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Posts posted by volusiakat

  1. That is not the truth. After Speaker Murphy lost his election, the reservoir was pulled to get back at Bill Heath and the people of Haralson County for voting him out.

    Actually, if I understand it correctly, the reservoir was not pulled until after Speaker Murphy was no longer the representative and it was the 1st or 2nd session of the Legislature when I think Richardson was already Speaker. Anyhow, it was a pet project of Murphy's and it was pulled for that reason. I don't think Murphy and Richardson were particularly fond of each other and it was a way of getting back at Murphy. Bill Heath was a newbie and probably had no pull at that time. I think by this time Murphy had already had his stroke.


    I wasn't a fan of Murphy's but I know he did a lot of good things, notwithstanding his pork barrel projects for Haralson County. Anyhow, I hope he never knew about the reservoir being pulled. Just seems cruel when he was a sickly old man. Anyway, that's my understanding although senility appears to be setting in and my memory aint what it used to be!

  2. I have been a Shearin supporter for years and discount the mean-spirited comments and vitriole that spew forth from a lot of the same posters on here-it's day after day after day of the same crap. You know, same crap, different day. As a matter of fact, there are two particular posters that make me want to hurl. But that's beside the point. And no, I've not been an Austin supporter. I believe Austin has a personal ax to grind and some of his mailings have been misleading, some half-truths than whole truths and I firmly believe the Austin camp started the mud-slinging with the mailers.


    BUT...........in my book, an elected official should be held to a higher standard than the regular citizen on the street and even though their actions may not be illegal, they must avoid the LOOK of impropriety. And the LOOK of impropriety is glaringly apparent in these LLC's that have come to light(imagine what we don't know about.) It put a really bad taste in my mouth to see these relationships in writing. To top it off, after watching the BOC video from this week, I became thoroughly disgusted. The arrogant, pompous attitude was more than I can tolerate. I've never been to a BOC meeting but how dare he call a citizen a fool three times. I lost all respect at that point.


    I never thought I'd be doing this but


    AUSTIN HAS GOT MY VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Now there's a SilverComet Trail killer sitting in jail and no apparent attempts to get a trial started. I bet a trial will magically get started and lots of publicity will surround it just in time for the next election cycle for the DA.

    The judge set the date for the Silver Comet trail killer for October 6, 2008. I guess the judge forgot to tell you, Glassdogs.

    Glassdogs sounds like sour grapes and I guess he forgot or probably never knew what it takes to get a death penalty case to trial. So tiresome...

  4. I took my Mom to the Relay for Life Luminary Ceremony last night. We lost my father in April to cancer, and then my grandfather (Mom's dad) on May 9, also from cancer. It was a beautiful ceremony, and as fresh as those deaths are in our hearts, it was also extremely emotional.


    Anyway. When we left the ceremony, sometime around midnight, we got to the truck and there was a campaign brochure for a person who is in the DA race for Paulding County. Can I say, please, that the Relay for Life was not the time, nor the place, to be running your campaign. Shame on you for using that event (which obviously pulled in a large population from the county), for your gain. You certainly lost 2 votes last night with such a tasteless display.


    First of all, Ktan, let me say I am sorry for the loss of your father and grandfather and that you were offended by the brochure.


    I am NOT the candidate in question but I do know that he was there Friday night not to discuss his campaign but to show his support for Relay for Life which he has participated in in the past. He made a contribution to Relay for Life that night, walked a support lap around, spoke to those he knew participating in Relay for Life and attended the ceremony.


    Relay for Life is an important part of our community and he was showing his support.

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