

    fact import from the middle east, unlike what the emails states.

    This is clearly evident from the DoE's (Energy Information Administration)website.

    Citgo is a Venezuelan company, but they imported from Iraq 1.3 million barrels and almost a half million barrels from Kuwait.

    BP/Phillips imported 700k barrels from Iraq and 1.1 million barrels from Saudi Arabia.


    Again, all that information is on the DoE's website and easily accessible.



    Urban Legend:

    n. An apocryphal story involving incidents of the recent past, often including elements of humor and horror, that spreads quickly and is popularly believed to be true.


  9. Many different sources of oil are mixed at the refinery stage, there is no "Saudi Arabian" gasoline.


    You can't tell people that though.


    God forbid oil companies buy from more than one distributor!


    What's funny is people are so focused on the gasoline and where it comes from, but they

    never stop to take in to account about the engine oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid,

    mineral oil, machine oil, kerosene, diesel fuel, PLASTICS that they use in their lives.


    I wonder how many people are going to start boycotting everything they use that's made out of plastic.

    We use a heck of a lot more plastic per household than we do gasoline.

    How many people do any kind of research or complain about the engine oil they use?

    They don't try to find out where the Castrol GTX or the Quaker State they use comes from...

  10. From: Jimmsks@aol.com


    Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 00:55:00 +0000

    From: "Gil W." <gilwo@bellsouth.net>

    To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>



    An email address? Ok. What do you want me to do with that?


    BTW, I have checked it out.

    I checked it out back in 2005 when this email started going around.

    It was wrong then and it's wrong now.


    As stated, everything can be verified from the DoE.


    Have YOU bothered to check it out? I think not or you'd realize it was bogus.


    As I stated, the very first sentence is false.

  11. Not false ! This came to me from my mother who is retired military and has contacts in overseas intelligence. The reason they keep it going is to keep it fresh. But you can belive what you like.


    So, it came from your mother.


    It did NOT come from her contacts in intelligence over seas.


    It's been floating around the internet for yeas...



    ...and just an FYI, the very first statement of it is false. The gas rationing was in the 70's, not the 80's.

  12. I know what I posted a picture of Bucky!!!


    Really? Then why didn't you post a picture of a moped and not a scooter?



    What's with the "Bucky"? Are you 12 or something? Did you come up with that all by yourself?

    Can't have a discussion or debate without calling names? Wow, great addition to the thread....


    You must understand, the codes of law cannot be quoted using only the sentence within that you think applies to your argument. You must use the entire body of the law and all definitions within. I understand you must be a novice in reading and understanding the code and I'll give you a C+ for your valiant effort.


    Yeah, apparently you do to since you don't know the difference between a wheel chair and a moped.



    And just for others information, since YOU didn't post ALL the information in the 40-1-1 code section (That you should eloquently boasted about reading),

    that code was recently amended so that mopeds are to be defined as "non-pedal" cycles AND the other part which totally negates this thread as a whole.

    And just for your FYI, just because the state includes the under 50cc cycles in same code as mopeds does NOT make them a moped.

    A moped has pedals... The very name MOPED, as I pointed out is MO=motorcycle PED= with pedals.

    Just because the state says they have the same status of rights doesn't make them a moped.

    The state calls mini-vans trucks too, but they aren't trucks.


    The Act, known as the “Segway Bill,” creates rules of the road for Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices (“EPAMD” or “Segway”).

    The Act gives EPAMD riders a hybrid status of rights, including the rights of pedestrians (to operate on sidewalks), bicyclists (to operate on bike lanes),

    and motorists (to operate on roadways where the speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less). The Act provides for safety regulations,

    restricts the use of the EPAMDs by children under the age of 16, and provides penalties for violations.

    The Act allows local authorities to regulate the operation of the EPAMDs, provided the local regulations are no less restrictive than the state law.


    So, there's the answer to riding a motorized wheelchair on the sidewalks. It's perfectly legal.

    As well as, riding a motorized wheelchair on the street that has speed limits of less than 35.

  13. I I agree that she is probably a hazzard on the roadway but you can not deny her the right to use it.


    First off, she has no "right" to use it.


    Second off, her "privilege" of using the roadway is dependent on staying within the existing laws.



    It's amazing how many people think that they have "rights" to things they don't.


    I bet you think you have a "right" to vote too.

  14. AWWW, did you go thru and just pick out my posts to expound upon? :blush: :wub:


    Uh... no.


    I believe I replied to several peoples posts.


    But rather than create 14 different posts to respond to yours, I tried to condense them a little and

    reply to each on in the same post.


    If you want, in the future, I'll be happy to reply to each and every single thread and use up 10 times the bandwidth. :o

  15. CLEAR. I did not realize that he has a VAN and not a TRUCK. MY BAD DAYUM DUDE lighten up. I won't apoligize AGAIN. You were lucky to get the first one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I didn't ask for an apology and there's no need for me to lighten up... I'm not worked up.


    It just appeared that you tried to jump my case and when I jumped back,

    it seemed that you tried blaming me for the mis-understanding...

    If that wasn't the case, then my apologies to you, as well.



  16. Then why isn't it against the law to smoke cigarettes or be obese? Those who fit those categories cost the heck out of the rest of us.


    Actually, it IS illegal to smoke cigarettes in certain places.

    Restaurants, shopping malls, etc...


    I believe, but I'm not sure, that is applies to any place that the public has access to do (businesses, etc...)


  17. Some of us can be pricks sometimes huh? I do apologize for not being completely aware of what you were talkin about. I read what YOU put on here. Thats all I had to go off of......



    Yeah, you read what "I" put in their... but you didn't read ALL of what I put in there.


    Usually, when someone puts a quote from someone else at the top of their reply, that's the person that they were responding too.


    I quoted the original posters question.

  18. I would say that if there is a fight, there is an 80% chance you will both go to jail. Even if they hit you first, there has still been a prior dispute of some sort and one person's word against the other. If there are witnesses, they might help you out when your day in court arrives, but it will not change the fact that you were arrested. If you have any professional licenses, any type of government job, or plan on seeking employment any time soon, let it go. Tell the police so that it will be on record and try to stay out of trouble.



    Print out the comments and take them to the police. Let them tell you how to handle it. It may make them pee their pants if a cop shows up and confronts them about terroristic threats. People tend to shut their mouths at that point. You might even be able to get a restraining order based on the comments.


    It is completely idiotic to threaten someone. And in this way, you have it in writing.



    Just an FYI, if you fight in front of children, you can be charged with Cruelty to Children. That could limit a lot of future options for you around children.



    That's the best two pieces of information that you're going to get on the subject.


    Yes, a threat is a threat. It doesn't matter if it's verbal or written.


    Yes, you have a right to defend yourself, but you don't have a right to act physically on verbal or written threats.


    The law is very clear. You have to believe your life is in immediate danger.


    If the person comes after you with a gun or knife, that's immediate danger.

    If they are standing at the street shouting taunts at you, leave it alone... call the cops.


    Along with the advice of calling the cops and reporting this guy, also call the park and rec dept or school where the sports activity is based.

    I'm quite sure the administration of whoever is over the sports do not want or condone this type of behavior.

  19. It is legal to drive a cycle that has a maximum 50cc motor on the roadways with as little as a learners permit and no insurance or tag is required.


    per Ga Driver Services Web Site:



    A moped is defined as any motor driven cycle with an engine not exceeding 50 cubic centimeters (3.05 cubic inches).


    Mopeds are exempt from the provisions relating to the registration and licensing of motor vehicles.


    Rules to operate mopeds on Georgia roads and highways:


    Must be 15 years of age and have in their possession a valid driver's license, instructional permit or limited permit.

    Must wear protective headgear (motorcycle helmet).

    No tag is required.

    Every person operating a moped upon a roadway must obey the same traffic laws governing drivers of motor vehicles.

    May not use limited access highways or other roadways where the minimum speed limit is above 35 mph.



    Per the LAW, as stated and ratified by the Georgia General Assembly:


    § 40-6-350. Traffic laws applicable to persons operating mopeds


    Every person operating a moped shall be granted all the rights and shall be subject to all the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under this chapter except as to special regulations in this part and except as to those provisions of this chapter which by their nature can have no application. However, the operator of a moped shall not be required to comply with subsection (e) of Code Section 40-6-312, relating to headlights and taillights, or subsection (B) of Code Section 40-6-315, relating to windshields and eye-protective devices.


    The exceptions listed 40-6-312, have to do with lightning that is required by motorcycles and 40-6-315 have to do with protective gear (helmets, eyewear, etc.).




    BTW, the picture you posted is not a moped. It's a "scooter" and they must be in full compliance, just like any other motorcycle.

    A moped has pedals, just like a bicycle and can be pedaled like a bicycle without the use of a motor, hence "mo" - motorized "ped" -pedal bike.

    This is a moped:



    and to my knowledge, there are no manufacturers in the United States right now that are making mopeds and haven't for 20 years.

  20. Again, not trying to argue, but with cerebral palsey sever enough to need a electric wheelchair would preclude being able to utilize a non-motorized wheelchair.


    I understand... and for the most part, I agree... Like I said previously, I think the officer could have

    found something more critical to do.

    But then again, I don't know what the officer was thinking.


    We don't know the whole story, as usual.

    Maybe this officer has told her before about riding on the street and she didn't listen.

    Maybe he was indeed truly concerned for her well-being.


    The fact is, the law says that if you operate a motorized vehicle that is not registered

    as farm equipment, you must have a license or you are violating the law.


    Those are the facts, therefore the officer was justified.


    The only thing you and I can do is sit back, wait for the court to listen to both sides

    of the story and make an intelligent (hopefully) decision.

  21. Did the OP specify that it was a motorized w/c??? If so, I missed that

    It still doesn't matter. You don't give her a ticket for "driving w/ no license" when she is only trying to operate her wheelchair.



    Umm... yeah. Rhonda Wilson, who has cerebral palsy, was riding her motorized wheelchair to work



    ...and yes, apparently you do. As I said before, just because she's handicapped doesn't excuse her from breaking the law.


    If she was rolling a non-motorized wheel chair down the street, there would not have been a problem.


    But a non-handicapped person can walk down the side of road & be completely legal . . .



    Yes, and a handicapped person can roll a regular non-motorized wheel chair down the same road

    and be perfectly legal also.

  22. And you would recommend she do what to get to work?


    Uh... how about drive?


    You don't have to have legs to drive.


    There are plenty of people who drive automobiles that are in wheel chairs.


    Automobiles are fitted all the time with hand controls for the handicapped people.


    How about using a non-motorized wheel chair?


    It's not up to me to recommend how she gets to work.

    Personally, I think the officer might have found something better to do,

    but he is well within his right to do what he did.

    Just because she's in a wheel chair does not exempt her from the law.

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