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I don't get blogging



I come in here and try to think of something to write about....but then I feel like I'm talking to myself.


I could post commentary on events on the open boards, but then someone would get mad/hurt/offended and run to pubby screaming that my blog should be edited.


If I'm gonna blog, I think I'll stick to myspace where nobody's going to take liberties with my writing.




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You just have to complain, don't you.


Yes, the glass is half full and the blaaaaaaaag is close enough to blaaaaa to be bloooooooring.


Let me suggest a change in attitude.


Take advantage of the tool, explore the tool, make it do things that are different.


For instance, why not go and fetch that video you did on youtube of the fireworks.


If you put it at the top, then it would be here for all to see and would not be knocked off the recent topics page.


Yes, think of these not as blaaaaags but as the true epitome of vanity.


The place where you comments are the top.


Hell, do it as performance art.


I'll show you on my blog.


BTW, there are a lot of aspects ... permanlinks, etc. ... that you could use as well.

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