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Posts posted by dirttrackbabe

  1. dang...you had to burst my bubble. I've been waiting for it to open....excited about it. I will still probably try it....maybe even tonight.

    sorry i wasnt trying to burst your bubble.....it maybe better tonight i dont know i may have gotten under cooked chicken..i hope you have a better experience than i did :D

  2. Really? I had never eaten at one until a couple of weeks ago and ate at the one on 41 in Acworth. I absolutely loved it. I've been excited about the one opening in Hiram.


    I hope it is an isolated incident. I found their food to be fresh and reasonably priced. And the service at the one on 41 was excellent.


    Maybe I'll give them a couple of weeks to get their act together before I go. Thanks for the heads up.

    it may have been an isolated incident but it ruined me ever going again... it probably would be a good idea to wait a couple of weeks giving them time to get in a routine

  3. If you vote yes, you're going to have double sessions anyway.


    A YES vote is not going to stop double sessions, don't ya'll understand?


    A NO vote will force them to come up with better solutions for ALL involved. They can't just keep taking our money and spending it how THEY see fit. This is my money.


    If I don't get them on this election, I will get them when they come up for re-election. That you can be sure of!! This is just the beginning. ;)

    Jamie, good job!! :)


    im not saying to vote yes...i was just letting ya'll know what i heard

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