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House Speaker Hopes To Stave Off More Cuts

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Governor Elect Deal has hinted that more cuts could come. Education funds have been slashed to the bone already so I was encouraged to read this AJC article. It is possible, according to insiders, that the spending plan may cut costs by consolidating government agencies, including the one that oversees the state’s pre-K programs.


The Speaker hopes that they can avoid more cuts to education but he also said that he believes there will have to be adjustments made to the Hope Scholarship.





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Governor Elect Deal has hinted that more cuts could come. Education funds have been slashed to the bone already so I was encouraged to read this AJC article. It is possible, according to insiders, that the spending plan may cut costs by consolidating government agencies, including the one that oversees the state’s pre-K programs.


The Speaker hopes that they can avoid more cuts to education but he also said that he believes there will have to be adjustments made to the Hope Scholarship.



They'd better not raise taxes. Due to the housing collapse, we seen income drop 60 - 70 % and to ask me to pay more in taxes is just insane. Half my siblings are teachers but should they be exempt from cuts? Nope. Should the BOE cut jobs? Yep. They are too bloated now. But in this economy, NOBODY is exempt. Will class sizes increase by one or two more students? yes. Will it effect performance/results? not really. My college classes were 200 in size and high school classes were 35 in size. Worked then and it can work now. Cutting spending on ALL levels is the only appropriate and long term solution.

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They'd better not raise taxes. Due to the housing collapse, we seen income drop 60 - 70 % and to ask me to pay more in taxes is just insane. Half my siblings are teachers but should they be exempt from cuts? Nope. Should the BOE cut jobs? Yep. They are too bloated now. But in this economy, NOBODY is exempt. Will class sizes increase by one or two more students? yes. Will it effect performance/results? not really. My college classes were 200 in size and high school classes were 35 in size. Worked then and it can work now. Cutting spending on ALL levels is the only appropriate and long term solution.

Did you fall and bump your head? You seem to have made a complete 180% turn on your stance on tax increases, from some of your previous posts in other topics.

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