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Why does my page look like this?

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I can see the OP post but then under it there is this:






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lumak Car accident Today, 06:20 AM

logansmom QUOTE (lumak @ May 20 2009, 07:20 AM) Hub... Today, 06:38 AM

lumak QUOTE (logansmom @ May 20 2009, 07:38 AM)... Today, 07:20 AM

luvtennis5 Hope everyone involved is ok. Saying a prayer for... Today, 06:52 AM

luvtennis5 Don't sound good by that description. Just sa... Today, 07:21 AM

Lady Raider I knew when I heard all the sirens this morning th... Today, 07:22 AM








And then I have to click on each one to see what other's have posted in response??












Dang, I just posted this in the wrong forum.

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Nevermind, I figured it out. Duh!


Go to options.........................................................................

........................................^^^^ click standard



Thank you. I don't know how it got changed. But anywho, I fixed it.

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