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Posts posted by volusiakat

  1. I am just a bit curious with this question so don’t blast me too hard, I really am looking at the qualifications of these two Candidates It would appear on the surface that Drew Lane is the most Qualified since he has been prosecuting cases for some time and has shown the ability to manage employees. Has Dick Donovan ever prosecuted criminals, or has his practice consisted of Defending accused criminals. Just asking, ducking for cover now




    As you can tell, there are Dick haters and Dick lovers. Same goes for Lane. And then there are those who just keep quiet.


    Yes, Lane is the most qualified as he has prosecuted cases for 15 years or so. Dick says he's prosecuted cases as a cop prosecuting traffic cases back in the 70's. Dick's spent the past 30 years defending criminals/defendants as a defense lawyer. It's harder to prosecute than it is to defend because you have to prove your case as a prosecutor and a defense lawyer just has to throw out red herrings or try to muddy the waters.


    Yes, Lane can manage employees. From what I understand, he inherited a mess when he took office, not including the fact that 4 of the 7 assistant DA's quit the day before he took office. It's taken a while to get things working, but the DA's office functions well, in spite of what the naysayers want you to believe.


    Dick's such a stand-up guy he has refused to shake Lane's hand since the election 4 years ago. Dick won't even shake hands with a couple of the assistand DA's, either. That's professionalism for you.


    As you can probably gather, I'm a Dick hater. I think he's a pretty despicable person and that's my opinion. And I'm sticking to it.

    • Like 1
  2. Don't worry dear, I don't believe you will be seeing anymore PRDs coming in that area for quite a while.


    Let those who chose to churn the price for that land up to skyhigh rates sit on it now. They were trying to sell it to Wellstar for double of what it is worth, with a footnote for us, the taxpayers to provide millions in freebies. Now they, or you, can sit on it for 5 or 10 years while you wait for the appropriate land values to catch up.


    Our industrial / business developement areas need to be centered on the little bit of property left along the 278 corridor. The Cedarcrest venture was a pipe dream and needed to be killed.


    Now lets get on to starting some real industrial/business parks in the south and western part of the county where they belong. Maybe we can even bull doze some of the vacant PRDs ?

    Amen, brother!

  3. Hi everyone.


    One more time, I wanted to say thank you for the support and advice on this old thread.


    Roscoe had a pretty bad seizure sometime Saturday night that took him from us.


    He was in his bed on Sunday morning, next to our bed, and looked at peace.


    Something felt horribly wrong about burying a 5 month old puppy, but you do what you have to do.


    The breeder did agree to give us our money back. It's amazing how attached you get to these little guys after only 3 months.


    My wife was having a hard time with this, and kept asking why this happened to her. I told her that, because she is such a good person (and she is, I'm really outpunting my coverage with her), that's the reason Roscoe chose us. He was only going to have a short time here, and with us, he got a warm bed at night, lots of love and attention, and got to be a puppy when he felt well. Taking him back to the breeder or to a rescue group would have meant that he would have died alone in a cold cage.


    Sorry for the somber posting.


    Here is a picture from a couple weekends ago, when he went boat riding with us.



    I am so very sorry for the loss of your little pup.


    But rest assured that you all gave him a good home for the short time he was here. Your family was meant to have him.


    Thanks for the picture-he was a fine looking little guy.

  4. I have to assume those who have been collecting the golden eggs, from their golden goose, have to push hard to get one or two more eggs before the goose is cooked. :lol: ;)

    I imagine I'm not alone in wishing that goose gets cooked now without laying any more golden eggs.


    But you know one or two of those eggs are gonna slide on out...


    After July 15th, that goose went into overdrive!! So much to do, so little time!!! LOL

  5. I am still trying to confirm the ownership of the adjacent properties to the proposed Wellstar site, but it is FACT the Wellstar site is currently owned by HVC, llc, and the registered agent for that company is none other than Stan Stephens. How much more of a connection do you want to the BOC chairman ?


    And I am willing to bet the adjacent properties will have direct links to various members of the Westside Bank Board......care to place a wager with me ?


    The BOC is considering a Memorandum of Understanding with Wellstar which will in essence have the taxpayers of Paulding County chip in the $3 to $4 Million Wellstar would be overpaying for the property by providing numerous incentives typically paid by the buyer at no charge through the BOC.


    This sale at an inflated price, will then prop up the value of the other surrounding and adjacent sites so they can possibly sell for a premium as well. That land is not worth much more than $25,000 an acre in today's market. So why would an entity be willing to pay $55,000 to $60,000 an acre ?


    "Follow the money!"

    Surepip's right. FOLLOW THE MONEY. The Wellstar site currently owned by HVC, LLC, who's registered agent is Stan Stephens?????? Helloooooo, FOLLOW THE MONEY.


    Will this nightmare of county commission shenanigans ever end? Can't wait til January.

  6. I am glad all those people lost their jobs. If you are offended by this, so be it. I am particularly happy Boss Hogg Shearin lost his. I hope he and his cronies get thoroughly investigated.


    I was at the planning board "hearings" where the outcome was a foregone conclusion, lies were told (buffer zones between grossly different residential densities, green areas, etc.) and microphones didn't work so we couldn't hear fat boy mumble through his "opinions" and "recommendations".


    Shearin and his gang profited from the misery of others, they mismanaged county growth and funds and now it's time for a change.


    Sayonara Jerry, don't let the door hit you... on the way out.


    The only thing that would make me happier now would be to see them all financially ruined and in orange garb.


    Let me make this perfectly clear. I could care less what happens to Shearin and gang. They made their bed; let them lie in it. Financial ruin, orange garb, don't care. I do believe in karma, tho, what goes around, comes around.


    But job losses for those innocent people who got caught up in this mess, does not give me pleasure. Your post appears that you are glad all lost their jobs.


    If you want to lump all who lost jobs in the same category with King Jerry and his crew and revel in their collective losses, be my guest. Have a good day.




  7. I don't post very often on this site, but I must say that I am surprised by your applaud to the misfortunes of others who have worked very hard only to have a bad economy come and take everything they own. To give thanks for other people's demise is a very low blow. Did you stop to think about all who are affected by the current housing situation not just the builders or the perceived inconvenience it may have caused you? Well let's start with graders, concrete companies, lumber yards, framers, roofers, brick layers, dry wall installers, electricians, plumbers, heating/air installers, floor installers, cabinet installers, painters, pavers, deck builders, surveyors, engineers, closing attorneys, real estate agents, title insurance employees, mortgage brokers, bankers, landscapers, appliance companies, garage door installers, appraisers, and many many more. The list is endless. Now imagine what happens after a whole national industry loses about 90% of its market. About 90% of the people listed above are unemployed. Think about your employer. Would you have a job tomorrow if your employer had to ask 9 out of 10 employees to leave? Here's an idea, why don't you take a 3 year UNPAID leave of absence from your job and then you will have room to make such thoughtless remarks.


    We can have growth. We just need to have leaders who are more educated in controlled and planned growth. Paulding County is not the first to experience growing pains. We simply need good plans for quality growth.


    PEI, you are absolutely right. Planned growth from competent leaders is exactly what we need. We have not had that in the past and the change in our county's leadership is, hopefully, a new beginning.


    I do, however, take issue with your putting words in my mouth and construing my comments as thoughtless. I am quite aware of the meltdown in the housing industry in a very personal way. It is a travesty that these jobs have been lost and to make matters worse the country's economy is in the tank and gas prices and food prices are going up. You can vent your anger at me if that gives you comfort or satisfaction and makes you feel better. Fire away. But your anger is misdirected. I did not cause this problem and I am glad the growth has slowed for now. Being glad our growth has slowed does not equate to being glad that those who lost jobs don't have them. They are two different issues.


    I also understand that it was greed from mortgage lenders/banks who basically said hey, let's lend all this money so we can make all this money, let's get on the money train, lets loan money on houses to people who don't have adequate income but hey we'll just ignore that and loan the money anyway, oh too bad they can't make the payments when the ARM's adjust, we've still made money, money, money.


    And land is cheap in Paulding County and let's loan all these builders all this money, house values going up, up, up, building, building, building, jobs, jobs, jobs and we're gonna make lots of money and hey, this county loves to approve growth, growth, growth without concerns for the infrastructure and the heavy burden on the schools. More money, money, money.


    And banks and builders/developers and this county just went hog wild and finally all this caught up with them. And who suffers the worst? Yep, those who lost their jobs.


    I blame the banks and mortgage lenders and ,locally, the developers/builders and this county for the job losses, the losses of which are caused by pure greed.


    The thought of being glad these people lost their jobs is quite a morally repugnant thought to me, but if you think me evil incarnate, so be it.

  8. See the irony here everyone. How hypocritical is Jerry and just how stupid does he think everyone is. He may fool a few thousand tomorrow that do not know any better. However, hopefully there are a few more of us out here that see through all of his BS. While I don't know Jerry personally, I know all to well some of his various partners and business interest fellows. And, yes you are judged by the company you keep. If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck and looks like a duck, I guess I am one of the dumb ones that assumes it is a duck. All I have heard from Jerry is about some family land that David's family has had for years. The land was in the family I believe long before David even became a part of the family. So what?


    I think everyone would still like to know how a former local small insurance agent for I believe 13 years and for the last 7+ years until very recently making only $60,000.00 a year has managed to do so much. My wife and I do a little more than double that and there is no way I could swing some of the things Chairman has been able to swing.


    I am still curious how you get a $1.7 Million Dollar loan from Regions on this salary. How many of you guys have run figures on this? Even at the current prime rate of 5%, that makes interest payments alone at over $85,000 a year alone. When prime was over 8% when this loan was actually in existence the interest payments alone would have been well over $100,000.00 per year. Also, what is the property tax on an almost $2 million dollar residence? I am pretty sure property taxes in the Florida Keys are higher than here but even here property taxes on that amount would be close to $17,000.00 per year. Not only curious how you get the loan but how does $1.7 Million mysteriously gets paid off just months before you are supposed to file financials?


    Heck, why all of the LLCs? Is it because most major developers hide behing LLCs because it is much harder to publicly find who owns what? Why not under a corporation where we can see the officers or if nothing is amiss, why not in your personal name?


    Where did the money come from for the at least $250,000 + in bank stock that was required to get a cushy seat on the board?

    I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I think we would be entitled to know where some of this money came from. He may have a perfectly legal/and possibly ethical way he came upon such funds as the supposed humble public servant he wishes us to beleive he is.

    Who knows? But when to this day you still haven't bothered us with any explaination of just the above mentioned financial deals that are public and known, what are some of the others that we don't know of? The silence is defeaning.


    Sorry for such a rambling and grammatically challenged post. This is the only post I have made on the subject. However, it is 15 minutes from election day and I have yet to hear anything from Shearin about some of , in my opinion, his shady deals, but thinks nothing of impuning his oponent.


    Excellent post, GT.


    I agree.


  9. yes, the family picture was in ours and everybody elses. I do understand that some folks got a bigger picture than I did, but that did not hurt my feelings at all.

    I am wondering what would make them think that every voter in Paulding would need or want a family picture of their family.

    I personally would not want my childs picture floating all over Paulding County.

    Question? what did you do with your picture you received? did you frame it?


    I'm using mine as a bookmark, folded in half with the picture facing inward. Doing my best to recycle.


  10. Can you tell me of one politician, from national, to state, to county politics, that is independent from outside interest influencing their vote.


    I have yet to meet a single politican that is independent. The only difference is that some are more blatant than others about the influence.


    For me, it's outside interests influencing their vote vs. having numerous business relationships with the same ones that come before the commission for approvals There's a big difference. Seeing these relationships as part of the filings with the Secretary of State's office really opened my eyes.


    Was our chairman involved in all these relationships before he became chairman? I don't know, but it makes me wonder.

  11. Lots of you all know that I'm from the North, therefore; I love sugar in my cornbread!! Since moving down here 5 years ago, I have found no one likes sweet cornbread!!! WTH??? I catered a couple of events, they asked for cornbread and I just had to ask..."Do you want your cornbread sweet?"...they looked at me like I was nuts! :wacko: :wacko: TOO FUNNY!!


    :p I call home to NJ to tell my family about this and they all laugh about it.....while eating their SWEET CORNBREAD!!


    Sure sign of a Yankee-sweet cornbread!!


    Down here in the South, it's cornbread cooked in an iron skillet.


    We don't use sugar and cornbread in the same sentence. LOL!!!!!


  12. This must be the year for that. I feel the same way about the two who are running for president. It is a shame as a county and country we do not have more to offer our citizens in candidates.


    I must admit I had to chuckle when I read your post, FF , not that this whole business is amusing in any way, shape, form or fashion. However, your post reflects my thinking as well.

  13. Regarding your question: I would really wish there was a 3rd person running...they would have my vote!! I'm sick of the flyers!!!! :angry:

    I agree, a 3rd person would have been helpful, but then there would have probably been a run-off and they'd end up sending the flyers, too.


    Voting is our privilege, yet when we do it, we're assured of getting flyers the next election!!! Sort of a catch-22 situation. Darned if you vote=flyers and darned if you don't vote=no say in our elected officials.

  14. Unfortunately, the nature of politics is nasty and dirty. And when wives insert themselves into the campaigns with these letters, they become fair game in the politics arena and open themselves up to nasty remarks, etc. that usually follow.


    The stress on families of political candidates is obviously incredibly difficult but IMHO when you insert yourself into your spouse's race such as writing letters to voters, all bets are off.

  15. jASPER - I agree I beleive that things will get better for this county and voting Tuesday will be a good start. I hope all citizens come out to vote.

    One of the first process of prd's is to go in and clear cut all the land. Building is down, although I have heard the machines that clearcuts land active again on the development near me. Houses are not selling, lands are being forceclosed, land is laying clearcut and barren. We are in a recession, home sales are down, people can not sell their homes. Paulding County as a whole has left an ugly landscpae. I blame this on the leaders, they did not listen to the voters, they did what they wanted and sadly us taxpayers will pay the price. They won't - they made their contacts, got on board of banks, etc. they were looking after interests instead of the citizens. As my Mama always said " It will all come out in the wash" I believe the wash cycle is going to start after voting.

    I agree there is a big question of the issue of leadership in our county commission. The leadership of thier gain or the citizens of Pauldling?

    This county over the years of growth could have been so much more than prd's.

    I love this county and I hate to see what the taxpayers will have to recover from.


    I concur with all you said, CW. There is a direct correlation between the county leadership and the mess this county is in. The word is...




  16. Surepip - I commend what you and your wife have sacrificed. It seems like you posted you had better buffers with this development, years ago - I remember being jealous. I know for a fact that developers will go over the buffers. They clear cut to our property line, when the county was called, they said they had permission to do this. Later when the county was called out again, they said this was wrong - the developer had to plant leland cypress - wow- there were some large trees they cut down. We called and called and called the county for reasons that should have shut the developer down. Were they ever shut down? No, just a slap on the wrist. A spring fed lake was pumped into a very clear creek - nothing there - I do think the project manager was fired for that call., but any aciton? No. We had that on viedo. Now all we have around here are very muddy creeks, steep banks, that wash into the creeks and our land. We could not take on the county, but I am proud that you did. I fought very hard against this prd. The land was not suitable to build any homes on it. The developer came, clear cut everything - moved dirt, made a grade for sewage and I feel sorry for some of the homeowners, sooner or later the ground will settle and they will have problems with their homes, by then the builders will be long gone.

    In my thoughts, in the heyday of the building boom, the planning board, nor the commissioners, took a good look at what the developers were building on or actually doing, or what damage or effect it would have on the county. It was all a rubber stamp, growth, a good thing, no matter what kind.

    We will be paying for thes mistakes for many, many years to come.

    It seems like you Surepip have been in this court battle for a long time - this is wrong - the county should quit delaying and spending tax payers money on this, when I am sure they were in the wrong.

    Pubby - this was a great newscast. I believe you just provided the facts - facts all taxpayers need to know.

    Keep the faith Surepip.


    Now we have millions of dollars in foreclosed property in our county and more foreclosing every month. When I say foreclosed property, I'm not talking about individual homeowners, although that is an issue but the foreclosed properties on all the builders/developers/LLC's.


    Has anyone been following the legal notices in the New Era? Quite a disturbing education in those notices. Residential builders/developers falling by the wayside (Thank goodness, our county can use a break in the growth.) Take a good, hard look around this county. There are acres and acres of clear-cut land that are no longer being developed but leaving an ugly landscape of unfinished or partially developed s/d, the list goes on and on. The term "raping the land" comes to mind.


    To top it off, there is the issue of leadership in our county commission.


    I have to believe that things will get better for this county and voting Tuesday will be a good start.

  17. I'm rather curious to know how others feel about receiving letters from candidates' wives. Not singling out a particular wife, just the idea itself.


    I've received letters from wives in past elections and was quite surprised to find Austin's and Shearin's wife's letters in the mailbox today.


    Personally, I find receiving letters from candidates wives distasteful and, to use one of our southern terms, tacky.


    P.S.-Grammar nazi, stay away!

  18. When I try to get on Internet Explorer, I get a box that says Internet Explorer Unhandled Exception........anyone know what could be wrong??? I am sooo frustrated!!


    I had problems with Internet Explorer this morning. Don't worry, I don't think it's anything you are doing.


    I used Firefox instead and was able to access the net. Later on, I was able to use IE. Google "firefox" and you should be able to go their website and download it free.

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