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Termites are Swarming!

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Well Neighbors, we had a really warm weekend this past weekend. Every year around the April time frame, when we have a real warm day after a rain, termites start swarming. A termite colony is made up of four colony members. Only one of those members, the worker, has the ability to come up from the ground and feed. They are repsonsible for feeding all the other colony members. Over the years, the colony grows and becomes too large for the workers to provide food for. The colony then develops winged reproductives, whose purpose is to swarm out, go down to the ground and form a new colony. That has started happening now. These guys swarm in large numbers, usually hundreds and hundreds. You will often see wings laying around on the ground because they fall off in flight. The flight is very erratic and they will usually head toward a source of light like a window or door and then die on the floor within a couple of hours if they cant get back to the soil.

For a colony to reach the point that they swarm, usually takes 3 to 5 years. Aside from the wings, and the flying termites, another sign that you might see is small holes in your sheetrock or wood that looks like it has dirt around it. These are swarm holes and mean a swarm either has, or is about to take place.

All this signify's the beginning of the very active termite season. Get your home INSPECTED FOR FREE!!! Message us on PCom or visit www.holeinonepest.com or you can call 770-708-2945.

Termites vs. Ants.jpg



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More times than not the woodpeckers are going after the larve from the carpenter bees. (The big black bumble bees that swarm in the spring) These bees ususallly attack in the soffit and facia area and around decks unless you have cedar siding and then they love it all.

I've always heard that "IF" you have woodpeckers pecking on your house, usually in the chimney area, more than likely you have termites. How true is this?????

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I just wanted to update this post and remind everyone that if you or anyone you know see's hundreds of small black winged insects flying from their wall, this most likely is not ants. Termites are swarming big time right now, so keep your eyes peeled for the swarmers, and also for the holes in the sheetrock that appear to have dirt coming out of them. We offer Free Inspections!!

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