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Do not believe everything you READ!



I do not take for granted that the citizens of Paulding County are intelligent. I am thankful for the individuals who are taking the time to find out the truth about our local candidates.


I would like to publically announce that much of the information in this issue of "THE PULSE" magazine is incorrect and incomplete.


I would like our citizens to be aware that the reason this information is incorrect is because the editor of this publication is the incumbent I am running against for school board. I will not say anything negative about her but I do want the people who read this magazine to be aware that she did not allow me to provide any information, photo, or proof my summary.


I have been told by the other candidates in this summary page that not only were they interviewed for the correct information but they were also given the opportunity to proof the summary before it was printed to make sure it was accurate and acceptable.


Thank you for the many calls of support I received today. I DO share your disappointment at the lack of professionalism shown regarding this matter. I am still faithful that our people are informed enough to see through the mud slinging to make a wise choice. I will not degrade myself or my family to resort to such tactics.


Thank you all again!!!!




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We are a county of well over 100,000 people; this can not be our legacy. Our county deserves higher morals, ethics, and behavior than many of the sitting Board of Commissioners and Board of Education are displaying.


Thank you for running, and running your campaign positive.


I have been telling friends and neighbors to vote for you, but most of them know you one way or another and tell me how great you are too. Keep your positive energy... smile more, I know this is stressful, but it suits you. We like your smile.


You have my vote.

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Thank you all again for your support. I have been through some difficulties in my life especially losing my first two children over 13 years ago. This has been very difficult on me and unfortunately my family. We have faith God will lead us through this also. Nothing is impossible!!!!

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