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Notice- I am taking a couple of days off.....

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I have several rebuilds for sale, and I have decided to take a breather. I have been working non-stop for way too long now. I have to get out of this garage for a couple of days!!! The mowers are still for sale, just give me a call if you're interested. But as far as repairs go, I will be back into the fray sometime on Friday or Saturday. You are welcome to drop them off, and my wife can log you in, but my butt is going fishing for a day or two. I just need a break. Having said that, I appreciate each and every one of you who have brought your business to me. It's always a pleasure to do business with you, as well as meeting some very fine folks in the process.


I figure a good couple of days or R & R would do me good and get me back into the swing of things. My whole body is just racked with pain from all the work, so this is something I really need to do. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause anyone. But, it's only a couple of days, and my turn around time should be short on whatever you need done. ;)


Thanks folks!!! :) I thank you very much for your business!!! :wub:

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Enjoy your hiatus and I hope you catch a lot of fish. :)



That would be great, no doubt. But even if I don't catch anything, I can catch some rest!!! Lord knows I need it!! :lol:

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where we going fishing at ?



Probably Lock and Dam, near Rome. I love that place!

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I've never been there - we usually go up around Blue Ridge or on into North Carolina. Have a great time!


A lot of people who know about it call it our little secret!!! It's beautiful.

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