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Posts posted by Pseudofed

  1. Bumble Bee Bakery is grest. I been getting my daughter's Birthday cake there every year in December since they've been open. They'll make it with a Cool Whip topping and decorate it with the bear, bunny, bee, ladybug and butterfly, as she likes it... great price...great flavor and always very friendly! ...and NO, I'm not being compensated for the above comment, but hey, I'll be in there ordering this December so :yahoo:

  2. We at vitos do not reccomend taking the challenge unless you are a professional eater...Training to be a professional eater... a masochist ... or you stayed at a holiday in express the night before...


    The young man who stepped up to the challenge had planned this for some time. We actually got the idea for the challenge by a pcommer who made the comment in an earlier post he could handle 4 burgers no problem!!!


    We do figure someone will eventually tackle this gastronomic feat at some point.. I am currently designing a T-shirt to go along with the posting of the picture on the championship belt.


    4 double bacon cheesburgers don't sound like much.... BUT THE VIDEO PROVES OUR BURGERS ARE THE REAL DEAL... No one has to aske where the meat is...



    I didn't see this challenge on your menu...what's the actual offer (aside from bragging rights of being a pig :rofl: ? ) What's the cost of these burgers individually and what's the cost of the challenge? Will you comp the meal if you complete the challenge? Looks like fun (except for the bucket lol...). Admittedly, those burgers looker REALLY good..or maybe I'm just hungry...hmmm

  3. News to me...so is this proposed road supposed to go from Dglvl thru Hiram over to the 285...another major road...sort of an arch??? If so, that will bring a lot more traffic/business to the area....and maybe cut off some travel time. Atlanta doesn't have the best traffic plans so anything would probably help...

  4. I used to have fun (in the old days...) assembling computers....but like cars, many things change, like the amount of time I have to work on things.....


    I want to get either a desktop or laptop for nothing else other than to use it to attach to my widescreen tv using it as the monitor.... Pretty much the only thing I need, is to be able to access the internet. I have the wireless router ready to install in my existing system (with the software, etc...) and a wireless mouse and keyboard ready to go.... but am trying to figure out what's now a minimum or decent amount of RAM and ROM, processor speed for downloading, etc.....and any suggestions as to find the best deal (ie. lowest price) for something to use. I'd pretty much sit it next to my TV and just use it for internet connections.....


    Any suggestions would be appreciated... (Mike, Madea.....)


    Thanks pcommers......


    I went to the flea market this morning and found a guy working on about 4 computers. He had a Dell/Inspirion 5150(?) laptop that looked in pretty good condition.... 2.5 Ghz, loaded software, with the wireless insert and disc for $170....but not knowing more...I passed.....


  5. I used to have fun (in the old days...) assembling computers....but like cars, many things change, like the amount of time I have to work on things.....


    I want to get either a desktop or laptop for nothing else other than to use it to attach to my widescreen tv using it as the monitor.... Pretty much the only thing I need, is to be able to access the internet. I have the wireless router ready to install in my existing system (with the software, etc...) and a wireless mouse and keyboard ready to go.... but am trying to figure out what's now a minimum or decent amount of RAM and ROM, processor speed for downloading, etc.....and any suggestions as to find the best deal (ie. lowest price) for something to use. I'd pretty much sit it next to my TV and just use it for internet connections.....


    Any suggestions would be appreciated... (Mike, Madea.....)


    Thanks pcommers......

  6. It is in kennesaw. near Wade green road and I-75.



    Been good, working hard for little money, but hey the bills are paid. :lol:


    :end Hijack of my own thread: :lol:


    Is it possible to Hijack your own thread?


    Oh well....off to bed!!!! Tomorrow is another day (to work around the house.....). Hmmm, maybe have some pizza....let me know :-) I'll get on line in the morning real quick....


    Have a good night...

  7. It is called Pie in the sky. It is on Jiles road.


    How you doing pseudofed. Where you been hiding?


    It's in Marietta??? Hmmm...may have to try it out. I really like pizza....


    <Temporary Hijack >

    Not hiding....just real busy......seems the gov't has a lot of money to use....stimulus.....I mean American Recovery and Reinvestment..... and part of my job (current assignment) is to award some of it..... B)


    How have you been?


  8. I was thinking about giving him a pre-booked family vacation spot for camping for the weekend along with two to three gifts. Do any of you have good places you recommend for families? We like being in the woods, around water, and private.I know my hubby needs a new lantern which I going to get him. Is there anything I can get to go along with that? I want a few more gifts for him to open. Thanks so much!



    I'll admit I probably have almost every camping items known to man...but I've found something I really liked last year and truthfully.....I love it! I actually brought it with me on a deployment.....


    I was in the Target in Hiram...went over to the flashlights aisle (on the side where automotive things are...) and found one of the winding lights...they're not new...but this one was even better. Not only was the light white...not blue...but in the rear of this....was a lighter adapter. I took my cell phone...plugged in the lighter adapter and wound it for about 30 seconds...it completely charged my cell phone. Portable, bright yellow with a great grip.........again, the wind up light is not new...but having a lighter adapter...THAT was very useful as when you're out in the middle of no where...... especially when your car is not next to you...

  9. You can go to Criterion Diamonds- (located in the Jim-n-Nicks shopping center), they have a GIA certified appraiser on site- 2 of them actually. Although- unless there is a significant amount of gold/platnium then you will more than likely pay more for the appraisal than the jewelry is worth.


    thank you

  10. Usually a good jewelry store always has an appraiser on payroll or they can give you the number of a private appraiser. I always use an appraiser who is GIA certified. It is ok to ask if they are GIA certified and to check their certifications. You can also look in the yellow pages for a listing. The appraiser I have used before is a private appraiser that also worked out of Prestige Jewelers in Hiram, but that was many years ago. Usually cubic zirconia will be worth less than the gold or silver it is set in, IF it is set in a quality setting. CZ is very pretty but it doesn't carry a high resale value. I have a large loose gemstone collection. Most of my personal investment "nest eggs" are in tanzanite gemstones. Good luck.


    Edit: I almost forgot. I do believe Jareds in Kennesaw also keeps an appraiser on site. :)



    thank you

  11. Does water have to be turned off to change cartridge in faucet?


    Its the shower faucet - I'm trying to change it myself and I just don't want a flood.


    i read online that there is a shutoff valve in the closet behind tub but mine doesn't have a panel to get to it.






    It depends.....if you can find the localized shut off valve..great, but if you're not sure you should (to be on the safe side) turn off the water for the house...turn on your shower to drain the line and have everything you need already in place to minimalize your water being off. It's not a big deal and can be done pretty fast. This is presuming everything is exposed and can be easily removed and replaced...

  12. Wow...of all of the subjects to read this morning....


    Last year I went to my PCP for a normal check up. I've been taking Lipitor for high Cholestorel and allopurinol for high uric acid for over 25 years and felt it was time to say....... CURE ME NOT JUST TREAT ME.... My lifestyle has changed as have my eating habits, etc.......so quit just refilling my scripts and taking kickbacks from the Pharm companies...... get me off these meds (which by the way...with the coupons, I've actually made money each month :D )....but when I got back to the Dr. office to get my lab results....I was approcahed by the Dr. who walked into the exam room...looked at my chart and said," Good afternoon, Let's talk about your Diabetes."



    WTF!!!!!!!!!!! I asked her based on what??? She said well, your A1C was a little high so you're a type 2 and let me write you a perscription. I went off on her and told her to get my real PCP (she was a new Dr. to the practice)... I was pissed. She never asked about any history, exercise, eating, weight, norms and the fact I had just returned from a trip where what was available to eat was high calorie (disaster area) and the A1C measures the last 3 months...she had nothing to gauge that against and never asked any questions...but was quick to write a perscription without any other comment....


    Furthermore, my blood sugar was 110 and is normally about there. I even went to a medical office in my building and after speaking to the nurse and doctor about this went out for lunch and had an intentional massive amount of sugar (shake, chocolate,etc.......) and when I returned to the building...went to the med office to check my sugar....highest...158... Most diabetics can attest that when it's high...it's well about 150-200+..... even so........ I chose to take this as a possible warning since anything is possible (but her witing a perscription so fast really irked me).....


    I also checked around and made an appointment with another Doctor. I obtained all of my lab results and found that they didn't even (they forgot) to test for Cholestoral and uric acid!!!! Additionally, I found that there was a study at UC San Diego which found that taking Lipitor can result in a false high in an A1C test..


    The new doctor confirmed that I was misdiagnosed and she (the first Dr.) had no business writing a perscription. She should have at least discussed the A1C test, asked about medical history, family history and discussing a course of habits and than come back in three months for another test to have a comparison.....


    For you ladies.....and depending on how old you are....for a loooooooong time Doctors never told many women that taking aspirin can negate any birth control meds you're taking, nor was it put on the label...gee, that was a period of unplanned pregnancy....


    okay, the point of all this.... diabetes is real and I know that it's a serious major issue with a great many people. Hell, our food is so processed and sugar-laden, how could we as a population NOT have problems?!


    But I would strongly suggest that you also keep track and monitor yourself as well. If you're not sure...seek a second medical opinion. I know we're a society of doubt and dismissal. But we all know there are good doctors and those we're not trusting our dogs life too..... It's our life and if we don't care enough to get off our butts and make a difference than all we're doing to allowing others to dictate our life and longevity...



    PS The reason I was so concerned and had the reaction I had when the first doctor came in with the wonderful beside manner (NOT!!!)......was that my father passed away 21 years ago after being MISDIAGNOSED as being a diabetic and after being as such 'treated' for a year. He was sitting at the dining room table and had a seizure. Upon bringing him to the hospital ER, they found had they checked a year prior to determine WHAT CAUSED the findings...they'd have found that he had cancer in his kidney. I was advised by a doctor that some cancers can and often do produce an enzyme that can cause seizures when it reaches your brain. The cancer had metastisized extensivly throughout his brain so we knew it was too late. If questions were asked..and if we knew what questions to ask..well..he could have been treated and/or the kidney removed and the outcome would probably have been different. Too little...too late.


    Okay...I'll get off the soapbox...final note: it just seems drug companies have a lot more behind the scenes influence with how many doctors.......doctor.... While watching tv, in an hour..note how many commercials are about a drug.....


    Sorry for the long read...

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