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Posts posted by footballbeerchic

  1. There have been two creepy ones in our neighborhood this week. One plays the creepy music that ends with a little girl saying "helllllllllo?" at the end of it. Very weird. I guess I'm paranoid too, but they just creep me out. Totally a pedophile's dream! I don't know how you check them out, but I doubt the state has a licensing process for them....

    since we live so close to each other I bet they go to both of our subs... we have the HELLO guy in ours too... his music makes the dogs howl...

  2. that's what I mean, anybody can sell stuff out of a van... but shouldn't someone check these ppl out?? Being an ice cream man is a pedophile's dream, right?? Not saying that all ice cream men are pervs bc I don't want to hear about your uncle, grandpa, cousin, boyfriend, blah blah blah is an ice cream man.

  3. No it doesn't hurt. And it would not hurt to lower emissions and all other forms of pollution either. What does hurt is trying to scare people into doing so using uncertain or bad science. Witness the fact that so many people throw the ice age scare of the 70's in climatologists faces today. It's like chicken little or the boy who cried wolf. If you get people to buy into it and then it doesn't come to pass or is proven false it will be harder to get them to recycle, cut emissions, etc because credibility is lost. There are plenty of good reasons to go green, why base it on scare tactics?

    I agree. I use canvas bags at the store, I recycle everything I can.. I've been to some really beautiful places in this country and the one thing that destroys the view is seeing a plastic bag fly through the air... <_<

  4. This may be silly, sound paranoid, etc... I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about these guys. They are cruising up and down our subdivision streets, seeing all the kids, where they all live and I don't think people think twice about them.. I finally had to give in the other day after Poppy saw some kid get an ice cream and she said, "MOMMY, they don't kidnap you!!!" :lol: :lol:


    So, I'm wondering if they have to have a business license, and what is the process of being an ice cream man?? We had a really creepy one come through the other day in a VAN WITH NO WINDOWS!!! No stickers, nada. Just a little speaker playing the music that makes my dogs howl. I didn't let my kid get anything from him....


    What gives?? Any info??

  5. we use the cedar mtn facility for paper and glass, and save all the plastic for our monthly trip to roswell.. they have an awesome facility there. My daughter's teacher is from Canada. She said they recycle EVERYTHING. They use your food waste for compost to fertilize the flower beds, etc in town. She said they made it to where you have to pay lots for trash, and nothing for recycling. I wish I had taken pix of all the trash that was washed out of the ditches from the rain. DISGUSTING AND LAZY PEOPLE!!

  6. I don't know if you remember I posted about the party and trying to find some people. One of the girls I was looking for is a pcommer's sister. Long story short, three of us got together and went to the party to surprise the teach! She remembered all of us and told everyone there we were her former students from 1980! It was a really great night.



    fbbc, teach, and the girls




    oh, and that's my new hair do :)

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