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Did GMO seeds help Monsanto steal a farm?

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Folks have moved off the farm in droves since the mid 20th century. Mechanization of farming, which is quite impressive these days (but not totally able to eliminate the need for itinerant workers) results with the on-farm population dropping dramatically.


Equally important in the development of agriculture are advances in chemistry, biology and genetics. This new scientific approach to agriculture, whether it be the monoculture of bird growing or fish farming or the use of genetically modified organisms for wheat or corn, is not without its critics. Those who welcome new technologies, even more than those disposed to reject them, ought to be among those most interested in hearing criticisms of the technology.


In that context, I was reading and discovered this link to a video about Monsanto and its introduction and marketing of its GMO seed. We can all expect some criticisms to take and some to fail, but we should be willing to judge. These are big issues about the future of man and frankly, we as a people should not let a corporation, driven by profit alone, make decisions that may impact the whole of mankind's genetic makeup.


I've not seen the video (at this point) and hope to get to it tomorrow. (I know I can find it again if I put it in a post.)





PS: the title comes from what I think a part of this is about from earlier reading. If it is completely off base, I'll change the title.

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If you are interested, Pubby, you are welcome to borrow a book we have, called " Seeds of Deception " that probes deeply into the entire GMO and Monsanto situation...I read it about 8 years ago.


P.S. Monsanto makes a few products, one of which we are all pretty familiar with- "Round Up" weed killer.

Edited by wenfen
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GMO ... Genetically Modified Organism


GM Seeds ... Genetically Modified Seeds


Based on Schmeiser's summary ... the court said Monsanto controls the seeds...thus they must control it in the environment so it does not contaminate others. They can't control it...so they now have a responsibility. There are many court cases against Monsanto we will see where it ends.



Family Farmers Amplify Legal Complaint Against Monsanto’s GMOs


May 31st, 2011


Biotechnology Giant Fails to Provide Binding Legal Protection; Farmers Threatened by Contamination from Genetically Modified Organisms


NEW YORK: New threats by Monsanto have led to the filing of an amended complaint by the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) in its suit on behalf of family farmers, seed businesses, and organic agricultural organizations challenging Monsanto’s patents on genetically modified seed.


“Our clients don’t want a fight with Monsanto, they merely want to be protected from the threat that they will be contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seed and then accused of patent infringement,” said PUBPAT Executive Director Daniel B. Ravicher. “We asked Monsanto to give our clients reassurances they wouldn’t do such a thing, and in response Monsanto chose to instead reiterate the same implicit threat to organic agriculture that it has made in the past.”






Obama Deregulates GMO Crops Despite Supreme Court Injunction



Early this spring, while the world was distracted by Egypt's uprising, President Barack Obama pushed the Secretary of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to deregulate genetically engineered alfalfa and sugar beets in the United States. The USDA came through as he directed, totally deregulating these Monsanto-patented genes in early February.


In so doing, Obama and the USDA have chosen to override and ignore decisions and injunctions made by the U.S. Supreme Court that banned planting of genetically engineered alfalfa and sugar beets without consideration of the Environmental Impact Assessments, which showed high risks to organic and conventional (chemical) farmers.







Yes We Can (Screw you if we want to.) Hope and change baby!

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Yep, we always need to pay attention to what's on his desk when he going in front of cameras with his teleprompter. Never let a crisis go to waste. :drinks:


Isn't it interesting that no one understands 0bama just put our small farmers in a box?


This could also ruin the seed diversity that keeps whole regions from losing a specific crop or plant due to one infestation of bug, fungus, or virus in nature.



0bama is a parasite on America and the people who live here!




Democrats give one more big favor to George Soros


December 02, 2010


Curiously, George Soros' hedge fund has just bought 897,813 shares (valued at $312.6 million) of Monsanto. His hand seems to be in anything that weakens individual freedom and destabilizes currencies and free governments, and makes him money in the process.



While Congressional Democrats dawdle away on deciding our tax rates and refuse to pass a budget, they still find time to pass on favors to special interest groups and people. The latest big favor comes to the sugar daddy that has funded so many of their campaigns and was an early supporter of Barack Obama: George Soros.



Edited by Far West
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I understand both sides of this, and feel Monsanto does need to have its wrist slapped a bit for even threatening patent enfringement like this.


The long term jury is still very much out on GMO/GMSeeds. And yes, the EEC is still taking a prohibition stand.


I also see and understand the organic guys, although you need to realize they are really a very, very minute percentage of the industry. With Chickens, and eggs, I would venture to guess the organic guys account for less than 1%, if that much.


However, I realize, and definitively support their inalienable right to farm that way if that is what they want to do.


Now as consumers, and citizens of planet earth, we also need to take a very pragmatic view of organic versus factory farm when it comes to feeding our population, and a great percentage of the world.


In a nutshell, it is only with GMO/GMSeed crops that we are able to do so. The yeild per acre, and per ton of fertilizer is so much greater we would be forced with making a decision if we were to ban GM farming, to have to decide which 3billion, thats right, BILLION, of the world's population are we going to let starve next year if only non GM crops are allowed ?


I don't want to be making that decision. Which part do you cut off from exports ?


Not to mention the price of our cereals, corn derivatives, as well as all meats would double to triple in price.

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I understand both sides of this, and feel Monsanto does need to have its wrist slapped a bit for even threatening patent enfringement like this.


Not to mention the price of our cereals, corn derivatives, as well as all meats would double to triple in price.

Me too ... and Monsanto needs more than a wrist slap...something far more evil is going on there. I'm just saying, they know exactly what they are doing, and it is fear and intimidation. Just as our commissioners have done to you and your wife... tooo many stories like this our courts seem out of control too.


The Govt requiring ethanol be added to gas, therefore grinding up of our food to make ethanol is even more onerous than not using GM seeds to me.


I understand the need for hardy disease resistant seed stock … Monsanto though appears to want to be the monopoly in taking away rights by hook or by crook.

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Far West:


I don't buy your 'Soros' Conspiracy theory. Why?


According to open secrets, here are Monsanto's campaign contributions for the house and senate by party in each election since 2000. Notably the GOP has benefited from more funds more often than have Democrats. House Dems got about $19,000 more from Monsanto in 2010 than the GOP but the GOP got almost $30,000 more money for Senate races that year. Indeed, in 2002 and 2004 Senate Dems typically got all totaled, about $1 from Monsanto for every $10 GOP lawmakers received and in both the house and senate, Monsanto was more generous to GOP candidates across the board.


Here are the figures from opensecrets.com for Monsanto


2010 monsanto campaign contributions:


Total to Democrats: $108,499

Total to Republicans: $91,500


Total to Democrats: $38,000

Total to Republicans: $67,750


2008 monsanto campaign contributions:


Total to Democrats: $44,000

Total to Republicans: $57,000


Total to Democrats: $34,500

Total to Republicans: $50,750

2006 monsanto campaign contributions:


Total to Democrats: $23,000

Total to Republicans: $53,500


Total to Democrats: $11,000

Total to Republicans: $19,000

2004 monsanto campaign contributions:


Total to Democrats: $18,750

Total to Republicans: $32,500


Total to Democrats: $2,953

Total to Republicans: $26,500


2002 monsanto campaign contributions:


Total to Democrats: $4,500

Total to Republicans: $11,100



Total to Democrats: $2,953

Total to Republicans: $24,500


2000 monsanto campaign contributions:


Total to Democrats: $17,500

Total to Republicans: $19,500


Total to Democrats: $8,150

Total to Republicans: $28,200


As to the assertion that Obama is any more or less accommodating to Monsanto than would GWB be; I can only say they were probably about the same and Soros' role is negligible.


Notably, Georgia's own Saxbe Chambliss was the number one recipient of Monsanto money in the 2008 campaign cycle with a $14,000 contribution.



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Far West:


I don't buy your 'Soros' Conspiracy theory. Why?


Here are the figures from opensecrets.com for Monsanto


As to the assertion that Obama is any more or less accommodating to Monsanto than would GWB be; I can only say they were probably about the same and Soros' role is negligible.


Notably, Georgia's own Saxbe Chambliss was the number one recipient of Monsanto money in the 2008 campaign cycle with a $14,000 contribution.




You don't have to buy it... Soros did buy 897,813 shares...and I agree that he is in the pockets of ANY politician that he needs to influence.


He is a very wealthy guy and can influence favors all over the world.


One interesting feature of the bill is a bunch of new regulations regarding seeds and seed cleaning that requires expensive equipment. Smaller concerns might not be able to handle the added burden, concentrating the handling of seed production in the hands of corporate giants like Monsanto.


Monsanto has been a dog of a stock for a while, continually disappointing investors and facing lawsuits and foreign government challenging its patents involving food technology. Hence, a tempting opportunity for a hedge fund billionaire who can "persuade" his political friends to tilt the playing field his way.




George Soros: What’s His Fund Been Buying?



Soros also purchased 897,813 shares of Monsanto–his second-largest holding on a dollar basis–during the quarter. The position is now valued at $312.6 million.



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