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Posts posted by jsingleton

  1. I think it is great that you are asking questions and challenging people to say why they believe what they believe. Growing up my dad used to always play 'devil's advocate" with questions on any and every topic. it used to drive me crazy.


    However, it helped me truly realize what my beliefs were- apart from my parents. While both my parents and I are Christians, I feel that when I make choices I do so based on my beliefs not what my parents necessarily believe. Even though we have the same core principals, we don't always agree. That is what makes life interesting as well as being able to see things from other viewpoints and debating topics in an intelligent way.


    Having said this:

    I believe in the Holy Trinity- Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.

    I believe that God's son Jesus was born of a virgin, lived as a man of flesh and blood and was born to die for the sin's of the world.

    I believe he was crucified on a cross, buried, and rose again on the 3rd day.

    I also believe that one day he will return to claim his earthly followers.

    I believe all of this not because I can prove it but because of faith.


    I cling to the verse that says that "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I'm not saying this to sway you or tell you to beleive what I believe. I beleive religion is a very personal choice, and it is something that after much searching you have to decide for yourself.


    I believe all of this based on faith. I hope that you continue to search and ask questions. Hopefully, this post will help in your journey! :)

  2. thanks ya'll! I contacted the Sheriff's Department, and they are having an investigator call us back.


    Anyone know any good attorneys? I am also afraid we are going to wind up paying lots in atty fees to sue her, and unfortunatley we live paycheck to paycheck. That is main reason we have tried to handle it ourselves, but it is getting ridiculous. We want it to stop!!!!!!!!


    The proof we have is that all the bills are going to locations that she has lived. Problem is we find out after she has moved. We also have a copy of her signature on some things- like where she signed up for Atlanta Gas Light Co. We have found a few companies to fax us info with her signature so we have proof.



    I have 2 stepsons whose biological mother is TOTALLY absent from their lives. However, my husband and I have been getting bills in the boys names from different places- mostly utilities. Their biological mother is using their names to set up accounts. We know this for a fact because this is one of the reasons my husband divorced her- in addition to the fact she walked out when the youngest was 1. The collection calls and letters started when our boys were about 4 and 18 months. They are now 13 and 10 and we are still getting them and collection calls for them too. We are constantly having to try to keep this stuff off of their credit record. What should we do? This has to be against the law. The main problem is that we do not know where their mom is. We have not had any contact with her verbally or in writing for over 5 years. HELP! We have to put a stop to this. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

  4. I found out that services will be Friday at Hope Church on 120/Dallas Highway from 12-2 (viewing) and the funeral will be at 2p.m. TaTa is in a funeral home in Carrollton now. The family will not be there, but he is able to be viewed if you wish to. I beleive this funeral home is owned or something like that by his aunt's pastor- and they are working with the family on cost issues. They are at Hope b/c their church is too small for the services.


    **TaTa has not come home from the hospital since December 31, 2004. Family is having lots of money issues. They have not paid July bills b/c mom has been with TaTa in the hospital this whole time. We will be taking money at EPHS to help them out with bills, funeral expenses, and medical costs. Nothing formal is set up, but you can talk to Shelia Heppner-the secretary, Penny Berry-guidance counselor, or Joy Singleton-Special Education Teacher and we will get it to the family. Please pray about this and do what you can. They can use all the help they can, and I feel strongly that God calls us to help those in need-especially in our home community. Let's show this family the love and support we have in this county.

  5. ALEXANDER SCOTT- 8 lbs even 4/21/92

    named after Alexander the Great! Hey he was our firstborn

    and we have high hopes. Scott is something my

    hubby came up with on his own. Since he didn't

    think it through our son now has the inititials

    A.S.S. b/c our last name is Singleton. :o WHAT

    was he thinking? He should have thought this o

    one through.

    CHRISTOPHER ADAM- 6 lbs 7 oz. 2/15/95

    named after Christopher Robin- another one of

    my husband's great moments. He goes by

    Adam b/c of it's biblical reference. We thought

    was a good strong boy's name.

    ISABELLA CHRISTIAN- 3lbs 2 oz. 1/29/03

    Isabella was chosen because of complications

    with my pregenancy. It means dedicated to

    God. Belle is what we sometimes call her for

    short which means beautiful. Chrisitian is after

    my sister. I used to sing the song Sister Christian

    to my sis all the time growing up. :lol:

  6. I will give you a call tomorrow, what time is good for you?


    I did speech, PT, OT, and group therapy with my son. We started at 3 months old and stopped most of them when he turned 3. We continued with Speech for several more years. Now my son has a communication device that he uses alot of time...although mostly for school. We can understand most of what he says or wants. He is 9 years old now.


    Maybe I can give you some suggestions or something. So I will call you tomorrow.




    Antime after 12 noon. We are coming back from my parents house. I'm signing off the night, but I'll be at home all day tomorrow. Thanks for the support guys. This site is awesome!


  7. There is also a group called Parent to Parent. They can set you up with resources and other parents that are in your situation that you can talk to for support or advice.


    Their number is 770-451-5484


    Also depending on your area I know a fantastic Speech Therapist that I used with my son. Although she is no longer in this area, her partner is.(last I heard anyway)


    If you don't mind me asking...is any of her sensory problems with her face? If so then I can give you LOTS of ideas. My son is diagnosed with (Apraxia (sp) forgot the term) but it is where he has low muscle tone in the face/mouth. And it makes his speech very hard.


    We did alot of 'candy therapy'. Using things like a spinning sucker, a massager on his cheeks...to wake up the muscles, peanut butter on the roof of his mouth, and much more. He couldn't touch the sides of his mouth with his tongue or move his tongue sideways. If this is similar to your case then I can give you lots of advice.


    Yes, but she also does not do well with touch from unfamiliar objects.  SHe kept saying OWWWW tonight when raindrops hit her, won't dare finerpaint, play in sand, or walk in grass barefoot.  Also just jibber jabbers With nothing intelligible.  She is 2 and a half with a vocab of 20 words.  anything you could help me with would be great. 

    Joy Singleton


  8. I am new to PC.com- just joined yesterday!


    My question relates to my 2 year old daughter. She was just diagnosed with Sensory Integration Dysfuncyion and a Speech Language Delay. She has been referred to a special needs pre-school. I know very little about this and am having a hard time finding info on it. I am also having a hard time dealing with this, and am SO worn out from working with her this summer. I'm a teacher, and I decided to take her out of daycare to workwith her this summer to try and help her catch up. I love her SO much, but this is hard and frustrating too. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks so much,



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