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When was Uncle Sam born?

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His image was first used in 1813. Who would of thought he was so old??

Social issues section 25%, start some controversy today!


July 4, 1776 making him 37 when he first went public.


This makes sense because it was about that time that the partisanship between the parties rose to the level that the public in general needed a tool to tell the partisans that there is a best interest 'in general' for the people that usually is different from the agendas of the political partisans.


This was particularly important after the war of 1812 demonstrated again, as Benjamin Franklin noted back in 1776, we must all hang together or most assuredly we will hang separately.


Of course partisanship raised it ugly head as early as 1800 but in the earlier days there was some hope the partisans would crank it back a bit.


This is a simplistic view but in the scheme of things, it works for me.



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not on topic, but i'm curious- when can I expect a new Fannie Flagg book to come out?? I love her and it seems like forever since she has had a new release.

Her next one will be out in November/ It is titled "I Still Dream About You". We can pre-order it for you, just let us know with a PM or a phone call to the store;o)


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July 4, 1776 making him 37 when he first went public.


This makes sense because it was about that time that the partisanship between the parties rose to the level that the public in general needed a tool to tell the partisans that there is a best interest 'in general' for the people that usually is different from the agendas of the political partisans.


This was particularly important after the war of 1812 demonstrated again, as Benjamin Franklin noted back in 1776, we must all hang together or most assuredly we will hang separately.


Of course partisanship raised it ugly head as early as 1800 but in the earlier days there was some hope the partisans would crank it back a bit.


This is a simplistic view but in the scheme of things, it works for me.




Smarty pants!

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