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Posts posted by tess

  1. Lantus & Humalog long acting & short acting insulins are $300 ....they are more stable than the old NPH & R insulin as they keep your blood sugars more level ...the old $30 ones have delayed reactions & keep a residual amount that sometimes act at bad times....I tried for years to keep my blood sugars level with those sometimes the R would react quickly & sometimes it would take 1 or more Hrs before it worked to bring down the highs or counteract the food you just ate ...the NPH can sometimes not work for up to 12 hrs....leaving you with a high or low.....the Humalog is usually working within the first few minutes you take it and the Lantus seems to not have a up & down effect...

    that being said ...some doctors that deal with type one diabetics have insulin at their office that the drug companies give them to start new patients and maybe he might call and ask if they can help him

  2. His daughter posted on Facebook that when a truck passed him on his motorcycle, with a trailer he was pulling behind his motorcycle, that it caused him to lose control and wreck...I too hated when my daughter use to ride with her husband...a wreck causing her permanent damage to her leg made her not want to ride again... Someone pulled out in front of them, not her husband's fault...but still both were thrown over the hood of the car and landed on the pavement on 120 Hwy...if you have doubts about the danger... come look at my daughter's knee...

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