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Paulding County's D2D Kickoff Meeting!



A big "Thank You" to everyone who met with us tonight to discuss The Dallas To Dallas Ride For Wet Noses coming up in April - less than 3 months away!


It was very exciting to discuss D2D with our Meltid, representing Paulding Humane Society and Animal Shelter, Leah Robinson of Critter magazine, who has been very instrumental in covering the Ride and its details, Mark and Martin of Paulding Networking, who will be responsible for the "D2D Presence" on the internet and the GPS tracking of yours truly, and my friend QUAZAR who will be my strong "right-hand" helping with problem-solving.


I am very proud to have these folks on the "D2D Team", and it will be them who will ensure the success of our project!


Stay tuned to this Blog and Paulding.com for further updates and exciting news on D2D as we get closer to our event


To visit the site go to: www.d2d4wetnoses.com





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A Big "Thank You" back to you and all those who are involved. The Paulding Humane Society and many other needy shelters and unwanted pets appreciate these efforts and look forward to a highly successful event! :)

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