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Posts posted by melnsid

  1. All states I believe have made animal cruelty a felony. If this is indeed correct, why did he get a misdemeanor and only 1 charge at that? He had a problem with 1 or 2 dogs getting out in his.farm and I heard 1 of them.attacked another dog. So he wanted to re home them sunday. So he choose to put them in the trailer saturday evening and didn't come back until 1pm sunday. It was a horrific scence. My husband and another neighbor tried to help and husband told him to call for help..he chose not to..so I did. Why he could have opened the windows in his empty house and put them inside is baffling to me.

  2. These animals are huge. The adults between 100 and 150. My pyr's neck fur or mane is easily 6 inches thick.

    That trailer was crowded with animals of their size. Their respiration alone probably kept the temp at 100 degrees overnight.

    I was told the house in the picture was not his nor the trailer and dogs shown. It was stock photos representing a trailer and pyrs.

    It hurts me to look at my gentle giant that pants at 70 degrees and think what these animals suffered.

    The house was his wife's (they lived there together for awhile). The trailer was his. The dogs they showed in the video were not his..they were showing what the breed looks like.

  3. I am the neighbor who called 911 and animal control. He indeed does have a fenced in back yard and an empty house he could have put them in. He arrived back at his house at 1pm in the afternoon!! I am still shocked he only got one charge. ..the officer told me when I was speaking to him that it wasn't going to be good for him...well 1 misdemeanor charge is a slap on the wrist.

    • Like 1
  4. I hope he is ok.


    My twin sister had to tip (first joint and up) of her middle finger cut off when we were 8. She opened the front door to the house, the wind was so strong it slammed it shut. Put finger on ice and they still were not able to reattach it. But somehow another finger nail grew back. It doesn't look completely normal but you wouldn't know it unless you knew about it. 2 weeks after that happened my mom cut off one of her fingers in the car door. :blink:

  5. These are just the cutest cell phone/ iPod holders. They measure approx. 3.25" wide by 5.5" tall. They fit phones the size of Blackberrys and smaller. The front also has a pocket that can hold credit cards, money, etc. Velcros shut. They are very well padded so they should protect your phone or iPod should you drop it.


    The would make a great stocking stuffer or Secret Santa gifts.


    I have a variety of teams including UGA, GA Tech, TN, Alabama, Gators, FSU, RAIDERS. I do custom orders so if you have something in mind just let me know. I also do embroidery.


    $10.00 each


    Key fobs are $5.00 each.







  6. I have 4 dogs and 1 cat.


    Ernest T. Bass (lab/shepard mix)- well he would pick up a rock and throw it and my husband is a HUGE Andy Griffith fan

    Rusty (Collie)- he was already named that

    Maggie (Golden Retriever)- my husband and I were going to name our youngest child that (but she turned out to be a boy!!).

    Barney (Silky Terrier)- he was already named that


    The cat- Boots- because he looks like he has boots on his feet.

  7. There is a Paulding Paranormal site, some members are on here, do a google search, and yes, I believe in ghosts!


    Thanks for the info! Forgot to add that when we moved from there, as we were moving into our new house, 2 little girls walked up with a little boy who was 2 at the time. When I asked them his name- they said BOBBY!!! Bobby still lives down the street and my son and him are good friends. As soon as they said it - I told my husband to stop unloading the truck because I wasn't staying!!

  8. My husband and I were talking the other night about ghosts with some friends of ours. None of them believed in them but my husband and I do. When we moved here in Oct. 2001, we rented a house on County Line Road in Acworth. My boys were 8 and 2 at the time. Anyways, my older son refused to sleep in his room because he said he felt something touching his shoulders and back while he was sleeping. Anyways, I blew it off as he was scared about being in a new place. It got so bad that I decided to sleep in there one night with him. I felt a hand on my shoulder and thought it was my husband telling me to come to bed. I turned over and no one was there. I FREAKED out!! Meanwhile my 2 year would be sitting at the table and he would be talking to "someone" down the hallway. He did this EVERY day. One day I asked him what his friends name was and he said "Bobby". I thought it was cute that he has an imaginary friend. About a month later we had to get into the breaker box and I will never forgot my husband SCREAMING for me to come and look. On the breaker marked bedroom said "Bobby's room". Needless to say we FREAKED out and bought a house 3 weeks later!!


    I never believed in ghosts until then. I have always wanted to research who lived there and if a boy named Bobby died there. But I don't have a clue how to do that. Anyone have any suggestions?

  9. Congrats to my son!!! He is graduating with honors tonight at South Paulding. I love you, buddy.










    I have to go cry again now..........


    Please tell him congratulations from us!! Hard to believe he is graduating already!!!! Just 2 more years for A.

  10. I used to use Blue Lizard sunscreen on my youngest son. It is what the dermatologist recommended for my MIL a few years ago because she has the same fair skin that he does (both redheads).


    Now, we buy him the spray (found Banana Boat 85spf the other day) and use a stick on his nose and the rest of his face (50spf). I heard that the Neutrogena sunscreen is supposed to be really good, too, and I'm thinking about buying some of that to try this summer.



    I went to FL during Spring Break and bought the new Neutrogena sunscreen SPF 70. 4 adults and 6 kids used it and we all got BURNT bad!! Worse sunburn I have ever had and I grew up in South Florida. We applied it about 45 minutes before going into the sun and 2 more times while out in the sun. Did not work at all. Will never use it again.

  11. Yes, there was an accident. My child was on the bus. I found out while at school, working. I never received a call from the school, nor did any letter come home with my child. I am mad as hell that I wasn't contacted and before you start bashing, put yourselves in MY shoes. How would you feel if you heard this and couldn't reach your child or the school to see if your child was ok? Why weren't the parents notified? By the way, I am not the only one who is upset, there were several parents kids on that bus that all work together and we are livid. I thank God that the kids are ok, and yes, they probably would have contacted me eventually had it been serious, but it was the not knowing and the way we found out that was upsetting. Where is the schools accountability?



    I would be mad as heck too. I can't believe they didn't call or at the very least send a note home. Just glad your child and the others were not hurt.

  12. Looked like a car sideswiped the bus. No apparent injuries, all the kids were transferred to another bus. Don't know what the protocol is, but kinda strange the fire dept. never showed up. I live in Lost Meadows and heard the impact and walked down to see it.



    Thanks for the info. From what I could see, it looked like the bus ended up in the ditch. But I really couldn't see it that well from where they were making us turn around at. Glad no one was hurt.

  13. What if there is not 10K in equity in the home -- if they filed a chapter 7 wouldn't they still lose their home?


    Please accept my apology if this is considered a "hijack" -- thanks.


    No- as long as they are not behind in their mortgage they can reaffirm their debt to them (the mortgage company).


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