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Posts posted by Mommywatts

  1. Lisa West for SURE! I wish she could be my dentist :) She is off Dallas Hwy next to the Shell station on 92.



    We :wub: Dr. West!!! She's the best....my kids can't wait to go to the detist. They say they wish they could go more then twice a year. I tell them they can go for me because I can't stand going!!! :blush:

  2. My family is from Smyrna...my dad graduated from Campbell and so did my older sister. First we lived off of Old Concord and then moved to Mohawk down from Campbell. I attended Argyle Elementary but moved to Marietta for middle school. We attended First Baptist for awhile but I am still a member of Smyrna Christain. I would not trade my memories of Smyrna for anything but boy has it changed. I am still missing Fat Boys after all these years. Could use me some greasy chicken and a chili dog. :p

  3. This is an odd request, but it's out of desperation, and I'm hoping maybe there's a kind soul out there that could help. We have a 6 year old male all black cat, that has an bad habit of urinating on things. I have tried everything to correct his behavior to no avail, and at this point he either needs to become an outdoor cat, or be put down. We unfortunately live on a very very busy road, and I feel that putting him out here would only be a death sentence, as I suspect he'd be hit by a car in no time.


    I was hoping that maybe someone out there has some farm land and could maybe use a good mouser to hang around that would be willing to put food out for him and look after him. He is neutered.


    I can't tell you how sick all of this makes me. :( He's my daughter's cat and I know she's going to be heartbroken, but it would make it so much easier if we could find him another home, and at least give him half a chance. He has just become too destructive to keep as a pet.


    Please PM me if you think you can help.


    I feel your pain because we got rid of a cat for the same reasons. He was my daughter's cat and we had spent A LOT of money trying to figure out what was wrong with him but they could not find a medical reason for it. The only thing the vet could come up with is that the stress of living in a house with kids, a dog and the cats brother was just to much stress for it. Our cat ended up in the hands of Jennifer's Pet Rescue and she found him a loving home. My daughter still asks to this day if we can go visit him and it breaks my heart but we are still replacing things that cat ruined. I wish you the best of luck.

  4. Will Mrs.Marcus send home a calander home with my son?


    Edit to say Sorry about all the questions :)



    You are fine with the questions....believe me I had a lot of questions myself when we started. Once I get the membership info I enter it into my database that night and the next day I will send home your calender magnet, a $5.00 game card to Stars and Strikes and your membership card. Not a bad deal for $5.00 :D !! Be sure to check out www.pta.org and see all the benefits of having a PTA card. Everything from discounts with T-Mobile, Office Depot, HoneyBaked Ham, Alliance Theater, Atlanta Hawks and Thrashers, Atlanta History Center, Fernbank, BarnsandNoble.com, The Atlanta Zoo and many more.


    Please don't hestiate to ask when you have a question and I will do my best to answer it for you. We love our parents that are interested and involoved!! :D

  5. Ok thank you. Can I just send a check in with his lunch money for his teacher to get or do I have to give it to someone else?


    You can send in a seperate check and they will put it in our mailbox. Please put your membership $ in an envelope and on the outside of it write "PTA Membership". Thanks!!

  6. It was really nice meeting you to...Is it to late to sign up for PTA if not how do I go about doing that now?


    Thank you


    I also wanted to let you know that we are having a skate night at Sparkles Tuesday and anyone that has joined PTA will get in FREE. We will be selling memberships in the lobby so come out and join us!! :D


  7. Ok Thank you....And will I have to attend the meeting in Sep.?



    We would LOVE to have you attend and it's a great way to stay informed on what we are doing with your money but you do not have to attend if you don't want to.

  8. My grandaughter, Parker, is in the special ed kindergarten class at Northside. I don't know her teachers name, but she seems to love it. She transferred from special ed pre K at Dallas elem. and she is adjusting well and advancing everyday. Go Parker!!!!!!


    EDIT: Her teachers name is Ms. Baugh. She is a sub until the regular teacher comes back in November.



    GREAT class!!! She has got some great paras in there with her. WELCOME to Northside!! :D

  9. The school should be sending out more information regarding PTA membership within the next week. Also, you may join at the PTA Meeting. This date has not been announced yet. Just keep checking your childs folder for announcements. I really like Northside Elem. and the teachers there. We had approx. 200 kids redistricted to Burnt Hickory this year. We did gain some students from Dallas Elem. District. The school "population" is much smaller than last year.


    Great Administrator's too!


    The PTA meeting will be September 16th and we are hoping for a GREAT turn out!! :D

  10. It was really nice meeting you to...Is it to late to sign up for PTA if not how do I go about doing that now?


    Thank you



    It is never to late to join. I can get that form sent home to you. Thanks :D

  11. I didn't say I had a problem. I just wanted every one's opinion on the school and teachers..And actually I have had a great first impession on the school and his teachers:) I think my son and myself will be very happy there.


    Hey Mommy2Peyton&Zaine, I am glad you are enjoying Northside!! It really is a great school and I enjoyed meeting you at the Meet and Great last week, it is always nice to put a face with the name. :D


    My daughter started Kindergarten at Northside. I really like the school and I love her teacher. She has Miss. Foskey and Mrs. Gamel. I was really nervous at first because I really wanted to put her in a christian school. But we could not afford it. Once I went to open house and realized how many teachers we already know, I felt much better. She had a great day yesterday and today. I am very excited about it.


    Miss. Foskey and Ms. Gamel are GREAT!! Of course it is really hard to go wrong with any teachers at Northside. They have all been great for the last 5 years that we have been there.

  12. Ok this might sound stupid but what exaclty is PTA?



    That is not a stupid questions, it is actually a very good quesiton. It stands for Parent Teacher Association, I am the Secretary of the Northside PTA and we have a WONDERFUL President and all the board members are great. We are there to help our kids and yours. We help raise funds that in turns goes back to the school. We have currently been putting in new playground equipment and we purchase items for the school that maybe the budget does not cover. We just recently purchased new books for the library that covers some of the new curriculum that the school is using. We have also sponsored some curriculum nights for the parents. We do this with funds that our parents help us raise with our activites such as our Fall Festival, QSP (which is our Catalog Fundraiser), Skate Nights and our Northside Nights where 10% of your bill from certain restaurants goes back to the school.


    We are always looking for volunteers if you have the time and would like to be a part of PTA if not you can just join PTA for $5.00. I know a lot of people think that once they join PTA we will call on them to help. I can assure you that we do not do that at Northside. I will have a Volunteer Form out at Open House and anyone who fills that out will be called to help out but only when you sign up to do so.


    I hope this answers any quesitons you may have and if I can help any other way please let me know. :D

  13. Thank you....And I'm glad to hear that Northside is a great school. I was worried because I haven't ever heard anything about the school. So that makes me feel better.


    Northside is a great school and the staff there is wonderful!! We will be opening this year with a lot less kids (that we are going to miss dearly) but I am excited and looking forward to another school year. If you ever have any quesitons please feel free to contact me and I will try to help the best I can. Please stop by the PTA table on the day of Open House and say Hey, I look forward to meeting you. :D

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