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It's a 'Non-Fiction' kind of day :)

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SO happy the icky rain is gone? How about yall? :)


Britaini is at the store today, and I am working from home on my SUPER HUGE "24x48" inch canvas for the area over the register. While I am waiting for my muse to speak to me, I figured I had better post our special for the day ;).







~Science, History, Pets and Animals 25% off !!!!! So, if you are in need of books on astronomy, science and nature in general...you know the place to visit: :) .




Heads up for our regulars...this weekend Britaini, and as many people as she can lasso in are going to be pretty much COMPLETELY rearranging the layout of our store. So if you have the time and would like to help, just give my girl a holler. We will pay you in books, and I think I heard mention of pizza being ordered :p .

Things are changing, (aesthetically) and when all the dust settles we will have new colors, lots of canvases, a sitting area and complimentary coffee to make your visit even more enjoyable.

Thanks so much to everyone for your patience regarding the boxes, and stacks we have had around for a couple of weeks. We are trying to do everything as quickly as humanly possible, without causing dustbunnies in your sinuses ;) .


I better get off of here and get cracking, I have some paint to sling. You guys all have a wonderful Tuesday!!






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SO happy the icky rain is gone? How about yall? :)


Britaini is at the store today, and I am working from home on my SUPER HUGE "24x48" inch canvas for the area over the register. While I am waiting for my muse to speak to me, I figured I had better post our special for the day ;).







~Science, History, Pets and Animals 25% off !!!!! So, if you are in need of books on astronomy, science and nature in general...you know the place to visit: :) .




Heads up for our regulars...this weekend Britaini, and as many people as she can lasso in are going to be pretty much COMPLETELY rearranging the layout of our store. So if you have the time and would like to help, just give my girl a holler. We will pay you in books, and I think I heard mention of pizza being ordered :p .

Things are changing, (aesthetically) and when all the dust settles we will have new colors, lots of canvases, a sitting area and complimentary coffee to make your visit even more enjoyable.

Thanks so much to everyone for your patience regarding the boxes, and stacks we have had around for a couple of weeks. We are trying to do everything as quickly as humanly possible, without causing dustbunnies in your sinuses ;) .


I better get off of here and get cracking, I have some paint to sling. You guys all have a wonderful Tuesday!!









I realized I said Happy TUESDAY. I meant Happy WEDNESDAY :blush: .

I swear I really do know what day it is...usually.

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