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Ow! I blackened my eye walking into a doorway;o(

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I have heard that story before and always imagine it comes from someone that may be being abused at home and it is just an excuse. Have you ever walked into an object just being oblivious to your surrounding or daydreaming? My topic title is just one of things one might say if they did encounter an object being where it should not have been or a minute of not paying attention but actually it is Walk Around Things Day! I know, your thinking, where does the bookworm come up with these days? Lots of hard work and access to lots of good books!

To celebrate this day, we offer 25% off Health and Fitness today and maybe if we are more fit and better health, we won't hurt ourselves.


Walk Around Things Day



When : Always April 4th




Walk Around Things Day is an important day to avoid problems and risks, by simply walking around the potential problem. You wouldn't walk under a ladder, would you? Then, it is also wise to walk around objects, especially those that pose risk or danger.




"Walk around things" can also be used figuratively. It is also wise to walk around, or avoid, topics issues, and problems that are sticky, may provoke an argument, or are not readily solved.




If ever was a day to "Walk Around Things", today is that day.


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LOL I almost knocked myself out coming out of the little access area in my kids room. It has one of those little bitty short doors, and I didn't duck far enough!

Tow said the whole house shook...I saw stars...YEEOWCH!

The bad thing is that I am short and STILL didn't clear the doorway LOL

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LOL I almost knocked myself out coming out of the little access area in my kids room. It has one of those little bitty short doors, and I didn't duck far enough!

Tow said the whole house shook...I saw stars...YEEOWCH!

The bad thing is that I am short and STILL didn't clear the doorway LOL

Copschick, have you considered a big sign that says "DUCK!"?


I actually have walked into the wall before but usually it is at night when vision just isn't what it should be. Yeah, that is my excuse and I am sticking with it!

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Copschick, have you considered a big sign that says "DUCK!"?


I actually have walked into the wall before but usually it is at night when vision just isn't what it should be. Yeah, that is my excuse and I am sticking with it!



:rofl: :rofl:

I haven't but perhaps I ought to LOL

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