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Spencer T

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About Spencer T

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City
  1. Only applies to the YEAR you reach FULL RETIREMENT AGE......NOT BEFORE!! The year an individual reaches full retirement age NOTE: Applies only to earnings for months prior to attaining full retirement age. One dollar in benefits will be withheld for every $3 in earnings above the limit. There is no limit on earnings beginning the month an individual attains full retirement age. http://www.ssa.gov/news/press/factsheets/colafacts2015.html
  2. TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE Apparantely some people haven't spent enough time in there car yesterday just sitting there and going nowhere. Spent the better part of 4 hours tyring to get from Glade Road exit to the first bridge on hwy 92 because nobody could get up the hill after the bridge over the lake. Also tried the next I75 exit north to get to hwy 41that way. Once again nobody could get up the hill by the love gas station. IF they had ANY kind of plan they could have a least put a salt mix on the major throughfare critial hills. Now I feel better
  3. The guys at the beginning of Acres Mill/Dabbs Bridge road.....a special thanks...you got me home. They went to each car.... told me to stay in the right ditch for traction and keep it in low gear......and it worked. Otherwise there would be quite a few more cars down there abandoned then there already were. It was so icy one of the guys fell twice going from his 4 wheeler to the cars...got up and keep going. Thanks again.
  4. Not sure how things are this morning but for what it's worth here's how I got home last night at 10PM from Windy Hill (left at noon) I75 Glade Road exit Cars could not get up the hill across the Hwy 92 brigde so took Third Army Road to 41: wasn't too bad... however watch out by red light at 41 and third army (total ice) Black Acre/Dabbs Bridge Road: OK until until you get to the small lake on the left side (before subdivision)....very hard to get thru Want to thank the guys that were out there helping us get thru and telling us how to do it. Low gear and "stay in the right
  5. Per Graystone's October 2008 Newsletter the new increased base rates became effective Nov 1, 2008: Winter Rates: 0-650 KWH = $0.0740 650-1000 KWH = $0.0720 >1000 KWH = $0.0637 Summer Rates (started in June): 0-650 KWH = $0.0740 650-1000 KWH = $0.0970 >1000 KWH = $0.1080 Your final bill is based on the tierd amounts above. Last month we used 1934 KWH which cost $195 ($0.101/KWH average) and this month we used 2976 KWH which cost $307 ($0.103/KWH average). This is before taxes. We thought it was a mistake also and read their newly installed digital meter outsid
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