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Posts posted by MeWhoElse

  1. My niece, who is only five years younger than I am, saw them at Six Flags years and years ago. My daughter and I were talking about going to the Mable House to see them on Saturday night but since we both would like to see BB King and figure our hubbies wouldn't mind that too much, we may hold out for that concert.


    Disco still lives, I tell you!! :lol:


    Ew, lol. I hope not...

  2. Oops! sorry for the delay.




    "My goodness Pubby, you are certainly preaching to the choir! Unfortunately, there are gangs in this county, but I think that if we all take responsibility for our neighborhoods and schools that we can contain the growth of these groups and let them know in no uncertain terms that we will NOT stand for their violence. That we as a community will stand tall against them. Today has been quiet so I think that they might be starting to get this message"!


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  3. Must be good if he's going so high in the draft. I would think there are better players, since I have only just now heard of him. What else does he have besides a fastball to throw at opposing hitters in the ribs with?



  4. Crazy-bitter old man with an attitude problem does something stupid like crazy-bitter old men with attitude problems are apt to do.


    I'm sure he's sorry he killed the little kid ... but he shouldn't have tried to take a watermelon from a crazy-bitter old man.

    I suspect the guy was always crazy-bitter given the dysfunctional history of the family.




    Huh? Am I reading this right? Are you just being flippant? I don't think flippant is appropriate...

  5. Yeah, because no one would ever find out who they are. :lol: It annonymous. No way the kid could find out who ratted on him. :lol:


    You people amaze me with how easy it would all be for you to "do the right thing". I suggest watching the movie of that same title - it may teach you that what seems black and white rarely is. ;)


    Since you have moved, I suppose you are no longer one of us people... :lol:

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