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Posts posted by freebird20050

  1. If you think I'm inviting people to come into our hood with the purpose of starting trouble your wrong! But if anyone reading this knows how to end the trouble, take 61 south out of dallas and we're the third street on the left past McDonalds. :ninja:


    When you try and try to handle things the right way and you get NO HELP from our Justice System(excuse me, thats INJUSTICE SYSTEM) you are forced to take matters into your own hands....

    I agree with the baseball bats, rednecks, or WHATEVER to take your lives back from these SCUMBAGS!!!


    What I find most appalling about this whole situation is over 16,000 people have read these horror stories about what is going on there and yet no one seems to be getting anything done about it. Don't tell me some of these people are not "connected" to some of the State departments that could do something..


    Don't people realize that when these thugs get everything they can get from this subdivision, they will be moving on to another??? tHEN ANOTHER... Once the "thugs" realize people (and agencies) in Paulding are complacent and nothing is going to be done, you can only expect more of this type shi*.


    I am sorry to say, but when the SYSTEM fails, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE.

    I regret the ages of these kids, but their activities have placed them at an adult level, they are old enough to know right from wrong. SMITH & WESSON is a hard teacher, but for some of these people that is the only thing they understand.


    Now I wiill wait for all the lily white, do gooders to bash me for my opinion!!!! GO FOR IT. I can only pray that one day you are placed in this type situation, with your kids and life in danger, and we will see if you still feel the same way....POOR CHILDREN MY A$$


    SIGN ME=Living in the subdivision next door.

  2. Freebird,



    Like I said above, the money is irrelevant, but the wrong done to us is what is hard to get over. Why?

    Because these people (cops) and the justice system is supposed to be there as a check and balance between us good citizens and the bad guys. When the go betweens(cops) treat the good guy like a bad guy and then go to court only to find the judge is even worse, well it sort of leaves one with that kicked in the gut feeling.

    The system has become so mired in greed and the wrong agendas that there is no turning back to fix it. The stark realization of that fact is the source of that bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. We were all raised to think that the cops are there to serve and protect us as well as the courts. They are supposed to be fair and impartial and punish accordingly the bad guys so us good guys can go about our business and be left alone.

    One day you slip up and get a ticket or are in the wrong place at the wrong time and wind up getting a ticket or find yourself in jail. Reality sets in by the way you are treated and you realize what you are told and what is being taught in school is far from reality. You are guilty regardless and you may be proven innocent if you work your butt off to prove it because the cops sure ain't about to lift a finger to help you do it. They wouldn't even take finger prints off my truck when asked by us and my attorney, they refused. That smacks of corruption to me; ubstruction of justice!


    There are far too many cops in the traffic business being revenue generators rather than public servants and protectors of the innocent...


    I appreciate your sentiments regarding my daughter. I tried to convince her to get an attorney, even agreed to pay for it, but she has the strong Christian belief that "right will prevail" mentality and was so sure that when she went to Court and told the truth, everything would be OK. She even refused to subpeona the witness because it was a "inconvenience" for him and he had already paid his fine so that he did not have to go through the BS..... She is learning a very hard lesson in life.


    But I wholeheartedly disagree with a couple of your statements.... If the system is "broke", it must be fixed.....whatever it takes! These people get their power when the general public becomes complacent and do nothing to try to fix the situation. .We CANNOT sit back and let this continue, IF we can prove it!

    If more people would bring things out in the open and let the public know what is going on, hopefully, people would not be on Pcom asking WHO they need to vote for!!!


    A prime example----VICTORIA COVE SUBDIVISION-- I had no idea of what was happening in this area and I only live a couple of miles from there!! I did see the "poor black me" version on the news, but never heard the REAL truth until I went on Pcom. I find it hard to believe that over 16,000 people have read about the problem and yet it seems the general public is just sitting around waiting on some kid to be killed breaking into someones house...before they are willing to set up general patrols or whatever it takes to STOP these people. I for one would be more than willing to drive through this street 15 times a day if that is what it takes for them to get the message that people will NOT STAND for this kind of harrassment, etc.


    I have not spent time in this Court room other than yesterday to be able to say with certainty what is happening. I do know that yesterday, every person there was found "guilty" as charged. Is this normal? I would not think so. It will be interesting to pull some stats.....


    On behalf of the VILLA RICA POLICE DEPT, I have to say that I talked with the Internal Affairs person who was willing to listen and agreed to pull the tape of my daughter and the cop who stopped her. He did not feel there were any "inappropriate" comments made by the cop and agreed to meet with us and let us listen to the tape if we wanted. He was good enough to say that she was very respectful to the cop (unlike the witness) and was willing to admit that she must have been caught up in the few seconds between the light changing and the bars flashing and coming down. At least, he was willing to listen and gave her the benefit of the doubt. He was very professional, polite, and did not come across with the "guilty, because you got a ticket" mentality. I appreciated his time and energy.


    I refuse to paint all cops with the same brush....as with all things, you have good and bad. I never intended my post to become a "bashing" of cops. I wanted to find out how many people had been ticketed at this crossing and about the "workings" of the crossing itself. What I got was people saying yes, they were speeding, etc. and got caught. If you notice in the majority of post, the admit they were guilty and they learned to SLOW DOWN. Hello, this is why we have the cops ....to enforce the law, BUT NOT ABUSE THEIR AUTHORITY. I have friends who are cops and when I hear some of the things they go through, I feel sorry for them. I realize they are under a lot of stress and do not know who to believe, etc. It is not a job I would want to have, nor would I want my child to be a cop knowing that any minute "little Susie" might blow their head off!


    I am sorry for what both you and my daughter have had to go through. I guess the old saying "life ain't always fair" is true. It is unfair that both of you have to go to bed every night feeling you have been labeled a "criminal" when you were innocent.....But I for one refuse to bury my head in the sand and continue to let my rights be taken away. For now, you can actually pray on Pcom....will you be able to tomorrow or the day after......NOT if the right 'group' comes along.....What I am saying is, if the system is broke, help prove it and fix it.....don't just give up and roll with the punches!!!

  3. Freebird,


    First of all this is a moving violation and not an arrest so if I'm not mistaken this will fall off her driving record after a time and not follow her for life. If it were me I think I'd appeal it and get that witness in there with me or a signed and notarized affidavit to the witness' account.


    A hard truth that is unfair but prevelant in this country is that if you show up to fight a ticket and the cop shows up too, you are going to lose. The judge 99.9% of the time will side with the person wearing the badge. The cops know this, it is that simple. :angry2:


    I know exactly how you feel about this jack ass judge, guilty til proven innocent, and the whole gammut. I was arrested nearly 2 years ago because some red neck idiot on crack woman told the cops I ran her over in my truck. What actually happened (briefly) is that she and an accomplice followed, tailgated, and stalked me for 4 miles on my way home from town; pissed off because I honked at them for sitting too long at a stop sign and holding up a block's worth of traffic.


    They both got out of the car at the stop sign in broad daylight and cussed me like a sailor and dared me to hit their car so I just went around them and let them stand there looking stupid, I wanted nothing to do with them. I pulled off the road 4 miles later to let them go around me and they pulled right up in front of me blocking me again right there on the side of the road. I had enough Bull Sh** from these two idiots so I got out, walked up to the car, turned the car off and threw her keys over the roof of her car to buy myself some time to escape these lunatics and told her to quit following me.


    I got in my truck to leave and the passenger tried to hit me just as I shut the door and she shattered my mirror. She then kicked, beat, slapped, and cussed her way around the front of my truck and down the opposite side eventually doing $2000,00 + damage. As soon as she got clear of my truck I left and called 911 and asked for a cop to meet me at home as I wanted to give a written statement as to all this crazy crap.


    When I got there, there were 3 cars and the deputy nearest my driveway hollered for me to stop at gunpoint. He ordered me to the ground and as I knelt in disbelief to what was going on he tackled me the rest of the way to the ground and cuffed me. When he came back after looking my truck over he hollered get up! and grabbed me by the bicep still cuffed and jerked me up off the ground! I'd had enough so I told him he needed to stop roughing me up. I had his hand and finger marks bruised purple into my arm for a week! Damned unnecessary! :angry2:


    I spent the next 2 days in jail for something I didn't do. I hired lawyers and detectives and found out this bit** had done this type of thing before and is one of those people that try to cash in on insurance/ workmans comp claims. After 9 months I was arraigned for hit and run basically and eventually had all my charges dropped when the DA saw all the witness accounts at the scene saying I didn't hit anyone and other evidence I had on her.


    Bottom line is it took 15 months for this to be over officially and $5000.00 of my money that I'll never see again. All for nothing and I now have an arrest record. Even though it says the charges were dismissed I still don't like having a record of any kind that I don't deserve which for 41 years I had no record til now.


    So believe me, I FEEL your pain sister. If the jack ass deputy had treated me with a little dignity and not like a scene from dukes of hazard I'd have told them the whole story since that is why I called them in the first place. But after roughing me up and treating me like they "had their man" before they had fact one I decided not to tell them anything and just hire a lawyer lest they turn my words around to their advantage.


    They never said I was under arrest, never read me my rights before or after they questioned me and yes they did question me and I refused due to the complete loss of trust in them. If you have a badge, you do pretty much whatever you want and the "law" has a way of backing your play so you are teflon when the charges and or complaints come rolling in. My neighbor was shot to death in a classroom by her instructor and not only is he not in jail for negligent manslaughter, he still has his job! That slaps us all in the face; just try and imagine how her folks feel.


    As a result of these and other things I have witnessed, I have absolutely no use for law enforcement. I don't hate them, my other neighbor is a new deputy and a good fella but I have been abused too many times over the years and have no more faith in them as an entity.


    Sorry for the long winded reply. I'd take the money if you have it and fight this with a lawyer and that witness and administratively ram one up their tail ends. People give up too easily due to the legal quagmire and the judges know it and so they get away with all these "liberal" type judgements and never have to answer for it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely!


    I wish you well my friend and the best of luck. In any case, don't let it eat you up because it will if you allow it; drive you crazy dang near. In spite of it all, life is good...


    This is terrible! You hear horror stories like this all the time and you hope it will never happen to you or anyone in your family.... I think you would feel somewhat like a woman who has been sexually violated and the man claims "it was mutually agreed upon sex". I know my daughter has made herself physically sick over this whole episode....... It is bad enough she had to pay the fine for something she was not guilty of to start with, but to be put on "probation" and given a record is unbelievable to me for a first-time offense. As for getting a lawyer to fight it, NOT ONE of the poor suckers who had attorneys today was able to fight the system.....they wound up paying the fines, getting put on probation, and paying the attorney to boot!!! This judge was in one mode.....GUILTY AS CHARGED..... I am sorry for your experience....I can understand your feelings towards the cops.


    Violation of a railroad crossing is much more serious than the red light violation. The fine in most places for this is pretty steep. Pull up the code section on the internet - Georgia state site, link to government, then laws and regulations. You can't be charged if you were already on the track before the signal starts up and the arms start to come down.




    My daughter-in-law went to Court today, much to my surprise, the cop testified that she was NOT on the tracks at the time the bells started going off. He stated he did not know "where" she was, but she was NOT on the tracks. The judge totally ignored what he said, as well as what she said and issued her a $250.00 fine and 6 months "unsupervised" probation. THIS WAS HER FIRST OFFENSE EVER!!!!


    She explained she was the first car sitting waiting for the light to change and proceeded to go across and there was NO BELLS OR WHISTLES going off. He stated he didn't care if the light was "green", the lights on the bars "must have been on and she just did not see them." I was told by a person who worked for the railroad that the traffic signal and the bell and whistles are programmed to go off at the same time.


    In the 5 hours my daughter had to be in Court, there was not one person found NOT GUILTY.

    People were given "probation" for going 15mph over the speed limit?????

    Does this judge not give a damn about what he is doing to people's lives???? My daughter has a 4.0 average in college and plans to become a teacher. Does he not give a damn that she now has to report this "probation" sh** on everything she does from here out????? He got his money, WHY was it necessary to give her probation and punish her for LIFE???? Is this done in your Court?



    I am sorry, but I am so mad and so frustrated that our Court system can allow this to happen.

    Today in Court just proves my comments in my posts.....there is no more INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY....when you get a ticket, YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY GUILTY (at least in VILLA RICA)!!!!!




    AND YES, my next call will be to Channel 2 and Sonny Perdue. Someone needs to look into what is going on!!!!

  5. I was given some coins 4 years ago by a friend to find out if they are worth more than face value. I have checked into websites and determined that some may be more than face value, but I am not sure.


    Do you know of a coin store in the Paulding Area that I could take them to look at?



    I have some books which give current values of various coins. If iyou will tell me what denominations the coins are, the year, etc. I will see what I can find for you.

  6. Paulding County was on the news again tonight. I dont know about what. I just caught the very end of it. It was on Channel 5. Anybody know why we hit the news again?


    I just caught a portion of the report....it was a meth bust. Someone was cooking meth in a home while a 2/3 year old was in the house I believe. Not sure of the location.

  7. There is only bout 2 good cops in every county if were lucky. The rest are just out to get their quota no matter what they have to do.


    I have only been on this website for a short time and I don't know any of you. After this post, I may be asked to leave.....but so be it.

    I have really enjoyed reading most of the post and I have picked up a lot of valuable county info here.


    I am just having a hard time dealing with some of the "stupidity", for lack of a better word, that is posted on the site. The above message is a prime example....If the above were true, New Orleans would not hold a candle to the corruption, etc. that would be going on here!!!!

    How can you be allowed to post such an outright LIE? I would be willing to bet if someone were breaking in your door, you would not be able to call 911 fast enough and ask for one of those "bad" guys to get to your house!!!


    Yes, there are "bad" cops out there, but there are a helluva lot more "good" than bad. They deserve a lot more credit and respect than they get. I am going through a situation myself right now which could warrant my saying they were all "a...holes", but I know that is not true......people are human, we all make mistakes....yada,yada.


    Do people honestly think others "enjoy" wasting their time reading messages with NO MESSAGE or making assinine remarks which they cannot back up? When you PM them to get information, they won't even respond. This tells me they are blowing smoke....or just flat out lying!!! They need to get a life...


    I especially like the guy who must be sitting on the john as he writes his posts....they never make one bit of sense. I don't know why someone actually thinks someone wants to read such garbage....and it doesn't bother him one bit when folks say, "OK, what is your point"? Next day he writes another one... And the one who "defends" all the cops, as if he knows all.....he is priceless!


    anyway, I have said what I want to say.......HOLD THE STUPIDITY....now I feel better. Call it PMS....

  8. Ok...for one I will not continue this discussion because you do not want my opinion anyway. You are going completely from the version you daughter has told and that is being treated as gospel. Since the cop gave here a ticket he is automatically lying and must like punishing innocent people. So far, I have not saw the cop on here to give his side of the story.


    As for you question, read up on traffic law...that explains what you can and cannot do. Once the lights flash or the bells sound the intersection is closed irregardless of the red light, the arms coming down is usually a few seconds after that. If a motorcycle cop was there he undoubtly witnessed the incident, sounds like he heard the bells or he would not have mentioned it on the stop. Take it to court...that is what its for. You tell your side, he tells his.


    Also...it does not take Matlock to observe bad driving. Oh...look. The lights and bells are sounding, traffic light is changing. Man, that car went across anyway...so did that truck. (driving sound) Pull both vehicles over.


    I did not ask for your "opinion", I asked for FACTS. You have just proven my point regarding the "mindset" of some of "barneys" running around ...... Thank God they are not all inflicted with this same mentality..

    And for the record, I am not just going by what my daughter said....there was also a witness, remember?


    And regardless (oh, I am sorry, you say irregardless-last time I checked this was not a word, but I guess they don't teach that at the academy either) of what you think, there are innocent people who get shafted every day by the badge-toting wannabes. Last time I checked Matlock was the guy proving the "guilty" was innocent!!!

    By all means have a good day, and try not to take it out on the next poor soul you stop...(see we can all be sarcastic when the occasion arises)

  9. You are not found innocent...you are found not guilty. Big difference from a legal standpoint.



    Meaning you are automatically "guilty" when you were given a ticket, right? What happened to "innocent until proven guilty? This is like saying a glass is half full vs. half empty....you are guilty until proven not guilty. My daughter in law honestly believes when she goes to Court and tells the truth someone will listen....what a joke!!!!! Without a video showing what really happened and this type legal system mindset, what chance does a person have....


    You sound like a cop from your posts....maybe, you even work for Villa Rica....Have you ever known a cop to admit they could have made an honest error in their call. If so, what do they do about it? Once the ticket is issued, could he do anything about it, even if he wanted to?


    Oh, and before you say "what about the witness"... thats another joke. He states the light was "green" when she went under it.. she is honest enough to say it turned "yellow", thats what made her realize the arms were starting down... If the second person thru the light doesn't know what color the light was, I am certainly impressed with the cops expertise....He was able to determine what color the light was when each car went under, he was dodging the bars coming down, and he was checking to make sure he was not going to be hit by a train...ALL at the same 3 or 4 seconds time span...Give him an attaboy award! Maybe, he really is Villa Rica's finest .....


    Over a thousand people have read this post and yet nobody has stated what is supposed to happen at this crossing when a train is approaching. I have even called the railroad and asked to no avail.....I talked with 7 different people at the Georgia DOT and they don't know? According to them, "it varies".


    Do you know???? Does the light automatically change when the bells sound? When the bells sound, does this trigger the arms to come down? OR, is it the arms coming down which automatically trigger the light to change and the bells to start???


    Does anyone know?


    I mentioned some wanted to do 'something' or 'anything'... and formula and diapers were mentioned in previous posts and pm. We talked about Todd recovering and being out of work (he's a mechanic) for who knows how long.. so if you'd like to offer help thru diapers, wipes or formula or anything else that would be very helpful for them to get thru the upcoming months. You can contact me for pick up or drop off and I would be happy to get them.


    I am so sorry to hear about this young man....he is so young to have this happen.

    I don't know how they would feel about it, but I have about four different types of the ENfamil formula....My new grandchild is three weeks old and they have been swithching formula almost as fast as diapers....Anyway, my point is some of it has been opened but it is perfectly good. I hate to throw it away if someone can use it. I have a few new unopened cans also. If you would let me know where I could drop it off, I will get it to you.


    Have you thought about checking with the WIC folks....maybe they could help you.

  11. Yup...those 4 lines cover basically every traffic infraction.





    Traffic Control Devices

    Direction of movement

    If you do not believe me about the ticket oh well....I guess I could send you a picture. I know 3 surrounding counties who have the same tickets....undoubtly Villa Rica PD has them also.


    You are correct.... The ticket from Villa Rica does have a place for both home and work phone numbers.

  12. . We went to court to fight it and before we could state our defense, the judge dismissed the case. She said that the cop was an idiot and he did this all the time.


    Chances are the judges in Douglas County are wise to this yayhoo cop and will throw it out.


    This is absurd for any Judge to make a statement like thia....I would have had to ask "Are you using him for job security". If indeed, the cop was an idiot, WHY didn't she do whatever she needed to get rid of him? In my opinion, she wasn't any smarter than the idiot cop... What a waste of peoples time and State money!!!! oh well, let's do another tax increase to keep them both a job!!!!

  13. Whoa!! I never said she "best not go to court without an attorney" - I just offered a word of caution about being prepared, and knowing what you are getting into if you go to court without one. I have seen many defendants act pro se with success, but they were prepared and had witnesses.


    Your points 1, 2, 3, and 4 are questions of legal interpretation. I have already advised you to look up the code section... http://www.legis.state.ga.us/cgi-bin/gl_co...l.pl?code=1-1-1 this links you directly to the site to look up the actual code she was charged with. Please read it carefully. You can also look up proper trial procedure there.


    Did it make you feel better to jump on me about the behavior of the employees of a department I have nothing to do with? My staff would never treat people in this manner. I expect a great deal more from them. They know they can and will be sent home (without pay) for mistreatment of "customers". I was just pointing out that this is considered unacceptable to ME and my department. I also made the point that you always ASK FOR A SUPERVISOR if you are not happy with the response you are getting.


    If your daughter is truly innocent, she needs to go to trial and fight it. Properly. You also need to register a complaint with the Chief of Police, not the secretary. They do have email, and you need to do it in writing. Ask him if it's ok for an officer in his department to break a law to catch someone to write a citation.


    Let me apologize to you first of all....I am just getting so frustrated with this whole mess. Sorry I took it out on you...I really appreciate your comments and help. I guess we have no choice except to go with an attorney....I just hate having to drag the witness back to Court...that was the reason he didn't fight his ticket, he didn't want the hassle. It just seems so unfair. Thanks again.

  14. Mybrother got stopped in front of the hospital and charged for going 50 in a 35, but coming from his way the last speed limit sign you see is 45. So traffic going one way can travel the same stretch of road 10 mph faster???? Not sure what happened he videoed . He didn't deny going 5 mph over just not 15 over.


    I guess the moral of this story is........Most folks are getting the hell out of Villa Rica, faster than they are coming in????

  15. To Freebird20050: This child is one that is very trustworthy as well as hororable, and if she said she wasn't speeding, I believe her! Like I said, I haven't caught her telling me a lie and I don't think she would start now.

    I never meant to imply that your daughter may be "lying". She possibly could have been distracted by the truck and how they were treating her and possibly not realized she had increased her own speed.....I can't imagine why they would have let the truck go....Maybe it was too much effort to try and catch it


    At least in her case, there should have been some sort of "proof" as to who was telling the truth.. If the cops have a video or radar report or something, that is great. My daughter was not so lucky....Supposedly, the motorcycle cops have no video etc.. I wish they did....


    Would you PM me with the cops badge number...I would just like to know if t was the same cop.

  16. First of all, the court being unwilling to change a court date is unacceptable. My court, and every other court I have ever dealt with allows one 30 day continuance as a courtesy. This is just wierd that Villa Rica doesnt'. In any court when you plead not guilty, you must return for a trial. Witnesses must be subpoena'd and both sides required to attend. Your original court date is an arraignment - a chance to be advised of the charges and for you to plead guilty or not guilty. If your daughter is under 21, she falls into the category of "whatever the violation, you have to appear - it will likely suspend your license".


    Violation of a railroad crossing is much more serious than the red light violation. The fine in most places for this is pretty steep. Pull up the code section on the internet - Georgia state site, link to government, then laws and regulations. You can't be charged if you were already on the track before the signal starts up and the arms start to come down. Be very sure of your position in this case. And understand - it is difficult to go to trial in any court without an attorney. You must know trial procedure and follow it.


    Just be prepared.

    This is also unacceptable behavior from a PD employee. But, on the other hand, never tell a receptionist the story behind your call. Insist on talking to someone with authority. ;)


    And UGADawwgs98 is absolutely right. No officer stops people for less than 15 over. And you can't beat a lasar detection case. Speeding is a nearly impossible charge to beat in court.




    OK- Now I am hearing she best NOT go to Court without an Attorney??? GREAT.

    So she spends money for the fine or she pays an attorney....either way she gets screwed for something she should not have been charged for to start with.....and this is called JUSTICE....


    1. If the light is supposed to be "red" at the same time the bells and whistles start going off...is it REASONABLE TO ASSUME the second person behind her would have proceeded to get on the track if the light had been red? Someone said the light would NOT have been green if the bells were going off...

    2. If the light was green when the second vehicle "entered" the track, he had nowhere to go except get OFF the track...duh. If it was green and the arms were NOT down, then my daughter should NOT have been ticketed for crossing....(your words, right?)

    3. If the arms were coming down, (we now have 2 vehicles on the track) WAS IT RIGHT FOR THE COP TO ALSO ENTER THE TRACK????? Did he go "around" the arms and violate the crossing rules(if the 2 in front of him did, HE MUST HAVE also since he was the third vehicle on the tracks).... IF the light was RED, was it OK for the cop to run it as well???? It must have been red, if he tried to ticket my daughter for that as well!

    4. So now we have a COP who has violated a railroad crossing and ran a redlight......hello., IS THIS OK???

    It must be OK,,,,,,he was going after the "real" idiots...


    As for your comment on "unacceptable behavior", Why does the higher ranks of any establishment think saying these words makes everything OK.....I worked for a major corporation for many years....The majority of the time when we heard this phrase it was really nothing more than the company COVERING ITS ASS....It sounds good, but what it means is if the lower ranks does or says something to embarrass the company or draw unfavorable attention, they "might" get a reprimand, but it gives management an "out".....


    How many times have you called as a "regular Joe" and talked with someone in your facility?

    My daughter called for the 4th time trying to get someone to talk to about changing the date on her ticket....She was transferred several times and would finally end up with the same persons "voicemail". She would leave her name and number and would receive NO CALL BACK. Again, this would be called "unacceptable".... The cops comment about "what type mother she was going to be" was "unacceptable". My point is, you know as well as I do that you cannot control the actions of everyone working in the place....people will be people.


    I can overlook the cops comments or a receptionist attitude but this ticket is a very serious offense to have on your driving record. Especially, if you are NOT GUILTY. I am beginning to understand why people resort to Channel 2...

  17. You might check out Spotlight Saloon. They have an Elvis Show there that is really great. They might really enjoy that. Spotlight is in Hiram on Hwy 92 @ Nebo Rd.


    Good luck!

    Thanks for much for this info.....My sister and I went last night and really had a nice time. Saw several 50 and over folks who were having a ball.... The singers were excellent as well as "ELVIS".

    I think we will go back tonight!!! I understood "Elvis" only shows up once a month or so and he changes his show up so you can go Friday and Saturday and not see the same thing.....


    They even have Texas-Holdem there a couple nights a week....thanks again.

  18. Yesterday my 17 yr old daughter got stopped on the road that runs behind Wal Mart coming towards Villa Rica by the Barney Fife WTB. She was coming towards VR and passed over I-20 when a truck passed her coming down the hill. This cat blew his horn at her and flipped her off (she said because she was going the speed limit), but she already knew this cop was sitting at the foot of the hill. Needless to say, this cop let the other truck go on by and stopped my daughter. He asked her if she knew what he stopped her for, she replied 'NO" he asked her if she knew how fast she was going, she said 35--that's why that truck passed me coming down the hill. He told her she was going 58 in a 35. he asked her for my phone number so he could call me and discuss the matter. She gave him my home and cell phone number, he then asked her if she had a phone , she replied "yes", he then asked for that number. His excuse was that he needed to get in touch with her for court??? This was at 8:15 AM and he asked her several times how much had she had to drink this morning??? We are a good christain family and I certainly don't let my kids drink!!! When he gave her the ticket, he had written on it that he asked he if she needed to see the radar and her reply was"it didn't matter anyway". When she asked him about that statement, he ignored her by saying that she was too short to be driving the truck she was driving. My daughter is a very lovely and-yes!?!-sexey lady. At the time she was telling me all of this, I am asking myself, did he stop her because she is a lovely young lady???, did he know that the truck passed her coming down the hill and he was the one speeding???, did he stop her to harrass her or was it sexual harrassment??? Why did he need all of those phone numbers??? There is no court date on her ticket. WHAT'S GOING ON??? I called the police station to talk with the major or captain and the receptionist was a piece of works. She told me that I was just pi$$ed because she got a ticket. Well, I am pi$$ed, but it's not because of the ticket. It's because of the treatment she got! I do believe she was doing the speed limit, she is a very honest child and I believe she's telling the truth, I have not caught her in a lie and until I do (which better be never) I trust what she says. This whole thing has blown my mind and really makes me wonder what this guy is up to!




    Can you give me the cops name and badge number....might be interesting to see if it acstually the SAME cop.

  19. Yesterday my 17 yr old daughter got stopped on the road that runs behind Wal Mart coming towards Villa Rica by the Barney Fife WTB. She was coming towards VR and passed over I-20 when a truck passed her coming down the hill. This cat blew his horn at her and flipped her off (she said because she was going the speed limit), but she already knew this cop was sitting at the foot of the hill. Needless to say, this cop let the other truck go on by and stopped my daughter. He asked her if she knew what he stopped her for, she replied 'NO" he asked her if she knew how fast she was going, she said 35--that's why that truck passed me coming down the hill. He told her she was going 58 in a 35. he asked her for my phone number so he could call me and discuss the matter. She gave him my home and cell phone number, he then asked her if she had a phone , she replied "yes", he then asked for that number. His excuse was that he needed to get in touch with her for court??? This was at 8:15 AM and he asked her several times how much had she had to drink this morning??? We are a good christain family and I certainly don't let my kids drink!!! When he gave her the ticket, he had written on it that he asked he if she needed to see the radar and her reply was"it didn't matter anyway". When she asked him about that statement, he ignored her by saying that she was too short to be driving the truck she was driving. My daughter is a very lovely and-yes!?!-sexey lady. At the time she was telling me all of this, I am asking myself, did he stop her because she is a lovely young lady???, did he know that the truck passed her coming down the hill and he was the one speeding???, did he stop her to harrass her or was it sexual harrassment??? Why did he need all of those phone numbers??? There is no court date on her ticket. WHAT'S GOING ON??? I called the police station to talk with the major or captain and the receptionist was a piece of works. She told me that I was just pi$$ed because she got a ticket. Well, I am pi$$ed, but it's not because of the ticket. It's because of the treatment she got! I do believe she was doing the speed limit, she is a very honest child and I believe she's telling the truth, I have not caught her in a lie and until I do (which better be never) I trust what she says. This whole thing has blown my mind and really makes me wonder what this guy is up to!


    This is interesting.....my daughter-in-law is a cute, sexy, young blond (at the time).......

    As the old saying goes "a mother knows " when their kids are lying. I am not saying kids don't screw up at times. If they are guilty of committing a crime, "they should do the time" or fine or whatever.....





  20. Villa Rica PD is nothing but a bunch of Barney Fifes.



    I will reserve judgment for the time being....as with anything else, you always have some bad apples in the barrel. Sometimes the bad just have to bad enough to get caught before they are brought to the front.....I don't think they were all painted with the same brush.....BUT ASK ME AGAIN NEXT WEEK... I may have changed my mind!!!!


    Do you have examples of WHY you feel the way you do?

  21. Just for your information the state sets most of the speed limits in all towns. I also don't understand why people get upset when they get a speeding ticket. If you are going over the speed limit then you are speeding. The faster you are going the worst people (including yourself) get hurt in the event of an accident.

    Just somethings to think about. :mellow:



    I just want to let you know I did contact the person you gave me and he is willing to check into the problem....That was more than I expected when I made my post.. He was very professional and courteous. I gave him the name of the witness who was behind my daughter-in-law when all this happened...maybe he will contact him so he doesn't get into the he-said, she said, scenario....I hope so. Thanks again for the contact.


    Goes to show all the police department is not afflicted with the "bureaucratic meltdown" as was mentioned in one of the responses!!!!

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