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Posts posted by COUNTRY GAL

  1. yes

    I wish so badly that I would have know you were there.I cant tell you enough how much of a blessing you were to us that day. You had a large part in me keeping my sanity that day and I know you did all that you could do. Ive been told that when a child dies that it is because he was too pure for this world and what he would have encountered so I just keep telling myself that he was saved from a lot of grief here on earth, even though it has caused so much grief to me and my family. Thanks again for all you and the doctors/nurses at Tanner did. You have one of the best emergency rooms I have ever been to (and I have been to a few!). You were my angel that day and James is mine now :( :wub: :rolleyes:

  2. I didn't make it in time to speak to you personally at the funeral, but wanted to let you know the service touched me deeply. As a mom myself, my heart breaks for you. Just wanting to let you know that your family continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.




    Is this the same Betsy from the Emergency room at Tanner??

  3. Crystal, this is Christy....I shared your story with a site that I am on, with families of children with Down Syndrome. They are all praying for you and the whole family. But in sharing the story, I hoped to educate them also. Most of the parents on that site have children under 3. So I wanted to share it with them so they will know what to watch for. Most of them had no clue what RSV was.

    Matthew had RSV when he was much younger. He was in the hospital, in isolation, for about 2 weeks. He was also in an oxygen tent. But that all goes with the health issues that he had back then. I think the only reason that we caught his RSV so early is because he was on oxygen at home some with a pulse ox and had many doctor appointments with all the sinus issues that he had, since he had a Chronic Sinus Disease. So we spent most of our time in doctors offices.


    My thoughts and prayers will remain with you and the family.


    Thank you Christy for making this a more well known subject.That is all the James and I are trying to do.

  4. Your family is still in our prayers.


    Would you feel comfortable sharing the name of the doctor or practice that gave the misdiagnosis? I would hate for someone to take their kids there not knowing they had made such an aweful mistake.


    We would love to be able to do that but we cant be involved in slander when it comes to something like this situation. We are just trying to give people all the info we possibly can so they know what to look for and what to make their pediatrician look for if needed.

  5. I am so sorry yall are having to go through this. I cannot imagine. I have kept yall in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so. I wanted to ask if its ok to share this story with my friends and family? They all have alot of small children, and I would like to warn them about this. Thanks for sharing and may God give yall strength.

    I James as his father want everyone to know this story. No one deserves this kind of torture when there were so many simple common ways to have detected and prevented this.

  6. Your family has been in prayers ever since Ramah told me about him going to the hospital. I can't imagine how you feel, but live your life for him and in honor of him.

    Did the doctors ever decide what was wrong?

    James was misdiagnosed to have a common cold when actually he had RSV which is a much more serious virus. The virus could have been detected with a simple swab of the mucus in his nose, but i guess that was too much to ask.

  7. Crystal-


    You, James, your Mom and whole family have been in my prayers since I got the first call last week.. ( I didn't know you were on here- I haven't been on in a while!). I know this past week has been the hardest for you guys...The service was beautiful though and the songs were perfect. I do know that you will see James again, and you will all be together one day. Until then you have a new angel watching over you guys.


    I heard a line in a song I was listening to the other day and I thought of you. It said : " Heaven hears her heart before she cries..." I know Heavenly Father knows your heart is broken right now and is there to help you heal. The pain will never fully go away, but it will get easier. Heather and her husband know what it is like to lose a child.. ( I know she wanted to be there- but it brought it back especially because James and Will are buried in the same place...) But I know if you ever need to talk , she would be there for you too...


    I am glad you can get some comfort on here... please know we are thinking of you and praying for you,and let us know if you NEED ANYTHING!!


    Love, Jen


    I had no idea you were on here either. I appreciate all of your support and I cant blame Heather for not coming. James and I have been talking a lot lately and actually feel closer to each other since this happened. I have a few weeks off before we go back to work so I know that we will get better together.Thanks again for all the prayers and keep my mom in mind too. She is still taking it very hard since James used to stay with her daily.





    Yes, we still have not even tackled the room.To be honest,I dont know when I will but it will not be anytime soon. We have just kind of closed the room off and I will tackled that obstacle when I have to. We have been talking about going to a support counselor but right now there just hasnt been any time to do anything. We have a very large support system that are getting us through it right now.

  8. Crystal,I'm so sorry we were not able to be there but you are in our prayers every day :wub:



    Thank you Amanda, I know you would have been there if you could.I also appreciate all of the postings from your parents and Lauren. It means a lot to us. Most of all, I need to make sure ya'll understand that my mom is hurting just as much as me and needs all of the love and support that your family can offer her.

  9. You don't know me, but I have been where you are. My sweet baby boy would be 16 now. Don't rush yourself to do all of those things. There is no timetable. Don't expect the road to be easy, but you will make it, for him. I wish I could share something magical that would make it all better. It's okay to be angry, even angry with God. But do know He grieves with you. It's okay to ask why, though I doubt you'll ever have a real answer. God bless you. I know how hard it is.


    Thank you so much Madea. I am so sorry to hear about your son as well. I definetly can understand what you went through and are still going through even today. It is a hard journey and there may come a time when I will need to lean on someone (whether I know them or not ;)) so I appreciate your support and love.

  10. Crystal, I know God will give you and James the strength to get through this and your little man will always be watching over you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. (Hugs!!!)


    Sandra Bagley


    Thanks so much Sandra. It is good to hear from someone I know personally outside of family who shows their concern. This site has helped me grieve more than anything and I think god that someone told me about the thread that was started on here. It has been really hard and me and James are just amazed at the amount of support we have read on here. We had a hard day today but I immediately came home tonight and logged on so I could read the posts of support from everyone and let everyone know how much they have helped. :wub:

  11. I am so sorry yall are having to go through this. I cannot imagine. I have kept yall in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so. I wanted to ask if its ok to share this story with my friends and family? They all have alot of small children, and I would like to warn them about this. Thanks for sharing and may God give yall strength.


    Please do share this with your family. I want everyone to know about this problem and about the doctors who seem to just want your money and dont want to bother checking out other possibilities that are out there. Our pediatrician never even mentioned the possibility of something more than a common cold and sinus infection. NO breathing treatments, no xrays (which would have shown the hole in his lungs), no test of his oxygen intake....NOTHING!!! Remember to always hug your children every day and tell them how much you love them because I can no longer do that and it breaks my heart every day ...(still crying) :( .

  12. Well the funeral was today and I have finally gotten thru most of the worst of everything.Thanks to all of you who came.Clark funeral home was packed and everybody who went to the funeral also went to the burial which meant so much to me and James.We are now both sitting here in our living room looking around at everything we still have left to do (clean his room, donate his things, organize what we are going to keep,call insurance company etc...). The first thing I wanted to do was to get on here and thank all of you as well as Clark Funeral Home. They are the best people to deal with when you have a situation like this and I would not have wanted to deal with anyone else. They let me do whatever I wanted to do when it came to the Funeral and even went to the local pharmacy to get me medicine when I started getting sick. They will never know how much they mean to us. All of you are wonderful and I hope each of you understand what a special child I had who is now looking down on me smiling. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  13. I also want to thank everyone that came to the visitation last night and let me cry on your shoulder for awhile.I know that I got thru last night because of you and I know I will get through the funeral today because of you. There are not words to explain what I am going through right now I am lucky to have my husband, family and friends to lean on. Thank you for letting me vent on this site and to read the messages from all of you are very helpful to me. James was more special than I can explain in words and will never be forgotten because we will never let him.

  14. Your family has been in prayers ever since Ramah told me about him going to the hospital. I can't imagine how you feel, but live your life for him and in honor of him.

    Did the doctors ever decide what was wrong?


    Just so you all know what happened (and hopefully can prevent it in your own lives with your own children), James had been wheezing and not breathing good for 2 days so we took him to the dr on Monday. Dr told us he had a sinus infection and all of the wheezing was from his sinus drainage so they gave him a decongestant and sent him home.Tuesday morning he lost consciousness and was not breathing for a full 7-10 minutes before they finally got him on a breathing machine at the hospital. He then started having seizures at the hospital and they immediately liftflighted him to Children's Healthcare of atl. While there he continued to have multiple seizures and they said it was caused by his lack of oxygen to his brain so they stopped those and did xrays. That showed that he had a hole in his lungs caused by untreated RSVP (PNEMONIA IN THE LUNGS) and the hole was leaking air bubbles into his body that were bursting.Although they were able to fix his lungs and get his breathing back on track, he had lost oxygen to his brain for too long and was brain dead 48 hours later. There was no stopping the swelling of his brain or the damage already done to it. (crying hysterically now!!) . I just wanted to let other parents to know that even if you think it might be a sinus infection that if your child is having trouble breathing, take him to a hospital. Dont bother taking them to a doctor that just wants to get him in and out and get paid.

  15. I want to personally thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. James was a very special little boy and will be greatly missed by me and James, as well as everyone else he touched during his short time here. I am having a very hard time coming to terms with the fact that my baby is no longer here and that our house is completely empty and quiet. I don't feel like I will make it and feel that all the thoughts and prayers are not working. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, especially during the next few days which will be most difficult. We are very thankful for everyone we have in our lives that are helping us get through this.


    Thanks again,

    Crystal Gentry

  16. I've eaten at this restaurant several times. Yes the service can be a little slow at times, but I believe that is due to new girls being hired as waitresses. They are new, give them some time to get aclimated.


    The food here is great. The service although slow at times is very good. Let's not forget, you are waiting on fine Italian food, not a burger from Krystals.


    As far as the bread...... they are garlic knots, and no where on the menu does it say that they come as part of an entree. They are complimentary, and are intended to come out before the meal. Bread first, then the salad, then the entree. That's how Italian places work. If you want bread, they have the option to give you more, but sometimes they run out. Did you take that into account? You ask, who eats Italian food, with out bread....... You got bread..... if you wanted it with your meal, you also could have waited for the food to come out. Again, this is not regular bread, that you use to sop up sauce.... these are garlic rolls..... a treat all by itself.


    To say that the food is great, and the rolls were great, but you wanted to complain because you didn't get more FREE food, seems a little rude.


    If the owner was rude to you I am sorry, but did you give him a reason to be rude? Were you rude to the waitress? And the owner is also the chef.... pulling him away from cooking may just make someone else's meal take too long also. Did you insist that he come and talk to you then and there?



    HHMMM.. I find it weird that the two people saying that nemie was in the wrong that day just joined today :ph34r: ...this one also happens to know that the owner is the chef as well...could this be the waitress?? :glare: :ph34r: :lol:

  17. I have a pink Razr and I love it. I havent had any problems with it and unlike a few of the others, I barely have to charge mine 2 or 3 times a week. There has been times when I have went 3 days without charging it and it still has a lot of life to it. I just got it back in May for my bday but no problems so far.

  18. That's on Monday... Man, I'd love to be in a Peyton-Eli sammich :ninja:



    :D Amen sister!!! I will be sporting my Peyton Manning jersey as long as I can this winter until it wont fit anymore (2 months pregnant)!!! I wouldn't mind being in the middle of that but would prefer the older brother!! What a hottie :ph34r: :rolleyes: ;)

  19. I want to go to the game so BADDDDD!!!!! It's my birthday :D


    Hubby said he's not draggin my pregnant ass to the game :unsure:



    awww, tell him to lay off. I'm pregnant and I am going!! :lol: LOL. My husband doesn't think it is such a good idea either but I am going whether he likes it or not. I'll just sit next to the bathroom so that it when I get sick I wont have far to go :D

  20. I think of him as a well-connected politician with strong financial backing who is a lousy president.


    just MHO



    And I think of Michael Moore as a "filmmaker" who is wanting to get all the attention he can possibly get by taking a tragic event and turning it into a money making idea. He is trash to me and that is just my honest opinion.


    LOL GT Jacket!!! Are you sure it doesn't :ninja:


    When Bus was running for re-election, you could type in dumb motherf***er, and he would come up.



    I could say the same thing about Clinton as well as several other words that I shall keep to myself :D

  21. he's a filmmaker...lots of people have seen his films and YOU know his name, right?





    But dont YOU know George Bush's name? I think of him as a success but I'm pretty sure you don't. Doesn't mean you havent heard of him though! ;) I've heard of a lot of people that I would never put in a category as a success.

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