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Posts posted by QOTSA

  1. I took Accutane. I only remember dry scalp, dry skin, cracking and bleeding skin, etc. If I was depressed, it was because of how bad my skin looked before it got better. They eye problems were said to be pretty common, especially with contact wearers, but I guess I was lucky. Had none of those.


    ETA: I took Ortho Novum, too, for years. Old school high dose bc pills. Whatever it takes, man.

  2. :( and :angry2:


    I'm so sorry. Having to put one to sleep is hard enough, but the anger would be even worse. We had some friends that had this happen years ago, with the same result. I've always wondered what I'd do. I'm afraid to even think about it.

  3. All of it went to the credit card. Then they promptly wanted to raise my APR to reward me for carrying a balance and paying chunks of money every month ON TIME. BOA can suck it. I froze it at the original APR.


    (Still got my ACU card from way back. They never jerk me around this way. They, in fact, lowered my APR.)

  4. Does anyone else think Adam reminds them of Billy Idol ? Just thought he sounded a lot like him last night .

    Don't insult Billy that way!


    why do people like Allison I dont think she can sing at all IMO

    I wonder the same about Adam.

  5. I went through basically the same thing - OTC, then Claritin, then Allegra D, then Zyrtec. Years of year-round problems. I finally got tested and have been getting allergy shots for about 2 years now. I'm doing much better. I only take Zyrtec on days that I get shots (once a month), or if I'm particularly itchy or stuffy. Maybe twice a month total. I also use a neti pot regularly when something is putting out pollen that is on my list. Oak is going on right now, which I reacted to in the tests.


    But the neti pot is great for post-nasal drip and stuffiness. I had it get so bad once that my tonsils got infected!


    I could go on and on about things like keeping your windows closed, washing hair, mattress and pillow encasings, washing bedding, etc. But I won't.


    Hope you feel better soon.


    ETA: I also have asthma. I've halved my Flonase (allergy) and Pulmicort (asthma daily) dosages, too.

  6. I'm not really sure about that. We are on an old plan ($49.99 for unlimited mtm, family 450/5000, shared/rollover) and don't use anywhere near either limit.

  7. I don't really need a Blackberry, but they sure look neat. Same with iPhone. I'm already lamenting the fact that all the plans are more than what I'm paying now, and I won't pay for a data plan (though I do pay for text as of...yesterday).

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