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Everything posted by NewsJunky

  1. Be careful folks this could happen to you when your taxes go up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7Jw_v3F_Q0
  2. Guess you are right as long as it comes out of someone else's pocket to support these folks. We shall see what happens when kids start getting sick here and the taxes go up to support folks who had no right to be here in the first place. California is about to go bankrupt and it is in large part because of illegal immigration and the cost to that state.
  3. This administration has according to reports delivered 290,000 illegals to homes across the US. The government is now in the business of transporting illegals to the places they chose to go in this county. I will ask again whose President is this man? http://dailycaller.com/2014/07/05/border-meltdown-obama-delivering-290000-illegals-to-u-s-homes/
  4. Now you are way out on a limb and sawing it off. Worst ever for transparency. I will start the list with 2 big cover ups maybe some others will add to it. It is a long one. (1) Benghazi (2) IRS Scandal
  5. Your assertions that they come here for jobs today would be stronger if we did not have the health and welfare programs that were not available to immigrants who came here through Ellis Island. Once again you slam anyone who sees things differently as being less educated than yourself. I suggest you read more and learn more about what is really happening with illegals and the cost to America. I have no problem with legal immigration as long as we are not importing poverty. There can be no effective discussion of immigration reform until the border is sealed and this President does not want
  6. I know that fear. It is paralyzing. I will send prayers your way. I believe in their power. Keep us updated.
  7. Add Dalton (carpet mills) and Cedartown (Chicken Plant). Gwinnett has a large population and Douglasville is gaining on them.
  8. They are aren't they? They are doing pretty well at making us learn their language and provide all government documents in their language. Wonder if their language will become the official language?
  9. Because in Georgia there are over 450,000 illegals. Most do not want to learn English and tend to stay within their small knit communities. I would bet in other states it is pretty much the same. Why would you come to work in another country and refuse to learn the language even if it cost you a job?
  10. Good to see you posting. Hang in there and you will be home in no time.
  11. I like this thread. Two strong women whom I admire show their true colors. Happy fourth of July!
  12. I know what it was about. The feds are trying to say that the civil rights of those who can't speak English are being violated because the employer wants to make that a requirement to work at their business. Do you think it is their civil right too and the employer has no say in it? I don't mind talking about other things that have a link to this issue like illegal immigration. Chances are that the employees are illegal.
  13. I am going to copy and paste and sent this to Richard and pray that he is elected as State School Superintendent. I have spoken to both candidates numerous times. I believe he is the one who will read this and give it the attention it deserves. Thank you!
  14. Thank you for a great and clear explanation of what they did, what's wrong with it, and some ideas on how to fix it.
  15. You hit the nail on the head. Just wait till those liberals in New York find out about the big increase they are about to be hit with on health care. Wonder how they will feel about it then?
  16. I don't pretend. I think politics is vital to protecting our lives and the way we are able to live them. Losing the battle right now and freedom is fleeing before our eyes. At least before the eyes of folks who have their eyes open.
  17. Oh they exist all right and so do the fake families. They will be given government checks and we will get the bill. It really irks me to hear the press secretary spin this and make Obama sound so innocent in all of this. What a lie.
  18. Here you go, fake families gaming the system. We have to stop this before our own boat sinks with the weight of it. http://www.krgv.com/news/border-patrol-agents-report-increase-in-fake-families-/
  19. They can't. They have to move on to the next thousand. This is one of the most serious problems America has faced and we have to stand by and watch this President and his policies harm this country more with each group he invites in. He is importing poverty and we will have to pay for it in many ways. Terrorists are coming with them and no one to stop them. Watching his press secretary spin it right now.
  20. Only way is grade inflation or recovery. Not their fault and not the teachers fault. Bad program from the get go. I think that is why so many have to take remedial classes for college after they graduate HS with honors.
  21. I read that too. I have told my BOE members and others that this program was bad for years. Dr. Barge looked me in the eye and told me he would change it. Well he did not. I am taking Richard Woods word that he will. Mike Buck is Barge's second in command. No way would he get my support or my vote.
  22. Can't unless the 2002 law with unintended consequences is repealed or thrown out. Do you think it is a coincidence that they are able to stay under that loophole and that they are coming by the thousands? I don't!
  23. I am hearing that they are being turned over to folks who are strangers and claiming to be relatives. The border patrol are now baby sitters and can't catch drug smugglers and criminals. The smugglers love it!
  24. His supporters will never admit that but if it isn't a plan it sure walks and quacks like one.
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