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Posts posted by melissagail222

  1. I'm doing great, Melissa!


    I am concerned about our economy, and my fellow American citizens, nonetheless! It's actually to big of a thing for me to handle, alone, though. I just try to help the situation in little ways, because that is all I can do. I can't buy gasoline and sure can't afford any more children. I'm glad to know that you have been doing well. Staying busy keeps the grass from growing, so tall, between your toes. :)


    I hear kids are overrated anyhow :p :lol:

  2. If ya'll don't quit flocking together so much I'll be paying school taxes when I'm 90 years old.


    Before the people in Texas could turn around, a polygamist compound had turned out 400 illegitimate children. If they had not been illegitimant why was the National Guard sent in to arrest everybody?


    I'll tell ye what. I moved to Cherokee county and they started building a middle school and a high school right across the street from me.


    It looks like I'm gonna have to move back to Paulding. At least I just had to pay school taxes and didn't have to put up with a bunch of side walk blockers, and yellow buses stopping the flow of work traffic.


    ***damit this sheeze needs to stop.


    Hey WT.... :)

  3. My Mother was diagnosed this past Tuesday with a Melanoma Brain tumor the size of a golf ball in her brain. And, another tumor in her neck that was even larger.

    There are lots of wonderful mother's but I think mine is truly a jewel.

    My entire life she has spent her time taking care of me, my brother and my Dad. Also, her parents up until the second they drew their last breath.

    She also did things everyday for other people. She did laundry for the elderly and shut-ins in our church and neighborhood. She took them to church, doctor visits and anywhere else they needed to go. And, she usually took my brother and I along(whether we liked it or not). She was and still is a living testimony to grace, mercy, humility and sacrifice.

    When we were given the diagnoses this week, the doctor said the tumor in her brain was only 2-3 weeks old. Obviously, it was very aggressive. He told us that if the surgery was not successful, we would have only about 2 weeks with her.

    This is a woman that was driving and going to lunch with her friends a week ago.

    She started getting confused and forgetting names last week which was alarming to all of us.

    To make a long, hellish story short, she is alive and smiling this morning and even being sarcastic :D . We have spent every second together and each day is better and better.

    They were successful in removing both tumors and we are starting to consider our next step.

    But, she gives God all of the credit for every breath she takes and so do we.

    All of the hospital staff have fallen in love with her. She is more concerned about them than herself.

    Thank God that He gave us another Mother's Day to celebrate and honor our Mother...my best friend.



    By the way, the first thing she said after the brain surgery was, "see, I told ya'll I wasn't gonna drop dead yet." ^_^


    I hope you are enjoying the day with your mother! She sounds like a wonderful lady!

  4. So we're on our way to VA right now and we just crossed over TN line and there is about 50 or so men and women picking up trash in a 2 mile stretch with flourescent yellow vests on that say in HUGE letters on the back "I'M A DRUNK DRIVER"


    I've never seen this done in GA but I think its a good idea!

  5. I always tell my friends the same thing. They would make so much more money. And so would bagel shops.


    Yes exactly... I always want a bagel in the morning, but theres no drive thru at Panera! :( And Dunkin Donuts bagels just don't get it!

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