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Posts posted by free2bme

  1. Has anyone on this board had much luck selling things through Paulding.com? I have a Harley, an armoire, a hall tree(place to hang your hat), and a bench. I am thinking about joining Paulding.com and paying to post pictures and information in the Got The Goods Thread. Any advice???

  2. I thought that I should add that I currently have a piano that I am tired of sinking money into to get tuned, etc. when it is now to the point that I am playing in an advanced level and some of my keys are stuck! :blink:

  3. I don't mean to scare anyone but I heard bad things about that shot. My partners Aunt and Daughter-In-Law both got that shot and had bad side effects. They along with hearing voices and rummaging through things aimlessly were sucidal. Granted they didn't want a cigarette! I am sure with everything people react differently.

  4. Well here is one for everybody. I had a cousin of mine ask me about just what exactly me and my partner of 9 years do in the bedroom! What a stupid question. Just because I am not in a heterosexual relationship doesn't give you a right to try and put me on the discovery channel. Go get a book for pete's sake!

  5. I happened to be at Wal Mart in the vision center when an off duty Atlanta Fireman came in to wash his hands from assisting with the accident. He said that no one was injured and that he helped a lady out of her car before the ambulance was on scene. Makes sense to me since Clark passed me on my way into Wal-Mart apparently on their way to the scene. Hats off to the firemen who realizes that he is really never off duty!!

  6. Is that the old Marietta High School? When I say old I don't mean old people went there either:-) There just happens to be a new Marietta High in a different location.

  7. I went the second week in May and the seaweed was awful. I was really bummed about it. Needless to say I still got in the water because going to the beach and not feeling that salty water on your skin just isn't a trip to the beach in my book!

  8. I personally don't understand why people don't just accept it when they can't get pregnant, and when you do just accept what you get. I personally don't understand the picking and choosing of what sex and eye color, etc. Isn't that part of the excitement when you do get pregnant?

  9. I recently watched a documentary of a man that lived 13 summers in Alaska with the bears. Very interesting. The movies is called Grizzly Man. He had good intentions of trying to keep hunters in Alaska from harming bears but utimately one killed him because the bears in "The Maze" that were used to his presence and knew where he was had already hibernated and some of the bears from surrounding territories were moving in looking for food and this was an older bear which makes them a bit ornery and he killed the guy and his girlfriend. My whole take is that it is their environment and when you go into the "wild" you are excepting the fact that animals will try to protect themselves and will continue to hunt for their food. I would just stay out of the way so you don't have to harm an animal that is just minding it's on business. Just my opinion.

  10. I used Lenox Financial (It's the biggest no brainer of the century). You are not charged any closing costs and they have good rates and great customer service. They advertise on the radio and 750AM all the time. Good luck!

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