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Posts posted by QOTSA

  1. I'm telling you, it affected me. Listening to the 911 call of a friend of the victim who was on the phone with her at the time, the creepy robotic voice that calls out the time, the autopsy and scene pics, the intense deliberations, not being able to talk about anything. I called my best friend on the way home that Friday after court was adjourned. I HAD to let it out.

  2. The outcome was two consecutive life sentences. We had no say in sentencing, but were told that the death penalty was an option if found guilty.


    And the last sentence is just in case you were insinuating that someone ends up on a jury because they are ignorant.

  3. We buried her earlier tonight. It was hard for both of us. She is back there with Thor, who died in 2002, and James Dean, who died in 2007.


    I feel guilty, too. I could have done more, caught this earlier, something. And now I'm wondering about her nap partner, Buzz. He smells like her, and I'm not sure if that is because he laid with her, or because he has his own kidney issues. I can't remember the results from December. Not to mention that I probably put this off 2-3 days longer than I should have, hoping she would pass peacefully.

  4. I just spoke with a mobile vet. Nothing definite yet. I have to weigh cost (not that it is a major determining factor) with stress to her, etc. He did say that they could go "days and days" without eating. And he said that if seizures happen, it could be a couple hours. So, if I wait for that, it may be too late anyway. My vet closes in 20 minutes. Can I put her through another 18 hours, and take her to my regular vet? I don't know.

  5. Any updates?

    I tell ya, I have been petting mine more since reading your awful story here!

    Ain't it funny how attached you can get to an animal?

    I don't think of it that way. She is my 18 year old child, basically.


    From what I've seen today, I'm debating my options, leaning toward (but hoping against) euthanasia. While I would love for her to pass peacefully here with me, I'm not sure how much more either of us can take. She is less alert, but still responds to me. She meows when she wets the bed, wants water, or wants to turn over (usually after trying to do it herself, clearly frustrated). She will still move herself so that her head is in my lap. She won't eat anything, but still drinks water.


    I need to call the mobile vet just to see what the deal is (cost, wait, etc.). Need to decide what to do with her, also. I think my husband wants to bury her next to our dog Thor in the back yard. That seems a better option than cremation, only because I don't want to discard her in that way. And I don't know how much extra separate cremation is, but I don't think I want that kind of memento of her.


    I did put her in the sun spot while it was there this morning. She seemed to enjoy that.

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