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Why not?



I often wonder why people take things out of context. The meaning of something often gets twisted and turned, so much so that the point is often faded out - so the original meaning is no longer the meaning. Then, when the meaning is explained, it's not subject for an apology from the offenders that twisted the meaning.


I often wonder why people hide from, or avoid someone that *might* potentially make an uncomfortable moment.


I often wonder why it's okay for someone to say something bad about another person, yet when something is said about them, it's a travesty. My momma always said it's a two way road. Don't speck ill of someone if you don't want it in return.


I often wonder why a difference of opinion from the majority is such a bad thing.


I often wonder why people can't see the virtues in others that I see. Then I realize that this falls back on everything I said above. Because people take things out of context, they avoid a personal confrontation from those they took the context from, they then talk about that person and get mad when they hear it back.


The person that has a difference of opinion pulls the knife out of their back, takes a step forward, and doesn't deflate like a balloon with a puncture wound. Why? They are filled with substance, instead of hot air.


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I'm a person of substance. :D


People with hot air are triple H.


I'm not allowed to share my opinions with others that are triple H, so I did it here. I know they will be looking. :)

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