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Posts posted by ssnora

  1. my daughter his faternal twin boys, ten months old, named Alex and Adam. will post pictures when I get permission. of course I think they are the most hansome boys in the world. They do look alot alike, but I can tell a difference. I like it when she goes out and people ask if they are twins.......here's your sign........my daughter looks around, looks shocked and says..oh no, there is supposed to be three of them ..........lol

  2. If these children are found guilty of this crime, then they should pay the price for their actions. They had to know what they were doing was wrong. Their home life or personal problems are no excuse! Wrong is wrong. Its time for people to start taking responsibility for their actions and not blaming it on society, mom and dad, or anyone else. You did it, you pay.

  3. When my daughter was expecting twins, she went to the mall to shop on a Friday night. When she went to leave,

    there was a gang of kids that wouldn't let her or her husband pass so they could get to their car. They actually had

    these punks bucking up on them and wanting to fight. My daughter had to go get security just to get to her car. Its to

    bad this had to happen. Scared her enough not to want to ever go back there. Thank goodness nothing happened to

    the babies or her. I cheer the mall for this new rule and hope they actually enforce it. When I was young, we had nothing

    to do as teenagers, but we did not go around breaking laws and harrasing people just because we were bored. I have two

    teenage sons and will make sure they never break this policy and abide by the laws. Maybe now I can go to Arbor Place

    and feel safe.

  4. I'm looking for Harry Potter books for my oldest son for Christmas. He LOVES Harry Potter and has started reading one of the books. He won't put the book down! So, I've decided to get him the books for Christmas. I know I can get them on ebay, but I can't pay as much as they are going for on ebay. If anybody has any of the books and are willing to part with them, please let me know. I am willing to pay for the books.

    I have all five books in paperback and will give them to you for nothing. Let me know

  5. Congratulations to my daughter and son-in-law on the arrival

    of their sons. Born August 28 -Alexander Dean-3lbs. 7oz and

    Adam Howard-3lbs. 13 oz. May God continue to richly bless

    their family.

  6. I just went through that traffic nightmare. Traffic is backed up on Nebo Road all the way to the

    4 way stop. There is a gas leak on Hiram Sudie just after McClung. Good luck to all and just

    remember, I saw no skeleton's sitting in their car in traffic. You will get home!

  7. I hope he is found safe, I wonder if that had of been a child in the parking lot for 2 hours, if the owner would have called 911?


    we sometimes have to realize our Elderly need our help just as much as small children do. we will all be the mercy of some one as we get older,


    I just hope I am not at the mercy of the station owner


    Pleae keep us updated on this . my prayers are with the family


    I happen to work at that station but was not there when this took place. This gentleman arrived at the store

    on 2nd shift (2-10pm), around 9pm, pumped gas, came in and paid, went back to his car, came back in and

    asked directions. which were given to him. He returned to the station on 3rd shift, again asking directions.

    tired to pay for the gas again. This was at shift change. He was given directions and the sat in the lot for

    30 minutes, not 2 hours! He then left in the direction instructed and was not seen again until his family and

    police came looking for him a full 2 hours after he first came in the store.

    While I don't know how many of you have ever worked at a gas station, you don't just sit there and eat

    twinkies. The lady who worked that shift, is a very kind and caring person and would have done anything

    to help this man. I sure she wasn't aware that he was in any kind of danger, or she would have helped him.

    She has 12 pumps and people in the store to watch. and other duties required at shift change.

    What I have to wonder is why his family would allow him out that time of night knowing he was prone to

    doing this? From what we were told afterwards, this wasn't the first time this had happened.

    I and all my co-workers will continue to pray for this man and his family for his safe return. We will continue

    to inform our customers so they can help look for him.

    Please don't sit there and judge, and assume that my co-worker was just coldhearted and mean, because

    that is the furthest thing from the truth.

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