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Family Health Tip from Dr. George Tomes, Dallas GA Chiropractor

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There are quite a few conditions that are aggravated by inflammation. Certain foods can increase inflammation and cause these conditions to become worse. These foods include nightshade vegetables (eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers), fast foods, processed foods, wheat and gluten.


What can you do to reduce inflammation? Black Currant Seed Oil and Cod Liver Oil can help. But, be careful about the quality of these products. Make sure you use oils that have been produced to maintain their live biological activity, high vitamin content and beneficial fatty acids.


Altering your diet to avoid inflammatory foods can help with these conditions: arthritis, asthma, allergies, diabetes, heart disease, chronic eczema, colitis, Crohn's disease, psoriasis, lupus, dementia, Alzheimer's, thyroid disease, and pancreatitis.

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