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Court Orders 0bama to act

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The people in LA are eager to get back to work, drilling will help keep oil costs down for the rest of the winter. There is absolutely no reason to keep stalling!!




NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A federal court ordered the Obama administration Thursday to act on five deep water drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico within 30 days, calling the delays in issuing new decisions "unreasonable, unacceptable, and unjustified."


In a case brought by the drilling company Ensco, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana Judge Martin Feldman ruled that the four to nine months the company has waited for a decision on the permits it has a stake in is simply too long.



CNN Money

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It's about time!! I hope he wakes up and realizes he is the one ruining the economy! Where is the liberal media to harp on gas prices!!?? Double standards amuze me!

The people in LA are eager to get back to work, drilling will help keep oil costs down for the rest of the winter. There is absolutely no reason to keep stalling!!






CNN Money

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From the linked article:


In the Ensco case, the government said four of the five applications are not technically before it. They were sent back to the applicant to correct problems, according to the court ruling.


I guess next time they will just deny it outright and make them start the process all over?

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