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Posts posted by kari

  1. ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You?

    Your Result: Silver and Red Wolf


    *howl* You're a very strong person. You tend to be naive most of the time, but when in love boy do you know how to get around! You prefer to be quite around adults. Your soul mate is the gold falcon. You're in conflict with the maroon panda.


    Yellow Trout

    Teal Cat

    Blue Fox

    Ocre and Gray Dolphin

    Red Jaguar

    Tan Giraffe

    Gold Falcon


  2. Um -- You allow your 7 year olds to watch the news and this is the story you're concerned about them seeing??


    UM Well I was watching tv in the living room and he walked in and saw that...no I do not let him sit and watch the news....what child wants to sit and watch the news!

  3. I wish they would quit talking about this man on the news and showing his picture. My son (7 years old) is asking questions about it..lol..and it is hard to explain to him that the man in the picture used to be a woman. I hate even turning on the news anymore. I know everyone has a right to be whomever they chose but does the news really need to discuss this?

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