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About Loraine70

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City
  1. Lost is a great show, especically since I went to high school with "SAWYER" Josh Holloway at Cherokee High in Canton, even been to his house, he has always been georgious, but wasnt nearly as buff in School, he always made fun of my English accent, guess he is jet setting around the world now, and used to all those different dialects I still have my year books that I put hearts around all of his pics HA!
  2. awww thank you...see its true, click on the picture to enlarge it and the truth comes out Merry Christmas and thank you for putting the picture up for me :-)
  3. http:// I was innocently taking pics of my kids tonight in the Dallas square, when by chance I took a picture of the Santa's mail box, and it clearly shows where the elves really do live lol...enjoy! Hope the pic comes out large enough you can see it Loraine
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