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Status Updates posted by kari

  1. boo Stranger!!! 8-)

  2. been doing good thanks..how are you?

  3. Wanted to stop by and say hello! Have a wonderful day!

  4. bumping your stars

  5. Just saying hi and bumping your stars...Hope you are doing good.

  6. Bumping stars and saying hi

  7. Just checking on you and saying hi..hope you are doing okay.

    take care

  8. saying hi and bumping your stars..you old man.

  9. Hey stranger...hope you are doing good...have a great week!


  10. LOL...sorry didn't like having my name on here so had to change it..hope you are having a great week

  11. Just wanted to say hello and bump your stars..your posts have really touched me..you are in my prayers.

  12. Just stopping by to say hi..hope you have a great week...and of course bumping your stars.

  13. Stopping by to bump bump bump your stars and I hope you have a great day

  14. Hey you! Is today going to be a pittyparty kind of day? I'm still kind of dragging...How's the family?

  15. Hey there You Old GEEZER...LOL...Wow..look at all my comments..

  16. yeah yeah..you rule for a 67 year old man..LOL..

  17. bumping your stars there mr.

  18. Stopping by to say hi and to bump your stars

  19. Hey Cowboy! LOL bump bump bump right back at ya..LOL

  20. just wanted to say hi and bump your stars..LOL..have a great week...

  21. Just saying hi...and bump your stars

  22. 67 year old man huh..LOL...Bumping your stars and I hope you have a great day :)

  23. Just wanted to say hi and bump your stars..have a great week.

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