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Everything posted by frfamily

  1. You were blown away?!?! So was I!! There were so many people at the funeral home I couldn't see for the crowd. I was so shocked but in the same thought, I was so happy to know that my Dad touched so many lives. I feel bad that I couldn't even talk to a lot of people there just because there were so many. There were several people I know that my Dad just absolutely thought the world of. I told them that my dad really loved them. Their reply was "I know that he did". I feel so blessed to know that he was my dad. Thanks for your thoughts. I know that it has been very hard on Eric. He was his "
  2. I have been thinking about you all and hoping that everything has been good with your dad. Just enjoy every minute that you have with him. Even on those bad days, just know that not having him here is worse. Mom is in such a slump she is not getting out much and crying a lot. She got ready for church on Sunday, but just couldn't go. That was she and my Dad's life...that was his job. I think going to church without him is going to be the hardest thing to overcome. I will keep praying for you and your family. God always gave us the strength to make it each day and he still is. You call me anytim
  3. My Dad, Jerry Beatty passed away on July 15th of this year. We just wanted to tell everyone that sent a card, brought food, came to the funeral home, etc... THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. You don't realize the number of friends and family you have until something like this happens. My dad would have been so proud to know that he was loved in such a way. My dad was an awesome person and he loved everyone. If you never got a chance to know him, you missed out on meeting a great person! We are really missing him right now and still just dealing with the fact that he is not with us. B
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