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Howard Maxwell ! Are you ready to step up to the plate ?

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OK, there is another thread running where local political comments are coming up that don't belong in that thread.


So, before it gets split off by the mods, I thought I would start one.


A comment was made regarding "not all of our politicians are that bad", and mentioned Howard.


And I like Howard and know him fairly well, and consider him, as well as his family to be friends.


But I was always disappointed in his allegiance to the glorious and great Speaker Richardson.


And I even asked him before, "Why in the hell did you vote for that?", and he told me "Because that is what the leadership wanted me to do".


And that really bothered me.


The voters elected you Howard, not Glenn Richardson.


You now have the opportunity to step up to the plate and do the right thing, for yourself and Paulding County. You will be our senior legislator. And your allegiance, IMHO should be to your constituents.


Not the Richardsons and the RBMDs, but the taxpayer voters who put you in office.


Are you up to the task ? Are you ready to represent your constituents in Paulding ?


Or are you going to continue to follow the "leadership" of the Paulding GOP with that clique who has been running the local show for entirely too long now.


That includes who you are going to support in the District 19 seat.


You and the voters of Paulding District 19 have a clear choice.


Support Braddock and the local GOP Clique who has dealt us such a mess.


Or step out of the box and support Will Avery.


Who do you think you can work with the best under the Gold Dome, Howard ?

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OK, there is another thread running where local political comments are coming up that don't belong in that thread.


So, before it gets split off by the mods, I thought I would start one.


A comment was made regarding "not all of our politicians are that bad", and mentioned Howard.


And I like Howard and know him fairly well, and consider him, as well as his family to be friends.


But I was always disappointed in his allegiance to the glorious and great Speaker Richardson.


And I even asked him before, "Why in the hell did you vote for that?", and he told me "Because that is what the leadership wanted me to do".


And that really bothered me.


The voters elected you Howard, not Glenn Richardson.


You now have the opportunity to step up to the plate and do the right thing, for yourself and Paulding County. You will be our senior legislator. And your allegiance, IMHO should be to your constituents.


Not the Richardsons and the RBMDs, but the taxpayer voters who put you in office.


Are you up to the task ? Are you ready to represent your constituents in Paulding ?


Or are you going to continue to follow the "leadership" of the Paulding GOP with that clique who has been running the local show for entirely too long now.


That includes who you are going to support in the District 19 seat.


You and the voters of Paulding District 19 have a clear choice.


Support Braddock and the local GOP Clique who has dealt us such a mess.


Or step out of the box and support Will Avery.


Who do you think you can work with the best under the Gold Dome, Howard ?



You have got to be kidding!!! Of course Howard will not support your Democrat. It would not be wise at all. He is not a foolish man. First you trash the GOP and then you taunt Howard. nea.gif

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And the beat rolls on.......


In this election, it is time to put partisan politics aside, and do what is best for Paulding.


Or continue on with life as usual, following the lead of "The Group".


I think Howard is better than that, but I don't know if he is willing to stick his neck out and admit it.


And many have admitted before, if faced with Satan as a Republican, and Jesus Christ as a Democrat, they would vote for Satan and declare Long Live Lucifer.


It is time in District 19 to put the partisan politics in the trunk, and vote for the better candidate.

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And the beat rolls on.......


In this election, it is time to put partisan politics aside, and do what is best for Paulding.


Or continue on with life as usual, following the lead of "The Group".


I think Howard is better than that, but I don't know if he is willing to stick his neck out and admit it.


And many have admitted before, if faced with Satan as a Republican, and Jesus Christ as a Democrat, they would vote for Satan and declare Long Live Lucifer.


It is time in District 19 to put the partisan politics in the trunk, and vote for the better candidate.



Walking away shaking head!!!!!nea.gif nea.gif nea.gif nea.gif

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And the beat rolls on.......


In this election, it is time to put partisan politics aside, and do what is best for Paulding.


Or continue on with life as usual, following the lead of "The Group".


I think Howard is better than that, but I don't know if he is willing to stick his neck out and admit it.


And many have admitted before, if faced with Satan as a Republican, and Jesus Christ as a Democrat, they would vote for Satan and declare Long Live Lucifer.


It is time in District 19 to put the partisan politics in the trunk, and vote for the better candidate.


Howard is a good man and serves us well. Fortunately, I don't see him at any risk of loosing his seat anytime soon. And fortunately, he's too smart to waste his time here or with you. It must be terrible to be so angry and bitter at any politician who was in in office when your fight with the county started that you feel you have to wage unbridled war against them. Go pound your war drum against some other politician and leave the poor guy alone.

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Howard is a good man and serves us well. Fortunately, I don't see him at any risk of loosing his seat anytime soon. And fortunately, he's too smart to waste his time here or with you. It must be terrible to be so angry and bitter at any politician who was in in office when your fight with the county started that you feel you have to wage unbridled war against them. Go pound your war drum against some other politician and leave the poor guy alone.


No bitterness or anger towards Howard and he has no challengers . As I said, I consider him a friend. But he stayed in Richardson's shadow. You missed my point ENTIRELY.


It is time to put partisan politics aside in the district 19 race. Forget who is an "R" or who is a "D", and focus on who will do the best job for the voter taxpayers of Paulding.


Richardson did NOTHING for us, the taxpayers. He did his special interest group's concerns, including the Robber Barons. Tell me what he did for us in his tenure under the Gold Dome including his 5 years as Speaker. Was the AGL ladie's gasline going to come through Paulding and give us fame and fortune ?


Impact Fees, Banking regulation changes, the airport, and on and on. What did he do for us ? Did he amend the tier system which determines which counties get state aid to bring in industry ? Did he solicit industry for us ? Tell me what he did.


Yes, Howard is a good man, and I for one am challenging him to step up to the plate.


I am in district 19 and am looking forward to having a "choice" this November on the ballot. I have written in Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck the past 5 elections.

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I think over the course of the next election, Howard will be watched even closer. As you see, newcomers are everywhere, and the district might make a change. I really do not care R or D...I vote for someone that presents the issue's and get's legislation passed. Just ask Bill Heath...he got the scare of his life, now let's see what they all do. This is going to be monitored closely during the next session and posted what they did and what they did not do...

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