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About volusiakat

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City
  1. There are always nurses who treat CNA's with disrespect. As far as I'm concerned, CNA's are a big help to nurses. Shoot, I've seen plenty of doctors treat nurses like crap, and doctors couldn't function without nurses. You are never too old to go to school. I took a CNA class just to see if I would be interested in nursing, and it helped me decide. I never worked as a CNA. I went directly to nursing school. I would suggest you look into becoming an RN. I went to a two-year nursing program. I thought about becoming an LPN, but it just took me two additional quarters to become an
  2. After seeing the results of the DA's race, I pray that I am never a victim of crime in Paulding County because I won't be able to depend on Dick to give me justice. I am looking forward to moving away ASAP. This used to be a nice place to live but no longer. Paulding County got exactly what they deserved---Dick!!
  3. Tim groomed all our dogs. We will miss him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Luke, as well as to Tim's family. This is so sad...
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