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Posts posted by bridgett318

  1. I am looking for a position working weekends. Currently I am employed full time during the week but with the holidays rolling around and a wedding coming up I could use the extra money.

    Any one have any ideas?? I have 15 years of customer service, retail, and a few years of waitressing. I am even willing to take night shift.

  2. The ring was worth around 6,000.00 according to the husband. The wife had designed it herself. She left behind two small children who she had wanted to leave the ring to. It s the sentimental value that means the most to her husband.

    The husband did an interview on Hot Topic. I believe it was Grady hospital to.

  3. I would call the senior citizen center first, to make sure my days are right. There was a little wait when I went there for my replacement but it wasnt long. I would reccomend being there early so you dont have to wait. I think they are only there from 8-12.

  4. You dont even need to fill out anything. You can go to the seniors citizen center in Dallas (across from the Jail) I believe the first and third Tuesdays of the month and apply for one. It takes about 2-4 weeks to get it. I would reccomend this because Cobb county s.s. office you will wait for hours!

  5. Bank Of America is who I used before I got married and I loved them!

    I had theft on my checking account and they acted so quick I didnt even had time to blink! They had me a new account set up with the accurate balance before they even started the investigation. THEY WERE AWESOME


    Since married life came I now bank jointly with my husband at Suntrust and we are switching to BOA!

  6. I Love my lab mix Molly, but that girl can chew the walls off of a house!!!

    I have lost I dont know how many pairs of shoes, blue jeans, shirts, pajamas, mail, rolls of toilet paper, and god knows what else. But she still lives indoors with me and she isnt going anywhere. I know you are probably thinking why not put her outside, but She hates it and I dont think thats fair to her to leave her out there all the time. I do have a fenced in backyard where she runs and plays sometimes, but she doesnt like it. I have tried putting all my clothes in one room and shutting the door, it doesn't work! But I didnt get her to give her away I will deal with whatever problems she brings my way. She is my responsibility and I wouldnt just take her to a shelter because of her puppy ways.

  7. I lost my Mama to stomach cancer in October of 1994. Had she lived, she would have turned 51 today.

    Happy Birthday Mama, I love and Miss you very much!


    I knew your mom along time ago and your brother as well. I am sorry for the losses you have had to endure.

    My brother played ball with Shad and they went to school together.


    My prayers are with you!

  8. I have a skin disorder (psoriasis) and when I was in Target one day she grabbed my arms and told me I had snake bites of Satan and that I appeared to be healing but I needed to get myself right with God. She did this in front of the entire store as loud as she could.


    The lady is a loon and yes I have seen her interview and I do think she probably can be sweet, one day she is cursing me and holding up her switches, and the next she smiling, waving her tamborine, and say God Bless Me

  9. I would also like to know if your water bill has been taken care of. I would like to contribute something. So many PCommers have helped me with a family I know and I would like to somehow return the favor.


    I have put you and your family in my prayers and I will try to help as much as I can.

  10. I have two back packs that I was going to sell in a yard sale one day. They are very good brand new condition. They were only used one time, not a full year just once. They are East Pak if you need them. One is Black and one is a khaki color.


    Please PM me if you would like to have them and I will gladly give them to you.

  11. My fiance and I saw it Tuesday night and last night. We saw it twice (second time we took neices and nephews to see it). We loved this movie. The kids said are we moving? from all the camera angles they thought the seats were moving! I thought I was going to be sitting through a horrible movie at first and I loved it.

  12. I am Corleymama's sister and she wanted me to let you all know how she was doing. She is doing fine and the surgery went well. She is recovering at home but is still in alot of pain. Please say more prayers for her quick recovery.

  13. I agree with you both Travel 123 and Tahoe. I do check the papers often for multiple things and am not shocked at the Foreclosure end of it. I "think" we will be seeing much more of this in the future. There is much beauty in Paulding. It is unreal to see how Hiram has grown in the past 5 years (although nice to have SO MANY NEW choices in business). It is sad to see wildlife on the homeless end of this growth. I really feel everything should be on an Equal Eco system. That is the one thing I am not sure has been taken into account through all of this. Thank you both for your added comments.

  14. We are all entitled to an opinion. You feel your way, I will feel mine. For your information I do not like very many trees!!!!! Also, YOU do NOT KNOW why I may be here and what may be keeping me here, SO how about you GO HUG A TREE AND EAT GRANOLA!!!!!!You need to get a grip on your attitude and quit attacking people on a personal basis!!!!! I happen to like some of the growth Paulding has had, just not ALL OF IT. I am very sorry if I offended you and whatever kind of beliefs and feelings you may have "nativeson1". Have a great day.

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