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Posts posted by MiniVanMomma

  1. Stradial, this is very similar to what happened to us last week (Bromley Walk subdivision). I didn't hear a knock but my dog went nuts and my son said "Someone's at the door." I didn't open it, but looked out a window and saw the guy. I mouthed "NO" and he said "I'm selling magazines..." so I mouthed "NO" again and shook my head. 8:30 at night, in the dar, COLD as everything outside. I know it's not illegal, but I don't like someone coming to my door unexpectedly.

  2. 1-votes-women.jpg



    I posted this on my facebook earlier but I'll post it here because it touched me so much.


    I explained to Half Pint (my 7 year old) aboutt how women weren't able to vote, & that's why it's especially important for us to get out & do it... So she told every woman she saw in Hellmart afterwards that they needed to vote because women died for that right.


    So whine about the cold, whine about the long wait, whine because you have the right to... and get your asses out there and vote.



  3. Since my 2 kids go to preschool in Douglasville, I joined "Xersiz", which used to be called something else (I forget the old name). It's on Stewart Parkway, off of Hwy. 5. They have free childcare on weekday mornings and evenings, lots of equipment, classes and a smoothie bar. There are many different deals you can join under, so the rate varies. Mine is $34 a month for 12 months plus 2 months free, and no enrollment fee. I've been there a couple of weeks now and I really like it.

  4. My husband is floating the idea of moving our family to Athens, Ga. I'm not opposed, but I know nothing about that area (he graduated from UGA in the 1980's). Has anyone lived or visited there a lot recently? I'm just wondering what areas are good areas to live in, how the schools are (relative to Ga./Paulding), etc. I hate to leave Paulding but we'd be a bit closer to our extended family and hubbie would have a shorter commute (hopefully). Thanks in advance!

  5. I can't remember which local news station did a consumer report about this in the last week or two, but what they found was that it had the same success rate as the patch or gum (20%?), but the company that sells the shot said it was 80% effective. They also mentioned the side effects but I didn't hear what they were. Buyer beware!

  6. I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. Like PsychoMom wrote in another thread, "There but for the grace of God go I." This could happen to anyone with teenagers. It could have happened to me when I was a teenager.


    When we were at Sparkles this morning for the Tiny Tots time and all of the little ones were riding their big wheels around, I just watched them and thought "Those teens were these little babies once. These babies will be teens driving one day." Unbelievable heartbreak. God bless the families involved, give them peace and strength to make it through this.

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